Atlantica - 01.09.2004, Blaðsíða 78

Atlantica - 01.09.2004, Blaðsíða 78
76 A T L A N T I C A ATLANTICA BUSINESS SECTION Atlantica: Why has Landsbanki experienced such record growth? Halldór J. Kristjánsson: The economic situation has been favourable. The GDP growth in 2003 was about 4% and is forecasted to be 4.5% in 2004. Landsbanki has been successful in exploring new opportunities and today 68% of ICEX-listed (Icelandic Stock Exchange) corporates are banking with Landsbanki. Atlantica: The Icelandic market is relatively small. Explain how Landsbanki is expanding its opportunities. What does the future hold for Landsbanki? HJK: Icelandic growth has secured Landsbanki as the premier bank in Iceland. The Bank is the strongest in retail banking and deposits with approximately 30% market share. Landsbanki will continue to emphasise comprehensive retail banking services along with increased activities in investment banking and asset management. There will be fewer opportu- nities domestically than we have seen in the past 18 months. Diversification will be strengthened by organic expansion in Luxembourg and London. Furthermore, Landsbanki is increasing operations abroad, through acquisitions, increased direct lending and investment banking operations. The Chairman’s stated goal is that within 3 years at least 50% of revenues of the Group stem from international operation. Atlantica: What foreign markets look the most promising for Landsbanki? HJK: In looking for investment opportunities abroad Landsbanki’s main focus has been the UK market. Recently the targets have been redefined to include other countries within Northern-Europe and also larger oppor- tunities than have been explored before. The Bank has increasingly resort- ed to the European Capital markets to fund its increased international activities. Landsbanki has raised above Euro 1,500 million in 2004 and is expanding its geographic outreach to include France, Spain and Italy. Atlantica: Now that the privatisation of Iceland’s financial sector is com- plete, what are the changes you expect to see in the Icelandic banking sector? HJK: After the consolidation of Kaupthing and Bunandarbanki and new legislation hindering consolidation with the Savings Banks there are fewer opportunities left. There are still some smaller financial entities that could be acquired and merger between banks and insurance companies are possible. Further streamlining of the branch network system is possible. The number of bank branches in Iceland remained unchanged between 1997 and 2003 while electronic internet banking increased from 10 to 50 percent. Under new ownership and with new management initiative Landsbanki (The National Bank of Iceland) has overseen record profitability in the past six months, doubled in size in the last 18 months and has turned increasingly to the international market. Atlantica magazine met with Halldór J. Kristjánsson, the group managing director and CEO of Landsbanki to hear his perspectives on the development of the Icelandic banking sector. RECORDING RECORD PROFITS INTERVIEW 049 I-site ATL 504 24.8.2004 12:19 Page 76
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