Atlantica - 01.10.2006, Page 39

Atlantica - 01.10.2006, Page 39
PARIS a AT L A N T I CA 37 tells me over a delicate lamb tagine. “And people in Paris used to say to me: ‘Wally, take me to the Sahara’. They were not interested in the food then. They wanted the sand and the camels.” M. Wally became a successful tour operator, taking French tourists into the deep desert until the trou- bles in Algeria made the area unsafe for visitors. So M. Wally returned to his adopted city and opened its only restaurant specializing in food from the Sahara. He has had a lot of press cov- erage over the almost 30 years he has been in business, and a wall on one side of the restaurant is devoted to words of praise by journalists who love his take on the region’s cooking. “Our couscous is much fluffier,” he offers by way of explanation. “You don’t need any broth with it.” Obligingly, I try a forkful of the mound sitting at my place. It is the best I have tasted, fluffier and softer than any of the drier versions in other restaurants that I need to hydrate with broth. M. Wally’s cooking is so famous that he doesn’t even have a menu to speak of. Patrons show up and he serves them the same Saharan specialties he has been preparing since 1970: stuffed sardines, couscous and pastille, a traditional pigeon-filled pie. “It’s not up to the client to choose,” says M. Wally firmly. “It’s up to me. I think one of the best things about my restaurant is that there is no menu.” Our conversation moves to talk of the legend- ary Saharan hospitality. “In the Sahara there is no water, and so of course there is no fish,” he begins. “So when strangers or friends come to stay, we give them water and we give them fish, to show our hospitality. If we find a man wander- The menu at 404 waxes lyrical on the romance of North African cuisine: “It can enchant and delight, and even cure.” (Continues on pg. 39 ») 032-40ParisAtl506.indd 37 25.8.2006 0:55:11



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