Atlantica - 01.09.2000, Page 50

Atlantica - 01.09.2000, Page 50
Nothing on earth is as effective as inflight magazines. INFLIGHT MARKETING BUREAU Thank you. You’ve just proven our point. Advertising in inflight magazines does reach Very Important People. This message shows you that in the very same way you can get in contact with each and every Very Important Passenger on 70 airlines worldwide. And just one phone call will do, as the Inflight Marketing Bureau represents over 90% of the global inflight communications market. Our publications reach 2 billion passengers per year, estimated to be 3 billion by 2010. We offer you unique media and unique moments for effective communication. The synergy of means will give you maximum contact with your target group at surprisingly low cost. Need more proof? Get in touch with IMB’s Paris Head Office or the Inflight Specialist in your country and you’ll have the surveys of EMS, IATA and IATS at your fingertips. Head office for inflight advertising: Inflight Marketing Bureau, 62 bis, avenue André Morizet 92643 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex - France. Tel: + 33 1 55 60 88 20 - Fax: + 33 1 55 60 88 01 International representative in Iceland Iceland Review Sidumuli 6 108 Reykjavik Iceland Tel: -354 550 3000 - Fax. 354 550 3033 ATL. 5 00 bls.48 21.8.2000 15:03 Page 48



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