Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1996, Side 115
Arneborg,Jette, 9.10.1992 og 17.5.1993.
Árnadóttir, Lilja, 14.12.1990.
Batzer.Anne Hojrup, 13.5.1993.
Gísladóttir, Margrét, 10.3.1998.
Hákonardóttir, Hildur, 4.4.1991 og 25.5.1993.
Magnússon, Þór, 11.9.1992.
Olafsson, Guðmundur, sumar 1992, apríl 1993, nóvember 1997 og janúar-febrúar 1998.
Pálsson, Lýður, 26.5.1993.
Tómasson, Þórður, 13.3.1991 og 26.5.1993.
Warp-weighted Looms in Iceland and Greenland
In the paper the author compares parts of mediaeval warp-weighted looms excavated in
Greenland and preserved parts of Icelandic warp-weighted looms from the eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries in the National Museum of Iceland and in several Municipal
Museums in Iceland. The comparison indicates that the mediaeval looms from Greenland
and those used in Iceland into the nineteenth century were of a similar type.The article
has appeared in English under the title „Warp-Weighted Looms in Iceland and Green-
land. Comparison of Mediaeval Loom parts Excavated in Greenland in 1934 and 1990-
92 and Loom Parts from Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Warp-Weighted Looms in
Iceland. Preliminary Remarks," in the collection of conference papers Archdologische
Textilfunde - Archaeological Textiles. Textilsymposium Neumunster 4.-7.5.1993 (NESAT V)
(Neumúnster, 1994), pp. 178-195. (Copies of the paper from 1994, with corrections of
editorial mistakes, can be obtained upon request from the author.) The present Icelandic
translation includes some minor revisions.