Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1971, Side 137
Útlitlð fyri áhalda.ndi vøkstri í fólkatali Føroya
figure it is estimated that the fertility rate will fall with Ve from 23 °/oo
to 19 or 18 °/oo, and the death rate will increase slowly to about 8 °/oo,
due to the agirag of the population. These trends together are estimated
to give a natural increase of about 10 °/oo, shown on the figure with a
dotted area in the lower, right side of the diagram. On fig. 4 the migra-
tions are taken in consideration. Abscissa = net migrations which can be
positive or negative. Ordinate = natural increase. Oblique lines = actual
increase. The migrations are calculated indirectly, using the known figures
for the total population in different years (the censuses) and the regis-
trated numbers of births and deaths. Usually there is a net migration out
from the Faroes. Only two periods in the 19 th century are showing net
immigration. As the peak is reached in the crude birth rate, the net emi-
gration is simultaneously increasing. Following the economic crisis in the
f.irst half of the 1950-ies, there is a very serious emigration, but later the
figures stahilizes on about 4 °/oo. With the supposed loweri-ng in natural
increase, the actual increase in the Faroese population is estimated to be
only 8 °/o or mayibe lower in the nearest future, (the dotted area). The
composistion of the net migration of the net migration stream to Den-
mark (figures for the total net migration are not available, but 80—85 %>
of the faroese migratioins are goirag to Deramark) are calculated as the
mean for the period 1961—68, fig. 3. The figure makes the remarkable
feature clear that 50 °/o of this stream is made up of women in the
class 15—19 years, and there is a net emigration in all classes except
for men in the class 25—29 years, which balances. This distorted
composition of the net migration stream results in an ever increasing
number of men per 100 women. In earlier periods there was a surplus of
women. The proportion balanced in 1921 and 1925, but in 1966 there
were 110 men per 100 women.
The outlook for the future growth of the faroese population is, accor-
ding to these estimates for the near future, not very brigth. The main
causes are the present lowering in the birth rate and the distortion of the
composition of the population, caused by the serious surplus emigration
of young women.
Atlas over Sverige.
Brakkehus, K.: Befolkningsgeografi. Medd. fra Geogr. Inst. Kompendium.
Oslo 1969.
Clark, ]. I.: Population Geography. 1965.
Guttesen, R.: Færøernes interne og externe migrationer 1956—65. (marg-
faldað). 1969.
Guttesen, R.: Færøernes migrationer 1961—65, med kort befolkningsbe-
skrivelse. Geografisk Tidsskrift, bind 69, 1970.