Lögberg - 19.06.1947, Blaðsíða 7

Lögberg - 19.06.1947, Blaðsíða 7
LÖGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN 19. JÚNÍ, 1947 7 Tillög í stofnsjóð hins fyrirhugaða elliheimilis í Vancouver, B.C. — Áður auglýst $2592,15. Frá Vancouver: Olive B. Irvine $10.00; Mrs. Gales Johnson 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hall 50.00; Lincoln Thorne 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. Carl.Einars- son 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. J. Daw- son 5.00; Ragnar Eyjólfsson 5.00; Vinveittur 2.00; John Arthur Thorsteinson 10.00; Miss M. Hall- dórsson 10.00; Miss S. Halldórs- son 10.00; P. A. Hall 10.00; Dan E. Johnson 25.00; Miss Violet Johnson 10.00; Don Cristopher- son 1.00; Mr. and Mrs. F. Thor- steinson 5.00; Mr and Mrs. Laugi Jacobson 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Lungdal 20.00; Mrs. Elín Ólafson 25.00; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell 10.00; Ólafur Ander- son 10.00; Mrs. W. H. McKinley 2.00; Mrs. F. Atchison 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brodie 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. H. Domoney 20.00; Mrs. S. Potter 5.00; Mrs Lóa Skúla- son 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. H. Sum- arliðason 25 00; Mrs. Jonina Johnston 5.00; Scandinavian One Month in our new home! We had hoped that all might be in readiness for an Open House on June 17th, Iceland’s Inde- pendence Day, but there is still much to do before all is in ship- Shape order. Then too, we do not know yet if the cast will be re- moved our broken leg by then. However, special cards will be sent you if we can be ready to combine with that Day our of- ficial Home-Warming Party. ■f Shortly after we sent out our last letter, the Rev. P. H. Rynn- ing (Onkel Peder) of Oslo, Nor- way, my Mother’s oldest brother, 90 years of age, visited with us for only one week. Not long enough, to be sure, but enough to give him the impression that we have a Paradise here in the Bay Area. He is now on his way baok to Norway. On May 2nd at 4 P. M. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoneson of San Francisco HELEN CLAIRE, their daughter Was given in marriage to Arthur Francis Schumacher. The setting for the ceremony was most exquisite, and the Bride lokked lovely and stately as she entered the living-room on the arm of her father to the strains of the Wedding March played by her Aunt, Mrs. Christopherson, and surrounded by 100 friends and guests. After an informal Recep- tion, the Newlyweds took off in their car to Honeymoon at Carm- by the Sea. Best wishes and uiuch happiness! -f On May 9th Louise Fhillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Fhillips of Palo Alto graduated with a class of Nurses from the St. Francis Hospital of San Fran- cisco. Congratulations and best °f luck to you, Tiny! We are Proud of you Dear. On May 9th John and Bjorg Hannesson finally decided to re- turn to North Dakota. We will grant them that Akra and vicin- % is a beautiful spot in the sum- hrer time, but the Winters! Give Us California! We have it on good authority that Dr. Eymund- S°u entertained the Hannesson úibe, one of the largest and best the Bay Area, at an all day arewell Party for Jon and j°rg. We shall be glad to wel- ^°me them back to California. Next year? -♦ At the end of last month, Dr. ar>d Mrs. W. E. Fischer and Miss Central Committee 195.29; Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Gudmundson 100.00; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Orr 100.00; Mr. and Mrs. Lars Ólsen 2.00; Mrs. T. N. Adams 2.00; B. Ghristenson 1.00; Mr. and Mrs. S. Grímsson 10.00; Th. Gunnar- son 25.00; Mr. and Mrs. E. Bjarnason 10.00; K. S. Kristjáns- son 5.00; Mrs. J. Pauss. 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. LeVasseur 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. J. Gunnarson 100.00; Dr. and Mrs. H. Sigmar 25.00; Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Samson 50.00; Mr. and Mrs. H. Leeland 25.00; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frederickson 5.00; Mrs. H. Boynton 1.00; Victor Eldon 5.00; Kristján Eirick son 80.00; Mrs. Anna Joel 2.00; Mrs. A. Koot 5.00; Miss Charlotte Paulson, 3.00; Mrs. Ingun Stur- laugson 20.00; Mrs. R. Warnock 3.00; G. J. Hendrickson 1.00; Mr. and Mrs. S. Erickson 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. S. Smith 10.00; Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Holm 10.00; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Christopherson Laufey Hannesson made a flying trip from Los Angeles to visit with the folks at Albany, Cal. -f On Sunday May llth Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Mathiason of Los Angeles paid us a visit on their way to Iceland via Seattle and Winnipeg. Let’s invite them to give us a Travelogue on their re- turn trip! On May 13th Mr. and Mrs. D. A. R. Goodridge and Leslie mov- ed from our midst to swell the ranks of Icelanders in Southern California. Their new address is: 819 No. Adams Street, Glendale, California. I hope that Leslie will play a good game of chess wthen we next meet! -f On May 14th Einar B. Oddson quie11 y passed on into Life Eternal. On May 16th at Mount- ain View Cemetary in Oakland his body was laid to rest in the presence of a host of mourning friends and among a beautiful embankment of flowers. We shall miss Einar as a trusty friend and a congejiial host. He was born at Reykholt, Iceland. He came to America with 'his Mother and two sisters in 1911. In 1912 he went to Battle Creek, Michigan to train as an X-ray technician. He came to California in 1915 and worked at St. Francis Hospital in San Francisco until 1931 when he joined the staff at Drs. Ingber and Rodenbaugh. He married Liv Ostlund in 1918. Liv and her Mother, Mrs. Ostlund, are stay- ing on ihere idefinitely, but ex- pect to »visit next month with family members in Ohicago, Mil- waukee and New York. Mrs. Bob Evans (Van) is spend- ing a few weeks in Seattle with her sister Alice who recently underwent an operation. Bob is still on the Road, but he assures us that it won’t be long now till he settles down, perferrably to rural living on the Peninsula. -f L a s t week-end Mrs. Grace Ryan of Seattle, flying home from the South, stcpped off en- route to visit with Sigga Ben- onys, also with Dr. and Mrs. Jon Sigurdsson. We were glad to have her come to our new home, as we have not forgotten a party she and her brother (Big Jake) threw for us in Seattle in 1924. Come again! -f On Sunday May 18th in the afternoon there was a Wedding Reception for Margret Helen Blondal and Robert Lee Cochran 10.00; Caroline Christopherson 10.00; Miss . Breckman 20.00; Harold Johnson 5.00; Miss Birdie Johnson 4.00; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sanders 25.00; Wilma Thomp- son 1.00; Mrs M. Frederickson 25.00; Mrs. Alla Jones 25.00; Mrs. J. E. Rodgers 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Avery 5.00; J. S. Sölva- son 10.00; Bert Johannson .100; Mr. and Mrs. L. Erickson 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. Ó. Böðvarson 3.00; G. Erlendson 1.00; Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Gislason 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. D. Oliver 1.00; Mrs. H. Pearson 2.00; Mrs. J. Morris 1.00; Thor- lákur Jónason 10.00; Elias Vatns dal 25.00; Axdal Familian; gefið í minningu um Þórð Axdal 25.00; Mr. and Mrs. Bismarck Bjarna- son 25.00; Anna Einarson 1.00; Mr. and Mrs. Þórður Helgason 10.00; Sigurður Johnson 5.00; Victoría Lanigan 2.00; Mrs. Rafnkelson 1.00; Doreen Robert- son 2.00; Thelma Sigurðson 2.00; Guðrún Sigurðson 2.00; Mrs. Williams 1.00; Sigurðson Millworks Co. — John Sigurd- son — 50.00; Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Howardson 25.00; Miss Ruth Sigurdson 2.50; Mr. and Mrs. at Oakland. They had been mar- ried at Reno, Nevada on Sunday, April 20th. We wish these New- lyweds much happiness in their future home-life. -f On May 22nd Miss Sigridur Valgeirs left for Iceland after having spent 3% years at the University of California at Berk- ley acquiring both the B.A. and M.A. degrees. Congratulations! Sigga expects to have a book published by the University Press on “Icelandic Folk Danc- ing”. She was fhe President of the Icelandic Students Society during the past pear, and has been succeeded by Mr. Svein Olafsson, 1611 Bonita Way, Berk- ley, California. -f A Newspaper clipping from Fresno has just been brought to our attention wihich announces t'he engagement of Miss Mary Brandson of Auberry, Californ- ia to Mr. John M. Sause. We are glad to note that the wedding plans are still indefinite hoping that Ghris will be coming up with his family very shortly for that long anticipated visit they owe us! Welcome! Even though you bring the intended son-in- law along, we’ll forgive you, Chris! -f Ye Scribe has been invited to be the main speaker at the Leif Eiriksson Daý in Oakland this year. Watch for the date! We can rnake this an occasion for an Ice- landers Rally and really show the Sfcandinavians of this Area that we are here! What a calamity has befallen Iceland with the erupting of Mt. Hekla after a peaceful existance of over 100 years! We still know very little about the actual con- sequences of this catastrophe. But we have read in papers from Iceland of funds being solicited for the relief of farmers in the vicinity. -t Strikes and Dissentions of all kinds seem to be the order of a post-War age. Such facts are none too encouraging, nationally or internationally. But in spite of this all-too-apparent situation in the world, we all want to work for peace and a better uderstand- ing among men. -f YOU are always welcome at 115 2 Laurel Street, Berkley. Phone Ashberry 0150. V. Thanks again for tokens of interest and appreciation of this montbly sheet! Very cordially yours, Rev. and Mrs. S. O. Thorlaksson C. T. Eyford 10.00; Dr. and Mrs. B. T. H. Marteinson 25.00; Mr. and iSrs. J. Danielson 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. H. Sigurdson 10.00; Thorarin Gudmundson 50.00; Ófeigur Sigurdson 500.00; Ingi- mundur Egilson 10.00; Jón Gisla son 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. Ó. Björns- son 10.00; Mr. and Mrs. S. Odd- son 5.00; Mrs. Sæunn Stefánsson 3.00; Paul Reykdal 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Emerson 5.00; Herman Jónsson 50.00; Mrs W. V. Udy 2.00; Luther League of the Icelandic Lutheran, Church of Vancouver 35.00; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stevenson 25.00; Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Polson 10.00; Sigfús V. Gillies 100.00; Mr. and Mrs. Sig- urður Eyford 10.00; Miss Anna Eyford 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. Her- mann Eyford 5.00; Mrs. Hugo Davis 10.00; Mrs. C. Gudmund- son 5.00; Mr. A. Egilson 2.00; S. Gudmundson 15.00; Oliva T. Cribbs 10.00; O. W. Jonsson 50.00; Gunnar Johnson 10.00; Mrs. Th. Ingimundarson — ágætt orgel; Frá Sleveslon, B. C.: Ólafur Ólafsson $100.00; Vin- veittur 10.00; Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevens 5.00; Vinveittur 1.00; Mr. and Mrs. Bjarni Eirikson 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. John Gunnar- son 5.00; John Johnson 5.00; Mrs. Elizkbeth Björnsson 5 00; Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Sigurgeirs- son 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. H. Thor- steinson 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Burnson 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sigurgeirson 10.00. Frá New Wesiminster, B. C.: Ingi Norman $5.00; Vinni Norman 2.00; John H. Johnson 5.00; Sólveig Thorarinson 5.00; B. Thorlacius 25.00. Frá Champbell River, B. C.: Mr. and Mrs. Eyjólfur Gunn- arson $10.00; Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Gunnarson 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Sigurðson 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. Bjarni Sigurðson 3.00; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Borgfjörð 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Árna- son 5.00; Ágóði af myndasýningu á heimili Mr. and Mrs. Albert Árnason 7.00. Verðlaunasagan íslenzka sem prentuð hefir verið í 20—30 milljónum eintaka Roiary vill eyða ioriryggni,, efla bræðraþel milli manna. Við setningu umdæmisþings Rotary-klúbbanna á laugardag- inn voru flutt tvö fróðleg og skemtileg ávörp. S. S. Bergman, 629 Young St., Winnipeg, Man. $5.00; Keystone Fisheries Ltd. per G. F. JÓnas- son, Winnipeg, Man. 25.00; Rev. Philip M. Pétursson. 681 Banning St. Winnipeg, Man. 10.00; Ásgeir Bjarnason, Selkirk. Man. 5.00; Alli Sigvaldason, Baldur, Man. 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. M. Guðlaug- son, Claremont, Alta 10.00; Mrs. Inga Storm, Glenboro, Man. Mrs. Anna Sveinson, Glenboro, Man. 100.00; Gefið 1 minningu um horfna ástvini Theodor Johannson, Kristjönu Johansson og Kristínu Anderson og fjöl- skyldunni. Mr. and Mrs. Sveinn Ólafsson, Mildmay Park, P. O. Sask. 10.00, gefið í minningu um son okkar, Baldur sem andaðist 16. marz 1946. Islenzka kvenfé- lagið í Leslie Sask. 10.00; Guðný Sigurðson, féhirðir. —“ Mr. and Mrs. Jakobina Johnson, Seattle, Washington 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Irvine, North Vancouver, B. C. 5.00; Mr. and Mrs. Helgi Steinberg, White Rock, B. C. 10.00; Mrs. Guðbjörg Key, Coombs, B. C. 10.00, gefið í minn- ingu um Guðbjörgu Thorlákson, dáin 7. maí 1945, og Joseph Key, dáinn 23. maí 1945. Als 15. maí 1947, $5484.94. Með þakklæti fyrir hönd nefndarinnar, Péiur Guttormsson féhirðir, 1457 West 26th. Avenue, Van- couver, B. C. — Leiðrétting Áður auglýst $291.35 tillag frá „Ströndinni“, var meðtekið frá Ströndinni og kvenfélaginu „Sól- Vilhjálmur Þór, fomaður Rota- ryklúbbs Reykjavíkur, setti þingið í Sjálfstæðishúsinu. Bauð hann meðal annars velkominn hingað til lands erindreka Al- þjóðasambands Rotary, Hollend- ing de Cock-Buning, og ávarpaði menn með stuttri ræðu. Síðan tók dr. Helgi Tómasson til máls, en hann er umdæmis- forseti. Gaf hann stutt en fróð- legt yfirlit um starfsemi Rotary klúbbanna, m. a. um fundar- sókn, en fundir eru haldnir viku- lega, en fundir eru haldnir viku- lega, og viðfangsefni fundanna. Má segja, að félagsmenn láti sér ekkert óviðkomandi og reyni að fræða hver annan svo, sem kostur er á. ( Gat dr. Helgi þess, að Island hefði verið gert að sérstöku Rotary-umdæmi, sakir menning- arlegra verðleika þjóðarinnar, eigi síður en að fornu. — Próf. Guðmundur Finnbogason hefði einu sinni tekið þátt í sam- keppni um smásögu, sem Rotary gekkst fyrir, og sigrað, en saga hans mundi síðan hafa verið prentuð í 20—30 milljónum ein- taka. Hollenzki fulltrúinn flutti síð an ávarp. Kvað hann Rotary- hreyfinguna hafa mikið hlutverk að vinna, því að hann reyndi að eyða tortryggni og skapa raun- verulegt bróðurþel manna og þjóða miÚi. Eins og nú væri í pottinn búið í veröldinni, veitti ekki af því, að unnið væri að slíku markmiði, enda þótt það kynni enn að vera langt undan. Vísir, 30. apríl. Borgið Lögberg Minnist BETCL í erfðaskrám yðar skin“ sameiginlega. P.B.G. Það var árið 1847 sem Daníel Massey, er bjó í grend við Newcastle í Ont- ario, hugkvæmdist að iétta byrðar stéttarbræðra sinna með því að búa til handa þeim plóga, ýmis önnur áhöld og varhluta fyrir þreskivélar, og svo framvegis. Nú í ár, 1947 er „Massey-Harris“ nafnið á vörum bænda í flestum þjóðlöndum heims, og þær vélar sem slíkt nafn bera, hafa borið hróð- ur Canada vítt um jarðir. ARA AFMÆLI Missey-Haiu: Massey-Harris verkfæri hafa mjög létt undir við landbúnsðinn, dregið úr framleiðslukostnaði, og gert búskáp til muna arðvænlegri. Sá framsóknarandi, sem einkent hefir starfsemi félagsins á liðnum árum, merkir ahafnir þess þann dag í dag. Fullkomnun véla á þá átt, að mæta breyttum þörfum landbúnaðarins, ásamt nýjum framleiðslu-aðferðum, tryggir þessu volduga canadiska félagi, sem nú heldur aldarafmæli sitt, framhalds forustu á vettvangi búnaðarverkfæra framleiðslunnar. Newsletter on the lcelanders In Northern California



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