Atlantica - 01.09.2000, Page 9

Atlantica - 01.09.2000, Page 9
A T L A N T I C A 7 Sigurdur Helgason, President and CEO, Icelandair ICELANDAIR IN-FLIGHT MAGAZINE Head Office, Advertising: Iceland Review Nóatún 17 IS-105 Reykjavík Iceland Tel. (354) 511 5700 Fax (354) 511 5701 ISDN (354) 511 5716 Overseas Advertising Representatives: DENMARK: Jungersted og Brostrøm Allégade 8F DK-2000 Frederiksberg Denmark Tel. (45) 33 22 20 20 Fax (45) 33 22 99 59 SWEDEN: SAS Media AB Gävlegatan 18 B S-113 30 Stockholm Sweden Tel. (46) 8 797 03 00 Fax (46) 8 728 85 38 UK: JB Nordic Media Ltd. 20-28 Dalling Road Hammersmith London W6 0JB England Tel. (44) 181 742 6644 Fax (44) 181 563 7026 BENELUX: Media Partners Stroombaan 4 NL-1181 VX Amstelveen The Netherlands Tel. (31) 20 547 3600 Fax (31) 20 647 5121 FRANCE: Regie Club International (RCI) Immeuble Europe Avenue 62 bis avenue André Morizet F-92 643 Boulogne Billancourt cedex France Tel. (33) 1 55 60 88 13 Fax (33) 1 55 60 88 01 JAPAN: U. I. Media Service Inc. 1-22-23-306 Ebisu, Shibuya-Ku Tokyo 150 Japan Tel. (81) 3 5449 4909 Fax (81) 3 5449 4907 Punctuality of flights has always been one of the main concerns of airlines offering scheduled flights. The emphasis on, and supervision of, punctuality has however increased in recent years – in times of heavier air traffic and the increased demands of passengers who wish to attain their destinations in the minimum amount of time. Icelandair aims to meet the demands of its clients for shorter travelling time. The key factor has been the development of a unique route network, structured around the Mid-Atlantic hub at Reykjavík International Airport in Iceland. The company has developed a highly competitive ser- vice on a number of North Atlantic routes due to the geographical position of its hub, which enables Icelandair to offer the shortest travelling times between a number of city pairs in Europe and North America. And Icelandair customers have been quick to appreciate this fact. In order for this route network to operate well, everything must go exactly according to schedule to keep it punctual. It is, however, a fact at the moment, that delays can- not be completely eradicated, mostly due to heavy air traffic, and occasionally bad weather conditions or necessary maintenance. This is a fact well known to all Icelandair staff who have made every effort to ensure that flights arrive and depart at scheduled times. According to figures from the Association of European Airlines, on average, punctu- ality has worsened over the last few years, a fact which can mainly be traced to heavy air traffic through the world’s largest airports, and in the skies themselves. Icelandair has, however, over this time improved its punctuality. In monthly statis- tics, compiled by the Association of European Airlines this year on the punctuality of its 24 members, Icelandair has frequently been one of the top five most punctual European airlines. For the first half of this year, Icelandair has proved to be the fourth most punctual airline in North Atlantic routes, and in sixth place when it comes to all international flights. We are proud to have one of the best on-time records of European airlines, closely monitored by the Association of European Airlines. Icelandair aims to maintain its position as one of the most punctual airlines in Europe for years to come – for the benefit of our customers. Punctuality – the Key to Short Travelling Time ATL 5/00 07 Sig. Helga cmsx 21.8.2000 16:05 Page 7



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