Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1978, Blaðsíða 96

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1978, Blaðsíða 96
94 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR the relationship of weight at return to the time of release as well as the relationship of time of return to the time of release. Releases above and below the lagoon. Fig. 10 shows the survival for smolts re- leased conventionally from a rearing pond above the lagoon and for those trans- ported to a man-made channel close to the sea. The results indicate that the conven- tional releases are superior to the other type. This is true for all smolt types. The only smolts showing some reasonable sur- vival when released below the lagoon were 1-year smolts which were kept in warm water in order to enhance their smoltifi- cation. Why this group was superior to the others cannot be explained in this context. The outcome of this experiment is slightly contradictory since releases in a similar manner were reported in the 1973 tagging experiment (Isaksson, 1976) and gave 10—15% return. This phase of the experiment, therefore, is inconclusive and should be repeated. Release time Survival. In discussing survival for different release times, we will be confined to the groups released above the lagoon, since only they give resonable survival. The results are presented in Fig. 10. If we look at the 1 -year-normal and 2- year-outdoor smolts which are the only smolts with releases on all three dates, it is clear that the June releases are best, fol- lowed by May releases, but that the April releases are very poor. These results show that the traditional release of smolts in late May as performed in the past is not neces- sarily the right release time. The release time should probably be keyed more to climatic conditions in the spring and the smolts should be released only when they aré ready to migrate. The reason for the low survival in May compared to June is probably the fact that the fish released in May were not ready for migration; they probably stayed in the watershed for a month or more without food, being ex- posed to predation by birds and fish. The June-released smolts, on the other hand, were presumably ready to migrate when released and probably did so in a few days. As previously discussed, temperature plays a key role in smolt migration; thus, a cold spring could delay migration consid- érably. The spring of 1975 was unusually cold, as evidenced by the abnormally late migration of natural smolts from Ellidaár river that spring (Isaksson, Rasch, and Poe 1978). The peak of the smolt migra- tion probably occured around June 15, but previous studies (Gudjónsson, 1954) have indicated that peak smolt migration in part of Iceland takes place around June 1. April releases are clearly not suitable for the smolts concerned. It might be pos- sible, however, by the heating of rearing water to produce smolts which might be ready to emigrate in April. One such group, 1-year early, was used in the 1975 experiment, but due to lack of smolts was only released below the lagoon in April. This group was actually the only group that did have any significant survival when released in April, which might indi- cate the potential of research in that area. The smolts in Fig. 10 are listed from left to right in the order of delayed smoltifica- tion; thus, the 1-year-early smolts had 700
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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