Atlantica - 01.11.2000, Side 30
28 A T L A N T I C A
hand, with a bunch of people Hyde knew
who also worked in Soho. During the
weekends, the atmosphere is very dif-
ferent, with tourists and out-of-towners
making up the majority of the crowds,
while the locals hang out elsewhere.
A lot has changed since pie, chips and
gravy represented the acme of English
cooking. Nowadays London is classed
as one of the three gastronomic capitals
of the world, which is not such an eye-
opener when you consider that the city
can boast around 10,000 restaurants,
cafés and bars. Faced with a choice of
food from over 60 countries, there’s no
excuse for not finding something to
your taste. Soho is without doubt at the
heart of the city’s food culture. Nowhere
are there more restaurants packed into
such a small space and the variety is
mind-boggling, whether you’re talking
menu or price. One of the newest eater-
ies in the area, which deserves a warm
recommendation, is Busaba Eataih on
Wardour Street. As the name suggests,
the focus is on Thai cuisine. This is a
place that has it all – fantastic food,
affordable prices and beautiful décor.
Prepare yourself to sit down with
strangers as the restaurant tables seat
12 and diners are expected to share.
Another popular Oriental spot, at the
other end of the spectrum from the tran-
quil Busaba, is Yo! Sushi at 52 Poland
Street. Here diners sit at a long convey-
er belt, selecting from dishes of sushi,
sashimi and tempura, just as the fancy
takes them. Add a robot rolling around
the floor with a tray of drinks and the
self-service ethos is complete. The only
time you really need the help of a wait-
er is at the end of the meal when the
dishes are counted, each colour-coded
according to price, and you pay at the
till as you leave. In the basement is Yo!
Below, where you can grab a pew and
listen as the waiters take it in turns to
belt out golden oldies. A couple of
doors down, at 59 Poland Street, is
Schnecke, offering good food at reason-
able prices from the Alsace region of
France. I could go on all day listing
desirable nosheries, but I’ll content
Icelandair flies daily between
London Heathrow Airport and
Keflavík International Airport where
passengers can connect to six North
American gateways.
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