Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1998, Blaðsíða 27
A Check-list of Fungi
recorded from the Faroe Islands
Yvirlit yvir soppar, sum eru skrásettir í Føroyum
Jan Vesterholt
Botanical Museum, Gothersgade 130, 1123 København K.
Phone: +45 35322200, Fax: +45 35322186, e-mail:
Eitt dagført yvirlit yvir soppar, sum eru skrásettir í Før-
oyum, verður lagt fram. Til samans eru 610 sløg í yvir-
iitinum, og næstan 300 teirra eru funnin fyri fyrstu ferð
undir rannsóknum í tíðarskeiðnum frá 1988 til 1994.
An updated check-list of fungi recorded from the Faroe
Islands is presented. A total of 610 species are listed of
which almost 300 have been found as new to the Faroes
during expeditions in the period from 1988 to 1994.
The first important contribution to the
knowledge of fungi of the Faroe Islands
was made by the Danish teacher and ama-
teur mycologist F.H. Møller. His ‘Fungi of
the Færoes’ was published with the first
volume in 1945 and the second in 1958. A
very large number of the species listed by
Møller were collected by himself during a
three-month stay in 1938.
There has never been a local tradition of
collecting fungi on the Faroes, and fungi
are generally held in low esteem. The first
popular book on fungi in the Faroese lan-
guage was published only a few years ago
(Petersen etal., 1994).
Very few local inhabitants have become
interested in fungi during the years, and
only to a limited extent. Therefore, most of
our knowledge is due to mycologists from
abroad, who have visited the islands during
the summer period.
In recent years a large number of collec-
tions have been made by Jacob Heilmann-
Clausen (1994), Morten Lange (1961 and
1987), Jens H. Petersen (1988 and 1989),
Erik Rald (1988) and Jan Vesterholt (1981,
1988, 1989, 1992 and 1994). Furthermore,
Gro Gulden, Torbjørn Borgen and Karin
Toft have also collected fungi on the
During the 1990s, three papers devoted
to or including Faroese fungi have been
published, one on Entoloma subgenus Lep-
tonia (Vesterholt and Brandt-Pedersen,
1990), one on Descolea (Vesterholt and
Petersen, 1992) and one on lignicolous
Aphyllophorales (Vesterholt and Petersen,
1993). A paper dealing with the genus Ga-
lerina (by Gulden and Vesterholt) is in
There is still a large number of collec-
tions from the Faroes, which are awaiting
critical studies. This is especially the case
the with inoperculate discomycetes and
Fróðskaparrit 46. bók 1998: 33-65