Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1998, Blaðsíða 293
Fig. 1. Map of north-west Europe showing the distribution of terrestrial sites around the North Atlantic with
confirmed occurrences of the Vedde Ash, the Saksunarvatn Ash and the Laacher See Tephra (LST). lslands in the
Baltic Sea: B = Bomholm; R = Riigen. Sites are takenfrom Mangerud et al (1984, 1986), van den Bogaard and
Schmincke (1985), Bennett et al. (1992), Bjorcket al. (1992), Norðdahl and Hafliðason (1992), Merkt et al.
(1993), Bard et al. (1994), Bunting (1994), Juvigneetal. (1995), Birks et al. (1996), Roberts (1997), Turney et al.
(1997), Wastegárd et al. (1998) and in preparation. The dispersal fans are drawn according to these sites, but the
northem distribution ofthe Vedde Ash (long dashes) and Saksunarvatn Ash (short dashes) can probably be
extended towards north, since many marine coresfrom the Norwegian Sea have recorded these. The north-eastem
fan ofthe LST (solid lines) is drawn according to van den Bogaard and Schmincke (1985) and Juvigne et al.
(1995). Note that the LST in the northemmost site, north-west ofGotland in the Baltic Sea has not been
geochemically confirmed. This site is often erroneously placed north-east of Gotland in maps showing the
distribution of the areal distribution ofLST (e.g. van den Bogaard and Schmincke, 1985).
Mynd 1. Kort, sum vísir útbreiðsluna av støðum á landi kring Norðuratlantshavið, har ið Vedde-øska,
saksunarvatnsøska og Laachervatns-tefra (LST) eru staðfest. Oyggjar í Eystarasalti: B = Bomholm; R = Rtigen.
Støð em tikin úr Mangerud et al. (1984, 1986), van den Bogaard and Schmincke (1985), Bennett et al. (1992),
Bjðrck et al. (1992), Norðdahl and Hafliðason (1992), Merkt et al. (1993), Bard et al. (1994), Bunting (1994),
Juvigne et al. (1995), Birks et al. (1996), Roberts (1997), Tumey et al. (1997), Wastegárd et al. (1998) og í
umbúna. Útbreiðsluviftan er teknað (samsvari við hesi støð, men tann norðara útbreiðslan av Vedde-øsku (langar
strikur) og saksunarvatnsøsku (stuttar strikur) kann møguliga leingjast norðureftir, av tí at hesar em skrásettar í
nógvum havborikjamum úr Norska havinum.Landnyrðingsviftan av LST (óbrotnar strikur) er teknað sambært van
den Bogaard and Schmincke (1985) og Juvigne et al. (1995). Gev gætur, at LST í tí norðasta staðnum, í ein
útnyrðing úr Gotlandi, er ikki jarðevnafrøðiliga staðfest. Hetta staðið er mangan av órøttum sett at vera í ein
landnyrðing úr Gotlandi á kortum, sum vísa útbreiðslu av LST-økisútbreiðsluni (t.d. van den Bogaard and
Schmincke, 1985).