Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1974, Blaðsíða 125

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1974, Blaðsíða 125
RITÁ ERLENDUM TUNGUM (1970) - Special issue 2. U. N. Symposium on the Development and Utilization o£ Geother- mal Resources. Vol. 2, Part I. Pisa 1970. BIs. 73-76. 4to. PHILLPOTTS, BERTHA S. Edda and Saga. Reprint. London 1973. 256 bls. 8vo. PÓST- OG SÍMASKÓLINN. Forelesningshefte i bfílgetransmisjon. Utarbeidet ved K. Fasteng. [Rvík 1972]. (1), I, 77, (1) bls. 4to. RASMUSSEN, PETER. Oversigt over det danske udtrykssystems historie. 2. udgave. Fremstillet som manuskript. [Fjölr.] Rvík 1972. 93 bls. 4to. REGULATIONS for The Bonded Warehouse Ltd., Reykjavík. [Rvík 1972]. 12 hls. 8vo. SAABYE, MARIANNE. Thorvaldsen. Guide book for young people. Translation: Susanne Lind- gren. Design: Mette Mowrier. Kbh. 1972. (40) bls. Grbr. SAMBAND ÍSLENZKRA SAMVINNUFÉLAGA. Samband of Iceland. Annual report 1971. (70th year). [Rvík 1972]. 18 bls., 4 mbl. 4to. SAMVINNUTRYGGINGAR. Mutual Insurance Company. Andvaka. Mutual Life Ins. Company. Samvinnutryggingar Reinsurance Co. Ltd. Accounts 1971. Rvík [1972]. 21, (1) bls. 8vo. SCANDINAVIAN CONGRESS OF PSYCHIA- TRY, SEVENTEENTH. 8.-11. August 1973, Reykjavík. Main Topics. Psychiatric Services. Planning and Organization and Family Thera- py. Abstracts. Edited by Þórður Möller. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Supplementum 243 1973. Kbh. 1973. [Pr. í Rvík]. 73 bls. 8vo. SCHACH, PAUL. Some Observations on the Helgafell Episode in Eyrbyggja saga and Gísla saga. [Saga og sprák. Austin, Texas 1972]. Bls. 113-145. 8vo. SEÐLABANKI ÍSLANDS. Central Bank of Ice- land. Annual report 1971. Rvík 1972. 93 bls. 4to. SHORT STORIES OF TODAY. By twelve mo- dern Icelandic authors. Translated by Alan Boucher. Iceland Review Library. Rvík 1972. 95 bls. 8vo. SIGURDSSON, HALLDÓR. Brasilien. A-B orien- tering. 2. udgave. Kbh. 1972. 31. (1) bls. 8vo. SIGURDSSON, SVEN Þ. Gravity Survey on West- ern Vatnajökull. Sérprent úr Jökli, 20. ár. 125 Reprinted from Jökull, 20. [Rvík] 1970. (1), 38. - 44. bls. 4to. SIMONARSON, B., and D. C. WATTS. Purifica- tion and Properties of Adenosine Triphosphate- Creatine Phosphotransferase from Muscle of the Dogfish Scylliorchinus canicula. Biochem. J. 128. [Sérpr. Að mestu úrdráttur úr doktors- ritgerð Baldurs Símonarsonar. London] 1972. Bls. 1241-1253. 4to. SPECIALIST ICELAND. Travel guide. The Geo- graphic Magazine. Volume XLV. Number 7. [Úrtak]. London 1973. Bls. 479. 4to. STATISTICAL BULLETIN. Vol. 41. [Rvík] 1972. 4 nos. (64 bls.) 8vo. STEBLIN-KAMENSKIJ, M. I. The Saga Mind. Translated by Kenneth H. Ober. Odense 1973. 171 bls. 8vo. STEFÁNSSON, BJÖRN S. Mathematical aggre- gation of preferences. [Fjölr.] Rvík 1973. (1), 20 bls. 8vo. STEINER, GEORGE. The Sporting Scene: White Knights of Reykjavik. London 1973. 67 bls. 8vo. STEPHENSEN, MAGNUS. Kort Beskrivelse over den nye Vulcans Ildsprudning i Vester-Skapte- fields-Syssel paa Island i Aaret 1783. E. J. Stardal sá um útgáfuna. Jólabók ísafoldar 12. Rvík 1971. 88 bls., 1 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8vo. STÚDENTARÁÐ HÁSKÓLA ÍSLANDS. Nation- al Union of Icelandic Students. Union Natio- nale des Édudiants d’Islande. [On the Icelan- dic fishery limits. Fjölr. Rvík 1972]. 10 bls., 1 uppdr. 4to. STUDIA ISLANDICA. íslenzk fræði. Ritstjóri, Editor: Steingrímur J. Þorsteinsson. 31. hefti. Studia Islandica 31. Grímur Thomsen: On the character of the old Northern poetry. Edited and introduced by Edward J. Cowan and Hermann Pálsson. Edward J. Cowan: Icelan- dic studies in eighteenth and nineteenth cen- tury Scotland. Gefið út með styrk úr Sáttmála- sjóði. Rvík 1972. 159 bls. 8vo. SURTSEY RESEARCH PROGRESS REPORT. VI. Primarily 1969 and 1970 field seasons. Rvík 1972. 167 bls. 4to. SURVEILLANCE OF VOLCANIC ACTIVITY IN ICELAND as illustrated by the Heimaey, 1973, eruption. A. G. Sylvester, T. Siggerud, T. Narvestad, J. Mathisen and O. Hagen. Uni-
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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