Lögberg - 15.04.1943, Page 8

Lögberg - 15.04.1943, Page 8
8 LÖGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN 15. APRJL 1943. Úr borg og bygð MATREIÐSLUBÓK Kvenfélags Fyrsta lúterska safnaðar í Winnipeg. Pantanir sendist til: Mrs. E. W. Perry, 723 Warsaw Ave.; Mrs. E. S. Feldsted, 525 Dominion Street. Verð $1.00. Burðargjald 5c. ♦ -f -f Mr. Allan *A. Béck, sonur þeirra Johanns Th. Beck fram- kvæmdarstjóra, og Mrs. Beck, hlaut hæztu einkun í fiðlulbik (Elementary Grade), í nýaf- staðinni, árlegri hljómlistarsam- keppni Manitobafylkis. Kennari hans er John Waterhouse, einn af ágætustu fiðlukennurum í þessu landi. Allan er aðeins 10 ára að aldri, og listrænn mjög, eins og þau Beck-systkinin öll eru. ♦ -f -f Mr. James H. Page, forstjóri Canadian Fisheries Ltd., Mr. Charles Grenberg frá Gimli, og Mrs. S. E. Sigurðson, fóru suð- ur í Bandaríki á sunnudaginn í hálfs mánaðar ferðalag. f f -f Veitið athygli auglýsingunni um árslokahátíð Laugardags- skóla Þjóðræknisfélagsins, sem haldin verður í Sambandskirkj- .unni næsta laugardagskvöld, og birt er á öðrum stað hér í blaðinu; þetta er hátíð íslenzkr- ar æsku, helguð íslenzkri tungu’ og íslenzkum menningarerfðum. Fjölmennið. • f f f Nýlega lézt að Lundar, Man., Miss Björg Thorkelsson. er um Jangt áraskeið hafði stundað skólakenslu í bygðarlögunum við Manitobavatn, hin mesta gáfukona og vinsæl af öHum, er til hennar þekktu. Hún var jarðsungin að Otto, af Rev. Oyegaard. — Mrs. Ögmundur Bildfell hér í borg, er systir hinnar látnu. f f f Mr. G. F. Jónasson, forstjóri Keystone Fisheries Limited, la,gði af stað í mánaðarferð suður í Bandaríkin um miðja fyrri viku, ásamt frú sinni. Messuboð Fyrsta lúterska kirkja. Winnipeg Séra Valdimar J. Eylands, prestur 776 Victor St.—Phone 29 017 .Guðsþjónusta á hverjum Sunnudegi. Á ensku kl. 11 f. h. Á íslenzku kl. '7. e. h. Sunnudagaskóli kl. 12:15. Allir æfinlega velkomnir. * * * Lúlerska kirkjan í Selkirk: Pólmasunnudag. Sunnudagaskóli kl. 11 árd. Ensk messa kl. 7. síðd. Messað á föstijdaginn langa kl. 3. Allir boðnir velkomnir. S. Ólafsson. f f f Áætlaðar messur í Gimli prestakalli: Pálmasunrtudag. Betel kl. 9,30 árd. Gimli kirkja,- kl. 2. síðd. S. Ólafsson. f f f Páskaguðsþjónusta í Vancouver. verður ef Guð lofar, haldin í dönsku kirkjunni á E 19th Ave. og Burns St., páskadaginn. Guðs þjónustan. fer fram bæði á ís- lenzku og ensku. Allir boðnir velkomnir. R. Marieinsson. . f f f Messa í Mikley. 18. apríl—Mikley, messa kl. 2. e. h. B. A. Bjarnason. f f f Mr. Peter Anderson, korn- kaupmaður, kom heim á mánu- daginn, eftir tveggja mánaða dvöl í Miami, Florida. f f f María Árnason, 83 ára að aldri, lézt síðastliðinn sunnudaga að Mrs. Perry’s Nursing Home, Wardlaw Ave. hér í borginni; hún var fædd á Leifsstöðum í Svartárdal í Húnavatnssýslu. Útförin fór fram frá Bardal á miðvikúdaginn. Séra Valdimar J. Eylands, jarðsöng. MINNIST BETEL í ERFÐASKRÁM YÐAR Lokasamkoma Laugard agsskólans verður haldin í^Sambandskirkjunni á Banning St., Laugardaginn 1 7. Apríl, kl. 8.30 e.h. SKEMTISKRÁ. 1. O, Canada. 2. Ávarp samkomustjóra — Séra V.J. Eylands. 3. Leikur. “Skósmiðurinn og álfarnir”. — 12 börn. 4. Framsögn. — Bergmann bræður. 5. Píano sóló. — Jeannie Masson. 6. Leikur. “Helga í öskustónni”. — 8 börn. 7. Fiðlu sóló. — Allan Beck. 8. Framsögn. — Lilja Marie Eylands. 9. Víkivakadans. — 16 börn. 10. Kórsöngvar — Gönguvísa, Litla Stína, í skóg, Bí, bí og blaka. 11. Ávarp. — Mrs. E. P. Jónsson. Eldgamla ísafold. Aðgangur 25 cent. Ókeypis fyrir börn inn 14 ára aldurs. Always ask your Grocer for “Butter-Nut Bread” Rich as bulter — Sweet as a Nut "Tha Quality goes in before the name goes on" CANADA BREAD CO., LTD. Frank Hannibal mgr. Samkvæmi það, er Víking Club efndi til hér í borg í fyrri viku, var vel sótt. og fór að öllu leyti hið bezta fram. Forsæti skipaði Mr. J. T. Jónas- son. Ræðu flutti Mr. Carl Sim- onson, skólakennari af sænsk- um ættum, um lýðræðisfyrir- komulagið, og benti á eitt og a.nnað er því væri ábótavant í þessu landi, og ýmissar leiðir, er hann öðrum fremur, taldi líklegar til. umbóta; var góður rómur gerður að máli hans. Með söng ' og hljóðfæraslætti skemtu þær Mrs. Lincoln John- son og Miss Snjólaug Sigurðs- son; fanst samkvæmisgestum mikið til um tækni þeirra og tóntúlkan, hvorrar um sig. f f f Veitið athygli auglýsipgunni í þessu blaði, þar sem óskað er eftir matreiðslukonu á Elliheim- il^ð Betel á Gimli. Aðbúðin á Betel er slík, að eigi getur aðra betri, og mælir alt með því, að stofnunin fái greiðlega allan þann vinnukraft, er hún þarfn- ast. f f f S. 1. laugardag, 10. þ. m. voru Miss Helen Janet Patterson og Elmer Lawrence Arason, bæði frá Cypress River, Man., gefin saman í hjónaband af séra Philip M. Péturssyni, að heimili hans, 640 Agnes St. Brúðurin er af skozkum ættum en brúð- guminn er sonur þeirra Tryggva S. Arasonar og Olive Thordar- son konu hans. Þau voru að- stoðuð af Miss Isabelle Patter- son, systur brúðarinnar og Bry- an H. Arason, bróður brúð- gumans, einnig bæði frá Cypress River. f f f Síðastliðinn laugardag lézt í Selkirk, frú Björg Þorsteinsson, kona Bjarna Þorsteinssonar ljós- myndasmiðs; hún var dóttir Jóns Jónssonar fyrfum Alþingis- manns frá Sleðbrjót og Guð- rúnar konu hans. Björg var því nær hálfsjötug, er dauða henn- ar bar að; hún var fríðleiks- kona hin mesta á yngri árum, góðhjörtuð og vinföst, en naut, sín aldrei að fullu mikinn part æfinnar vegna þrálátrar van- heilsu. Björg giftist eftirlifandi manni sínum á íslandi 1898, en til Canada fluttust þau hjónin árið 1903. Auk manns síns, lætur Björg eftir sig þrjá sonu, Jón í Nar- wood, Thorstein í New West- minster, og J. M. Þorsteinsson í Selkirk; einnig tvær dætur, Mrs. G. C. Funk og Mrs. Önnu Magnússon, báðar búsettar í Selkirk. Þrjár systur lætur Björg eftir sig, þær Ragnheiði Guðmundsson í Leslie, Helgu Arnason í Riverton og Ingi- björgu Eggertsson að Vogar. Tveir bræður Bjargar eru á lífi, Páll og Jón, báðir í Vogar pósthéraði. Útför Bjargar fór fram í dag frá lútersku kirkjunni í Selkirk. Séra Sigurður Ólafsson jarð- söng. f f f Samskol í úivarpssjóð Fyrslu lúiersku kirkju. Mrs. Pálína Thordarson, Up- ham N.D. $0.50. Mrs. Margaret Johnson, Upham, N.D. $0.50. Björn Stefánsson, Hallson, N.D. $1.10. Kærar þakkir. V. J. Eylands. Steele,Briggs Seeds • Bezt fyrir akurinn • Bezt fyrir garðinn ÚTSÆÐI FRÁ STRÖND TIL STRANDAR • Skrifið efiir 1943 sáðlisia • Vér höfum GRAS og SMÁRAFRÆ STEELE.BRIGGS SEED Cfl. Limited Winnipeg — Regina Edmonton Þann 10. þ. m., voru gefin saman í hjónaband í St. Ignatius kirkjunni hér í borginni, þau Miss Dorene Mavis Hayden, og Pilot Officer Baldur S. Sigurd- son, sonur Sigurbjörns Sigurðs- sonar Assistance Director of Game and Fisheries í Mani- toba, og frúar hans. Heimili ungu hjónanna verður fyrst um sinn í Souris, Man. f f f Herra Ásbjörn Magnússon frá Reykjavík, sem dvalið hefir við fluglistarnám hér í borginn dá- lítið á annað ár, og lýlega lauk fullnaðarprófi, lagði af stað heim til íslands á sunnudaginn var. Ásbjörn er prúður maður í fram göngu og eignaðist hér fjölda vina, er nú árria honum góðs brautargengis, og ánægjulegrar heimkomu. f f f Dr. Richard Beck forseti Þjóð- ræknisfélagsins, kom til borgar- innar á föstudaginn var, og stjórnaði fundi í framkvæmda- nefndinni á laugardaginn; bann hvarf heimleiðis daginn eftir. Matreiðslukona óskast Hæf, íslenzk matreiðslukona, sem vön er íslenzkum mat- |j artilbúningi, og matreiðslu yfirleitt, óskast nú 'þegar á Elliheimilið Betel á Gimli. Upplýsingar hjá forstöðukonu stofnunarinnar, Miss Ingu Johnson, eða með því að hringja upp 403288. Páskavikan í Fyrstu Lútersku Kirkju Pálmasunnudag. Kl./ll. Guðsþjónusta á ensku með altárisgöngu Kl/7. e. h. Guðsþjónusta á íslenzku. Skírdagskvöld. Kl. 8. Altarisganga á íslenzku. Páskadaginn. Hátíðamessur á venjulegum tíma bæði að morgni . og kvöldi. Aannan Páskadag. Kl. 7,30. “The Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord”. Hátíðar-kantata, sungin af yngri söngflokk safnaðarins, undir stjórn Mrs. Eric Isfeld. Ein- söngvárar: Mrs. Pearl Johnson og Kerr Wilson. Allir æfinlega velkomnir. C.W.A.C. Main Purpose Release Fit Men From of Lighter Duties by The Editor Many Ganadian Girls are asking themselves “What can I do to help win the War?” They are engaged now on the farms,* in the stores, in the offices and in the class- rooms of our schools, essentiai occupations which must be carried on along the home front. But the Army, too, has its home front with thousands of fit men engaged in sedentary and non-fight- ing tasks. Every unit has its quota of clerks, cooks and men carrying out duties which are essential to the proper co-ordination of a mili- tary unit. Thousands of virile, physically fit men are now engaged in these duties and it was to release such men from the chains of non- active service that the Canadian Women’s Army Corps was formed. Women will form the futúre base troops of the Canadian Army. With women enlisted for these services, the fighting strength of Canada’s Army is automatically increased by the numerical strength of the Can- adian Women’s Army Corps. The well-known Winnipeg car- toonist, Harry Gutkin, has depicted in striking from the purpose and objectives of the C.W.A.C. He has shown the active Canadian soldier chained to tasks from which the women of the C.W.A.C. will release him to take his part alongside his brothers on the field of battle. Cap- tain Norton Anderson, Public Re- lations Officer for M.D. 10 has stated the position of the C.W.A.C.’s suc- cinctly wherj he said, “We want one thousand recruits for the C.W.A.C. from Manitoba during the next four weeks. These one thousand women will release one thousand men for the Active Service Force and wili be as effective to us as recruiting one thousand fit men.” The life of a member of the C.W. A.C. is an intereeting one and far more shelt«red even than that of the girl who leaves her country home to take a position in the city. Assoc- iated as she is with groups of fellow members of the C.W.A.C. she has little opportunity to make the wrong kinds of friends. From the outset of her enlistment she is associated on the most intimate terms with girls of her own kind. This association is a wholesome one and it is not very many days before she has .formed friendships which will last as long as life itself. Her day is a busy one and when her duties are laid aside she and her companions group to- gether to make and take their pleas ures in company with each other; a companionship which is all too aften sadly lacking for the girl who is thrown on her own resources for companionship after accepting a pos- ition in 'a strange place. A girl in the C.W.A.C. does not. face life alone as a young woman must so often do when taking a civilian occupation and in this companion- ship has been found a striking up- líft in the moral tendencies of young women away from home as compar- ed with her sister cast on her own in civilian life. This is verified in the statistical records of M.D. 10 since the formation of the C.W.A.C. A Visit to the C.W.A.C. Staff Office A direct appeal to parents of young girls and an outline of the mafn objectives of the Canadian Women’s Army Corps were topics stressed by Lieut. Kathleen McCon-. vey, Temporary Staff Officer, C.W. A.C., M.D. 10, when interviewed in connection with the present recruit- ing campaign. “If mothers and fáthers of Can- ada’s young women would find out, for themselves1 how the girls live and work in the corps, one of our main problems would be solved,” Lieut. McConvey said. “Parents who familiarize themselves with the C.W.A.C., and its task soon realize the great need that exists today for the services of their daughters. At the same time, they are quick to recognize the high ideals towards which members of the corps are striving.” , Explaining that one of the obstac- les faced in recruiting girls is the hesitance of parents to give their ap- proval to enlistrnent, she stated that such an attitude was understand- able to a degree. To assist parents in seeing for themselves how the girls live in Canadian Women’s A r m y Corps Barracks, various means have been instituted. Any mother, said Lieut. McConvey, who wishes to accompany her daughter to the recruiting office and talk to one of the officers is always wel- corpe. Additionally, parents living in or visiting Winnipeg may inspect the C.W.A.C. barracks at Fort Os- borne every Tuesday eveqing when the building is open to the public During this “open house” the girls may be seen during drill “Many parents already have taken advantage of this invitation” she said, “and large numbers have ex- pressed their surprise at the clean- liness and cheerfulness of the living quarters and recreation-iooms. Girls in the C.W.A.C. live under discipline which, although not strirígent, does keep them healthy. They also have plenty of recreation to fill in off-duty hours which take the form of sports, both indoor and outdoor; picture shows or an old fashioned singsong.” “This problem, which is very real, is one for both parents and the Canadian Women’s Army Corps. We want to do all in our power to help them see the facts for themselves. With that accomplished we will have taken a long step towards increasing our recruiting figures,” she declared. “At the same time, parents with a knowledge of the corps will be sat- isfied that their daughters are play- ing a major role in the battle for a free world.” Turning to the objectives of the C.W.A.C., Lieut. McConvey spaced each sentence carefully to emphasize its importance. “Our objective is to release men for combat service, by doing those jobs which we can perform as well, and perhaps better in same cases, than men,” she said. “Men of ‘A’ and ‘B’ category have been repláced by members of the C.W.A.C., and thus can be used for more active service nearer the front.” Girls are needed, she said, and for every girl who enlists a place can be found. In many instances girls continue with work in the 0.W.A.C., which is either identical or similar to that in which they were employed in civilian life. “If a girí can not be placed in the district where she enlists there always is room for her in another district,” said Lieut. McConvey. “We are do- ing our best to see that the girls are placed where they are needed most and where they Want to be placed— a happy soldier is a good soldier.” Listing same of the tasks members of the corps were employed in, Lieut. McConvey named canteen helpers, cashiers, dental assistants, telegraphists, librarians, teletyp- ists, stenographers, drivers, filing clerks, accountants, architects, bookkeepers and tailoresses. These were just a small number of jobs that the C.W.A.C. perform, she said, pointing out that positions are avail- able for all recruits. “We have an immediate need for recruits,” said Lieut. McConvey. “There is an opportunity for physic- ally fit women between the ages of 18 and 45 to help ‘finish fhe job, and finish it quickley.”



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