Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2021, Blaðsíða 23

Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2021, Blaðsíða 23
23The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 03— 2021 Whether we wanted it or not, eSports is on the rise. Across the world, tour- naments pack stadiums while players win millions of dollars and interna- tional fame just by popping off in the virtual world. Iceland is no different, though naturally on a smaller scale. Nonetheless, players are gaining recog- nition, more people are watching than ever before and kids all over the coun- try dream of becoming the next online superstar. Dusty eSports lead Iceland’s com- petitive gaming scene with their Coun- terStike Global Offensive (CSGO) team slaying in all domestic competitions. Bjarni Gu!mundsson, the lovely gin- ger CSGO team captain along with the team's ever smiling part-time coach and ex-player, Gunnar Ágúst Thoro- ddsen, have taken note of the rise in popularity and are now visualising a future where eSports take centre stage. Leading Iceland’s eSport scene The popularity of professional gaming on this little rock is in no doubt, Gun- nar emphasises, due to CSGO. “When you look at the viewer- ship on Twitch, you can see that most people here in Iceland are tun- ing into CSGO. It’s the same across all Scandanavian countries. For us in Iceland, I think it's so popular be- cause it has the longest legacy; people in Iceland have been playing it for so long and we have had semi-profession- al players dating back since the origi- nal 1.6 version of Counter Strike, before Global Offensive (CSGO) was out,” he explains. Dusty eSports are currently on a hot streak in Iceland, having won almost everything there is to win since Octo- ber 2019. But being the best in Iceland isn’t enough for Bjarni and his squad. As of now, the team is in the ESEA Main Division league, just shy of being rec- ognised as a professional team. “We’re always doing better and better in the international scene, but we’re not quite where we want to be—our goal is still higher,” says the captain. Gunnar is quick to add that their success has gained the attention of eS- ports fans in Iceland. “It took a while before people started paying attention to [Dusty]” Gunnar explains. “It wasn’t until the third season of the Icelandic league when people would tune into our streams and give us online sup- port.” “Yeah it was definitely after that third season when people started to no- tice me online and even in the street,” Bjarni admits, a shy smile on his face. “I’ve been called out in Reykjavík quite a few times by people who recognise me, especially if I wear something with the Dusty logo on it. It’s a weird feeling.” The times, they are a changin’ But it’s not just the players and coaches who have noticed the growth of the sport across the world, but the govern- ment too. The Icelandic government recently provided the Icelandic Elec- tronic Sports Association with 10 mil- lion ISK to develop coaching courses in electronic sports for jobseekers. It’s a topic Bjarni is passionate about—he clearly believes these new initiatives will change many people’s perspective on eSports in general. “I think the biggest thing is that this will help remove the stigma around eSports. The funding will help us get more coaches, buy more computers and, most importantly, it will have a long lasting effect for the next genera- tion of players,” he says. “People will take it more seriously and not think the sport is for kids who get bullied and just play games 12 hours a day.” Gunnar assuredly adds that this will not just help remove the stigma around eSports but will help competitors young and old. “Younger players will have an easier time becoming proper gamers now that there’s more infrastructure around it and older players who have stopped competing can stay involved in the scene by helping the new guys,” he adds. “For me, this is awesome and I think having paid coaching roles will attract a lot of people into a new ca- reer.” Dawn is breaking on a new era for eSports in Iceland. In the not so distant future, kids might be begging their parents to take them down to the eS- ports café to hone their skills, aim and reflexes. A career in eSports might be as highly respected as other athletes. These new celebrities will no longer be recognised by their name but instead by their online alias. The argument that gaming is not a professional career is outdated and now, being a profes- sional gamer is a reality for many. Or should we say, a virtual reality. Words: Owen Tyrie Photos: Hlynur Hólm Hauksson & Grétar Örn Gu#- mundsson Iceland eSports Levels Up! The dawn of an eSports era in Iceland Eddezen, one of Iceland's top Counterstrike eboys Bjarni Gu#mundsson, the sweet ginger ninja Nocco pls sponsor us


Reykjavík Grapevine

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