
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.05.2007, Qupperneq 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.05.2007, Qupperneq 8
8 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • 15 May 2007 Visit us on the web at http://www.lh-inc.ca David Jón Fuller You could be forgiven for thinking the Icelandic Festival had arrived in Manitoba early, given the Ice- landic activity in the province this April, culminating in the 88th Annual Icelandic National League Convention. It was a weekend of intense interaction, with Canadians and Americans of Icelandic descent meeting and visiting with each other and visitors from Iceland. There were politicians, artists, businessmen, scholars, writers, diplomats, engineers and musi- cians in the mix — the stated theme of “partnering with peo- ple” was apt. The Icelandic Festival of Manitoba was itself one of the partner organizations in this year’s convention at the el- egant Hotel Fort Garry. Other groups collaborating under the leadership of the Icelandic Ca- nadian Frón’s Serena Goebel and Susan Hjalmarson were the Canada Iceland Foundation, the Consulate of Iceland, the Uni- versity of Manitoba Department of Icelandic, The Icelandic Ca- nadian Magazine, Jon Sigurds- son Chapter IODE, Lestrarfé- lag, Lögberg-Heimskringla, the New Iceland Heritage Museum, and the Scandinavian Cultural Centre. Every INL Convention is marked by formal events such as the opening ceremonies, banquet and annual general meeting. There are often cul- tural, heritage and historical presentations, discussions and panels — and Winnipeg was no exception. Vi Bjarnason Hilton and Judy Thorsteinson led a bus tour of Icelandic Winnipeg, which included stops at Lög- berg-Heimskringla and the Scandinavian Cultural Centre. At the same time, Lestrar- félag contributed a strong com- ponent of poetry and literature with readings on the hotel’s mezzanine level, coordinated by Linda Sigurdson Collette. Poetry might have been the secondary theme of the conven- tion, as a poetry contest was held in the months leading up to the event, and winners were announced and awarded over the weekend. The organizers of the contest were David Gisla- son, Dr. Birna Bjarnadóttir and Svava Simundsson, and they re- ceived more than 40 entries on the theme of heritage, from all across North America. (Win- ning entries will be published in an upcoming issue of L-H.) Other highlights included a media panel discussion fea- turing Steinþór Guðbjartsson, reporter for Morgunblaðið; Joe Olafson, broadcast journal- ist for CTV Winnipeg; Lorna Tergesen, Editor of The Icelan- dic Canadian Magazine; and Jon Thordarson, Photo Editor at the Winnipeg Free Press. Throughout the entire week- end, up-to-the-minute coverage was provided by Holly Ralph, who recorded the proceed- ings and placed audio files of the events on the INL website (www.inlofna.org) shortly after they occurred. This year’s convention also saw the active participation of President of Iceland Dr. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson. Dr. Gríms- son kept a busy schedule. On Thursday evening he spoke at the University of Manitoba Ice- landic Alumni Reception at the Winnipeg Convention Centre. On Friday morning he was an honoured guest at a meeting of the Winnipeg Chamber of Com- merce. That same day he spoke at a special luncheon hosted by Premier of Manitoba Gary Doer, which highlighted the predominantly Icelandic Win- nipeg Falcons hockey team, and he also delivered the keynote address at the INL Convention that evening. On Saturday he met many of the artists and performers partic- ipating in NÚNA (now) at a re- ception hosted by Consul Gen- eral of Iceland Atli Ásmundsson and then attended the formal INL Convention Banquet. Adding to this high-pro- file visit, major Icelandic bank Landsbanki chose the Friday of the INL Convention to open its first branch in Winnipeg, scheduling the ribbon-cutting ceremony and follow-up recep- tion between the convention’s afternoon program and the opening ceremonies. The same day, Landsbanki signed a major agreement to support the Snorri Program, and was also a major sponsor of the convention. Another significant an- nouncement took place at the formal banquet, when Dr. Ken Thorlakson revealed that the Lögberg-Heimskringla Future Fund Campaign had received a pledge of an additonal three years’ free rent from Gordon Reykdal of Edmonton, AB; and also that Donald K. Johnson of Toronto, ON and Björgólfur Guðmundsson, CEO of Lands- banki, had partnered to cre- ate a matching grant fund of $250,000 — from now until the end of the campaign on June 17, all donations will be matched from that fund, literally dou- bling the contributions. Tim Samson, in his keynote speech at the banquet, mused on “the Icelandic question” — “who are you?” or “who are your people?” He commented on the importance of the many Icelandic groups collaborating on this year’s INL Convention. “The convention is a power- ful mechanism that brings us together,” he said, mentioning other such examples as Íslen- dingadagurinn, August the Deuce, the University of Mani- toba Icelandic Department and others. “It is the partnerships among us and these kinds of organizations that allow us to ask ‘Who are you?’ about our- selves. “What will the equivalent ‘Icelandic question’ be in the next generation?” Perhaps time — and future conventions — will tell. All things Icelandic PHOTO: DAVID JÓN FULLER From left: Dr. Ken Thorlakson, Future Fund Chair; Donald K. Johnson; Björgólfur Guðmunds- son; and Gordon Reykdal. Standing behind are David Gislason and Senator Curtis Olafson. INL Convention surpasses its goal of community involvement PHOTO: DAVID JÓN FULLER Susan Hjalmarson (left) and Serena Goebel. PHOTO: FRANK WILSON President of Iceland Dr. Óla- fur Ragnar Grímsson. PHOTO: LESLEY HUNTER Bus tour leader Vi Bjarnason Hilton (right) with Joe, one of the two bus drivers.



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