Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 05.12.1925, Page 28

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 05.12.1925, Page 28
EFNISYFIRLIT (CONTENTS). I. kafli. Yfirlit yfir heilsufar og heilbrigðismál 1921—25. (On the state of the public health during 1921—25). Formáli (Preface) Prentvillur og leiðrjettingar (Corrigenda and addenda) English summary ............. I. ÁrferSi (climate) 1921—25 II. Fólksfjöldi, barnkoma oy manndauffi (Population, births and deaths) ......... III. Farsóttir (epidemic diseas- es) 1921—25 .................... 1. Hlaupabóla (chickenpox) 2. Taugaveiki (typhoid fe- ver) .................... 3. Skarlatssótt (scarlet fe- ver) .................... X 4. Mislingar (measles) .... XII 5. RauCir hundar (German measles) ................... XIV 6. Hettusótt (mumps) .......... XIV 7. Heimakoma (erysipelas) XV 8. Kverkabólga (acute ton- sillitis) .................... XV 9. Gigtsótt (acute rheumat- ism) ....................... XVII 10. Barnaveiki (diptheritis) . XVIII 11. Kíghósti (whooping cough) ....................... XX 12. Kvefsótt (acute bronch- itis) ........................ XX 13. Kveflungnabólga (lobular pneumonia) ........ XXIII 14. Influenza ............... XXIII 15. Lungnabólga (lobar pneu- monia) ...................... XXX 16. Iðrakvef (acute intestinal catarrh ....................XXXII 17. BlóSsótt (dysentery) .. XXXIII 18. Barnsfarasótt (puerperal fever .................... XXXIII 19. Gulusótt (epidemic jaun- dice) .................... XXXIII 20. Maenusótt (acute polio- myelitis) ................. XXXV 21. Svefnsýki (encephalitis lethargica) ............... XXXVII 22. Heilasótt (cerebro-spinal meningitis) .............. XXXVIII 23. Stjarfi (tetanus) .... XXXVIII 24. Erythema infectiosum. XXXVIII 25. Miltisbrandur (anthrax) XXXIX 26. Kossageit (impetigo con- tagiosa) ................... XXXIX IV. Affrir namir sjúkdómar. Krabbamein. (Other infec- tious diseases. Malignant tumors) ....................... XXXIX 1. Kynsjúkdómar (veneral diseases) .................. XXXIX Lekandi (gonorrhoea) .. XL Syphilis ..................... XLI Linsaeri (chancroid) .... XLII 2. Berklaveiki (tuberculosis) XLII 3. Holdsveiki (lepra) ..... XLIX 4. Sullaveiki (echinococcos- is) ....................•• XLIX 5. Krabbamein (malignant tumors) ...................... LII 6. Kláði (scabies) ............ LIII 7. Geitur (favus) .............. LIV V. Ýmsir kvillar (some diseases worthy of notice) ................ LV 1. Sykursýki (Diabetes) .. LV 2. Beinkröm (Rachitis.) ... LV 3. Heilaslag (Cerebral apo- plexy) ....................... LVI 4. Hypo- og hyperthyreosis LVII 5. Syringomyelitis ............ LVII 6. Stomatitis apthosa ......... LVII VI. Nokkur heilbrifjðismál (some sanitary questions) ............ LVII 1. Heilbrigðisstarfsmenn (Medical men and other health functionaries) .... LVII 2. Sjúkrahús og heilbrigðis- stofnanir (Hospitals and sanitary institutions) ... LIX III* IV* V* III IV VI VI VII



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