Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2021, Blaðsíða 17

Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2021, Blaðsíða 17
LAUGALÆ KUR KLETTAGAR!AR BANKASTR. AUSTUR- STRÆTI SKOTHÚSVEGUR TRYGGVAGATA GEIRSGATA VESTURGATARÁNARGATA BÁRUGATA ÖLDUGATA TÚNGATA TÚNGATA MARARG. KIRKJU SÓLVALLAGATA SÓLVALLAGATA H O LTSG ATA GRANDAVEGUR LÁGHO LTSVEGUR HÁVALLAGATA HOLTSG. ÁSVALLAGATA REYNIM ELUR VÍ!IM ELUR GRENIM ELUR Æ G ISÍ! A FORNHAGI DUNHAGI AR AG AT A ODDAG AT A HAGAM ELURMELHAGI NESHAGI HOFSVALLAGATA KAPLASKJÓLSVEGUR MEISTARAVELLIR ÁLAGRANDI EI!SGRANDI ARSTÍG UR BRÆ !RABORG FRAMNESVEGURSELJAVEGUR ÁNANAUST GRANDAGAR!URFISKISLÓ! H Ó LM ASLÓ ! TJ AR N AR GA TA SU ! UR GA TA LJ ÓSV AL LA GAT A HÓLA VA LL AG . A! AL ST R. SÆ M UNDAR GAT A BIR KIM EL UR FU RUM ELU R ESPIM ELUR Æ GI SG AT A ST "R IM AN N AS TÍ GU R G AR ! AS TR Æ TI GRETTISGATA FR AK KA ST ÍG UR NJAR!ARGATA NJAR!ARGATA N AU TH Ó LSVEG U R FLUGVALLARVEGUR M EN N TAVEG U R VAT NSSTÍ GUR KL AP PA R- S TÍ G U R BE RG ST A! AR ST RÆ TI BERGSTA!ARSTRÆ TI FR ÍK IR KJ U VE G U R PÓ ST H Ú SS TR Æ TI LÆ KJA RGATA IN GÓ LF SS TR Æ TI #I N G H O LT SS TR Æ TI Ó ! IN SG AT A #ÓRSGATA VONARSTRÆTI LOKASTÍGUR BALDURSGATA BRAGAGATA VI TA ST ÍG UR BA RÓ N SS TÍ GU R SN ORR AB RA UT SN OR RA BR AU T BARÓNSSTÍGUR SKÓLAVÖR!USTÍGUR LA U FÁ S VE G U R LAUFÁSVEGUR FJÖLNISVEGUR FREYJUGATA SÓ LEYJARG ATA NJÁLSGATA GAMLA HRINGBRAUT MIKLABRAUT MIKLABRAUT MIKLABRAUT LISTABRAUT OFANLEITI VATNSM"RARVEGUR #ORRAGATA EINARSNES BAUGANESSKILDINGANES BÚSTA!AVEGUR SU!URHLÍ! HRINGBRAUT SU !URG AT A HRINGBRAUT H RIN GBRAUT BERG#ÓRUGATA EIRÍKSGATA EGILSGATA HVERFISGATA LINDARGATA SÖLVHÓLSGATA SKÚLAGATA SÆBRAUT SÆBRAUT SÆBRAUT HÓLSVEGUR DYNGJUVEGUR DA LB RA UT KA M BS VE GU R H JA LL AV EG U R LA N G H O LT SV EG U R LAN GHO LTSVEGUR EF ST AS UN D EFSTASUN D VESTURGAR!AR KLETTAGAR!AR VATNAGAR!AR SUNDABORG KLEPPSVEGUR KLEPPSVEGUR BORGARTÚN BRÍETARTÚN HÁTÚN MI!TÚN SAMTÚN SÓLTÚN HÁTÚN SIGTÚN LAUGATEIGUR HOFTEIGUR KIRKJUTEIGUR HRAUNTEIGUR KIRKJUSANDUR HRÍS ATEIG UR LA UGARNESVEG UR SUNDLAUGAVEGUR BRÚNAVEGUR VE ST U RB RÚ N AU STU RBRÚ N RE YK JA VE G U R LAUGARÁSVEGUR SUNNUVEGUR SKIPASUN D HOLTAVEGUR ENGJAVEGUR ENGJAVEGUR GNO!ARVOGUR LJÓSHEIM AR ÁL FH EI M AR GO ! HE IM AR SÓ LH EI M AR SKEIFAN G RE N SÁ SV EG U R SU!URLANDSBRAUT ÁRM ÚLI ÁRMÚLI SÍ!UM ÚLI FELLSMÚLI HÁALEITISBRAUTSAFAM "RI LAUGAVEGUR LAUGAVEGUR ENGJATEIGUR FLÓKAGATA HÁTEIGSVEGUR BÓLSTA!ARHLÍ! SKAFTAHLÍ! ÚTHLÍ! SKÓGARHLÍ! ESKIHLÍ! BARMAHLÍ! STIGAHLÍ! MÁVAHLÍ! GRÆNAHLÍ! DRÁPUHLÍ! HAMRAHLÍ! VESTURHLÍ! BLÖNDUHLÍ! HÖRGSHLÍ! H Á AH LÍ ! AUTARH N Ó AT Ú N LA N G AH LÍ ! ST AK KA H LÍ ! ST AK KA H LÍ ! ST IG AH LÍ ! RE YK JA H LÍ ! KR IN GL U M "R AR BR AU T KR IN G LU M "R AR BR AU T ÁL FT AM "R I LÁ G M Ú LI H ALLARM Ú LI KR IN G LU M "R AR BR AU T RA U ! AR ÁR ST ÍG U R RA U ! AR ÁR ST ÍG U R #V ER H O LT M JÖ LN IS H . ÁS H O LT ST Ú FH . TR A! AR H . GU N N AR SB RA UT N ÓA TÚ N KA TR ÍN AR TÚ N I #Ó RU N N AR TÚ N STÓRHOLT M E!ALHOLT STANGARHOLT TÓ M ASARH AG I FÁLKAGATA STURLUAGATA EGGERTSGATA LYNGHAGI STARHAGI KVISTH AG I HJAR!ARHAGI STRÆTI SKÓLABRÚ LAUGAVEGUR BR OLT HRINGBRAUT N A UTH ÓLS VE GU R SKIPHOLT VESTURVALLAGATA M"RARGATA HAFNARSTRÆTI N"LENDUGATA BSÍ Coach Terminal Nordic House Culture Center University of Iceland National museum National library Hólavalla- gar!ur Cemetary Austur völlur Icelandic Parliament Reykjavík Domestic Airport Terminal Eagle Air Terminal Hlemmur Food Hall Sundhöllin Swimming Pool Landsspítali Hospital Laugar- dalslaug Swimming Pool Laugardalur Park Sigurjón Art Museum Vi!ey ferry Domestic Zoo & Family Park Botannical Gardens Camping site Kringlan Shopping Mall Laugar- dalshöll Sports Arena Ásmundarsafn Indoor Skating Rink City Hall Hallgríms- kirkja Church Lista- safn Einars Ásmunda- salur National Theatre The Culture House Bíó Paradís Reykjavík Art Museum Maritime Museum Marshall House Grandi Mathöll Saga Museum Harpa Concert Hall Nauthólsvík Beach Perlan Reykjavík University Kjarvalssta!ir Museum Hljóm- skála- gar!ur Park Vestur- bæjarlaug Swimming Pool National Gallery Aurora Reykjavik 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C # $# $!% A F E B H & ' !# $! " !& !' % !( $$ !) !$ $) * $( $' !* gothy fashionistas. Whilst most of the young Reykjavík crowd is wearing baseball caps and 90s throwback pieces, the older ones are often seen in flowing black capes and dresses. If you are into this particular 101 RVK look, this place is gold. 23. 12 Tónar Skólavör"ustígur 15 This city-centre record store is something of an institution, offering the unique experience of having the store staff ask about your music taste then sit you down with some headphones, and a pile of Icelandic records. It’s also a label that puts out many top Icelandic artists. A must- visit Reykjavík store. Note: They also have a small bar and occasionally some shows. drink. That's when this place thrives. 18. Kaldi Bar Laugavegur 20b IT'S OPEN! Yup, a small, stylish drinking hole popular with the after-work business crowd, Kaldi is a great place to feel a little classier and drink with dignity. The beer selection is top-notch, and the handcrafted interior tips the scales of upscale rustic charm. You can be certain that conversation will rule, not loud music. You also might meet important people, fall in love, and move to Seltjarnarnes. 19. American Bar Austurstræti 8 Football fans will rejoice in seeing the row of screens perennially tuned to sports channels above the bar, while troubadour aficionados will find in American Bar a great spot to listen to classic country music. Grab a rib and be happy. Shopping 20. Myrkraverk Studio Skólavör"ustígur 3 This hole-in-the-wall artist-run space is a true treasure for those seeking some edgier artworks. F eatur ing a rotating cast of Reykjavík ’s best underground artists, including Freyja Eilif, Solveig Pálsdóttir, Boot Foot Toys and Arngrímur Sigur"sson, it’s a feast for the eyes with art covering nearly every available piece of space. 21. Hildur Hafstein Klapparstígur 40 Hildur Hafstein is known for her sl ightly hippy, s l ightly witchy vibe—a lone jewellery shaman within the Icelandic scene. Filling a niche all her own, her mix of delicate jewellery with unusual shapes is truly a delight. Stop by her tucked away K lapparstígur studio to experience the magic in person. 22. Aftur Laugavegur 39 Aftur is a mecca for Iceland’s stylish Hringekjan (órunnartún 2, 105 Hringekjan translates to ‘carousel’ and it’s an apt name for the new spot, because to say this vintage store has a ‘rotating’ selection would be an understatement. Similar to a consignment shop, Hringek- jan is a space where people can rent out spaces to sell their own clothes and ac- cessories. It’s the most eco-friendly way to keep your closet fresh—you’re not getting fast-fashion or importing piec- es from the other side of the world. No, you’re just pushing the wheel of style- recycling, which, in light of our current world, is something we should all do more of. HJC New In Town ( 24. Tulipop Skólavör"ustígur 43 Tulipop serves up everything from lamps to wallets all covered in the cutest monsters you’ll ever see. The Icelandic brand’s flagship store is an explosion of pastels and neons. Seriously, Tulipop is the cutest. 25. 66° North Laugavegur 17-19 66 North is the OG brand in Iceland, donned by everyone from rural farmers to downtown fuckboys. Peruse their wares and it’s obvious why—their quality and aesthetics is impeccable. These are pieces that will last you not only your lifetime, but probably your grandchildren’s. ( Downtown & Harbour District Party Every Night. Cocktails! Live Music. Live Sports Coverage 50 different kinds of beer. Kitchen open from 11.00. Ribs - Burgers. Chicken Wings! AUSTURSTRAETI 8 • REYKJAVIK F


Reykjavík Grapevine

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