Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1998, Blaðsíða 309
Environmental Conditions on the SW
Iceland Shelf over the Last 500 Years
Umhvørvisumstøður í útsynningspartinum á íslendska
landgrunninum tey seinastu 500 árini
Anne E. Jennings1, Sveinung Hagen2, Astrid E.J. Ogilvie3, Jorunn Hardardottir4
and Ruediger Stein5
1: Campus Box 450, INSTAAR, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0450
phone 303-492-7621, fax. 303-492-6388, email:
2: Institute of Biology and Geology, University of Tromsø, 9037 Tromsø, Norway
3: Campus Box 450, INSTAAR, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0450
4: Campus Box 450, INSTAAR, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0450
5: Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Columbusstrasse, 27568 Bremerhaven, Germany
Umhvørvisbroytingar frá 1400 til 1993 vórðu greinaðar
við at brúka royndir úr einum kassakjama, sum varð
tikin upp úr útsynningspartinum á íslendska land-
grunninum. Lívrunnið kolevni, støðug C og O istotop-
lutføll, foraminiferal savnan og áløgumagnetisk para-
metur vórðu máld móti royndum úr kjarnanum. Hetta
tilfar varð plottað móti kalendaraárum og samanborið
við vísitalvur yvir havís úr Islandi. Smáar, men reglu-
fastar, broytingar í hesum proxies vórðu tulkaðar á tann
hátt, at tær vístu økt jarðarslit í Islandi, minni gróður í
havinum og minkað saltinnihald f sambandi við, at
sjógvurin flutti seg suðureftir millum umleið 1790 og
Extended abstract
Multiple environmental proxies were mea-
sured on a 54 cm long box core taken from
the SW Iceland shelf in 1993 during cruise
93030 of the Canadian ship, CSS Hudson.
The core was raised from Jokuldjúp, a
basin on the shelf where sediments from
the last deglaciation to the present are pre-
served in a 20-m thick sequence. Our inter-
est in analysing the core was in recovering
a detailed record of environmental condi-
tions during the last several centuries. The
site is under the influence of the Irminger
Current, which carries warm, saline At-
lantic water northward along the shelf. Be-
cause of the warmth of this current, sea ice
has rarely been observed in this area, even
during the most severe sea-ice intervals of
the historical record.
The chronology of the core was estab-
Fróðskaparrit 46. bók 1998: 315-316