Iceland review - 2007, Blaðsíða 22

Iceland review - 2007, Blaðsíða 22
28 ICELAND REVIEW interview Jonas Moody: What role does the Icelandic Language Committee (ILC) play in the country? Some call you the language police. Do you patrol the streets? Gudrún Kvaran: Our original purpose was not to protect the langu- age but to come up with neologisms [a new word, meaning or phrase]. But recent laws have changed our role to that of advisors on matters of the language. Our project now is to draft a language policy. People often think they know everything about the language, but the reality of the situation is different. JM: Does the language need to be conserved? GK: Certainly. It’s a crucial role of the committee to prevent foreign languages from having too much inf luence on Icelandic. Naturally, the language will evolve to some degree on its own, but it’s quite dangerous if we are exposed to too much inf luence from, let’s say, English. JM: But Iceland has always been a stickler when it comes to keeping the language pure, like wiping out a certain dialect called flámaeli and national campaigns to correct grammar. Are Icelanders loosening their grip? GK: Even if most don’t want to admit it, there is a tendency in people to protect their language. People fought against f lámaeli not because it was an inferior pronunciation, but because it caused vowels to run together, and it became hard to differentiate between words. JM: How about laws obliging citizens, including foreigners granted Icelandic citizenship, to take only approved Icelandic names? GK: Recently the naming laws have opened up because so many foreign- ers have settled here. Now they don’t have to change their names. Thus more and more Icelandic citizens have names that don’t work within Icelandic. This can have a detrimental effect on the entire declension system. JM: But besides not having names that work in the language, how about the larger problem of foreigners not being able to speak the language, period? Some even say that with the inf lux of foreign laborers, Icelandic is becoming the exclusive language of an upper class. GK: If immigrant workers come to stay in Iceland, then it should fall upon the employer to ensure the employee has decent instruction in Icelandic. Otherwise these people will meet the same fate as the work- ers in Germany, where Turkish people have become isolated from the rest of society. On the other hand, a playschool staffed by people who speak only broken Icelandic is doing a disservice to children who are at a formative stage in their language acquisition. The same is true of hospitals. People who are meant to care for patients must be able to understand at least the basic knowledge of a patient’s details. JM: How deep an impact is English making on those places where Icelandic society is most exposed like international business? GK: The effects are extensive. Some companies want to adopt English as their operational language, drafting all e-mails in English and so forth. But if people stop speaking Icelandic then there will be no voca- bulary in Icelandic. Then we find ourselves in the situation of having to switch over to English when speaking about business because the Icelandic terminology simply won’t exist after ten years or so. JM: My experience with Icelandic business people is that they don’t switch into English when the Icelandic vocabulary gets spotty, but rather they use sletta, which is a foreign word Icelandicized ad hoc. For example “e-mail” becomes í-meil. GK: If sletta becomes too common in parlance then it can pose a threat to the language. Look at Denmark, which ushered in all kinds of foreign words willy-nilly. The Danes woke up two or three years ago to the reality that their language was in shambles, a veritable pidgin English. Regrettably sletta has become commonplace in Iceland especially on blogs or in conversation because people can’t be bothered with the Icelandic. But sletta has always been considered a blemish on one’s language. No self-respect- ing academic would write an article using sletta. JM: I understand the ILC battles the blaze of sletta with a constant stream of neologisms, over a thousand each year. But do the words always stick? GK: Many of the constructed words don’t make it. But then all of a sudden a journalist might come up with his own neologism, and then it’s on everyone’s lips. I’ve scrutinized the words that make it and the words that don’t and often you can’t see a difference. They’re formed in the same way, but it’s the moment that determines their fate. JM: Any favorites? GK: The word “jet” used to be a mouthful thrýstiloftsflugvél [com pressed- air-f lying-machine], but then a journalist came up with the word thota [from the verb “to dash off”] and the other word hasn’t been heard since. JM: Any words you are surprised to see f lop? GK: The original neologism for “money laundering” was fjárböd [literally “money wash”], but it turned out that fjárböd was already in use as a medicinal rinse for mangy sheep. [The Icelandic word for “money” and “sheep” is the same – go figure.] So that one was doomed from the beginning. JM: J.R.R. Tolkien, the writer and linguist, once said that his favorite combination of words was cellar door. Do you have a morsel of Icelandic that strikes you as especially lovely? GK: Klógulur [literally “with yellow talons”]. It’s from a poem by Jónas Hallgrímsson where he’s describing an eagle. One word says so much, how the bird is descending on his prey, his talons are yellow… but soon enough they’ll be red. JM: Is this a metaphor for you with talons outstretched when you catch people using sletta? GK: Indeed, but they certainly won’t be yellow for long! For over 40 years the Icelandic Language Committee has stood as the steward of the nation’s language, with crackerjack Gudrún Kvaran at its helm for the last five years. Also the director of the university dictionary, the tabernacle of the Icelandic language, Kvaran has proven herself judge, jury and hangman when it comes to the people’s tongue. But don’t let her bookish looks fool you; Icelandic’s first lady is out for blood. Wordsmith of State by JonaS Moody Photo by Páll StefánSSon
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Iceland review

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