Lögberg - 14.04.1949, Síða 2

Lögberg - 14.04.1949, Síða 2
2 LÖGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN, 14. APRIL, 1949 A News-letter In Lieu o/ a Personal Visit: From the Icelanders in Northern Caliíornia WELCOME on Sunday, March 27th. We propose to reslove ourselves into a COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE to discuss ways and means of our Benefit Program. A suggestion has been made that together with a Musical Program we have a TOMBOLA. Now, if anybody knows how to run a Tombola, please come and tell us all about it. NORWAY HALL in Piedmont (one block off Mac- Arthur Blvd.) has been secured for this Big Event and reserved for Saturday evening, May 21st. Mark this date in your book. Our April date is the 24th. Shall we make it our own E A S T E R SERVICE DAY? Watch our nezt letter for the announcement of time and place. Since May is the month set for our Benefit Program, we shall omit the Picnic and Birth- day Party for that month. (Am very sorry because my Birthday comes in May!!) ♦ We have received two invita- tions for S u m m e r Picnics ABROAD! Mr. and Mrs. Larry Erlandson of S.F. have invited us all to their new home in Palo Alto for a Picnic. We know you all want to accept. The date, address and route will be announced later. Thanks. The other invitation was received at °ur February Party when Mr. and Mrs. Einar W. Johnson, resi- dents of Martinez for the past 20 years made their lst appear- ance at a gathering of Iceland- ers in this Area. They were so thrilled with this experience that they asked to be permitted to hold one of our Picnics at their home. We are very happy to share these events, and shali certainly schedule one of our Summer Picnics with them at Martinez. Thank you! Sigga Benonys. We were told that the ceremony was very im- pressive. After the singing of “Draumalandið” by Margrethe Thorlaksson, Einar Kvaran who had just come from Iceland to continue his studies at the Uni- versity, told us “the how and the why” of the granting of this Decoration. Frú Sigga respond- ed very fittingly aftr the Consul had officially presented the Badge and thhe Diploma of the Order of the Falcon of Iceland. The Ceremony ended by all present singing the Icelandic and American National Anth- ems. The occasion was further enhanced by the presence of Frú Sigga’s niece, Sigríður Stein- grímsdóttir, recently arrived from Reykjavík. 4 Were you surpised when the news flashed across that Gwen Albert had suddenly returned from London, England to marry Dr. Larry H. Arnsteen? The date was Feb. 25th. CONGRATULA- TIONS! A formal Reception of the Doctor’s many friends and associates is in progress today in S.F. at the home of Mrs. W. A. Albert (Thora). We hope to welcome these Newlyweds into our Icelandic Community on the 27th. Welcome. 4 The Special Feature' of our last picnic was, of course, the pinning of the Medal on Fru Minnist betcl í erfðaskrám yðar On March 3rd. your scribes and Margrethe were invited to dine with the Melsteds at Santa Rosa. It was a Farewell Dinner form Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mel- sted of Kelowna, B.C. who have been spending part of this win- ter in these parts. It’s a grand experience to be thus taken into a family group to share in their good times. — Thus the bound- KAUPENDUR LÖGBERGS OG HEIMSKRINGLU Á ISLANDI Gerið svo vel að senda mér sem fyrst greiðslu fyrir yfirstandandi árgang, kr. 25.00 fyrir hvort blað. Dragið ekki að greiða blöðin. Það léttir innheimtuna. Æskilegt að gjaldið sé sent í póstávísun. Þeir sem eiga ógreidda eldri árganga, eru vinsamlega beðnir að snúa sér til mín. BJÖRN GUÐM UNDSSON Mávahlíð 37, Reykjavík. f GRÍPIÐ TÆKIFÆRIÐ Eins og samkepni á sviði viðskiptalífsins nú er háttað, liggur það í augum uppi hve mikilvægt það sé, að piltax og stúlkur fái notið hagkvæmrar mentunar í öllu því, sem að skrifstofustörfum lýtur; slíka mentun verður fólk að sækja á Business College. Það verður nemendum til ómetanlegra I I l< l| hagsmuna, að leita upplýsinga á skrifstofu Lög- bergs í sambandi við verzlunarskólanámsskeið. Þau fást með aðgengilegum kjörum. GRÍPIÐ TÆKIFÆRIÐ! !j THE COLUMBIA PRESS LTD. t 695 SARGENT AVENUE WINNIPEG. BRITAIN STEPS UP HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER As part of British industry’s vast programme of capital expansion’ the North of Scotland Hydro-Electricity Board is doing everything in its power to complete the work now in progress on 12 of the 19 projects for which authority has been obtained. In Scotland 1,500,000,000 kw/hrs annually. Picture shows: The growing dam of the Lock Sloy scheme in the Mountains west of Loch Lomond. About 200,000 cubic yards of concrete will complete the dam, 1,200 feet long and 160 feet high, which will hold back 1,200 million cubic feet of water to power the four hydro-generators which will supply 130,000 kws. of electric- ity to the grid. aries of our Parish have grown to include invitations from Santa Rosa, Napa, Sacramento, all around the Bay Area and along the line south to Santa Cruz! Parishioners as far south as Los Angeles and Long Beach are also extending invitations, but when we will be able to take to the road again on such long journeys, we cannot foresee. But here’s hoping! 4 On Sunday afternoon, March 6th, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Einarsson and your scribes surprised the Browns (Olive and George) in their new home at 657 Palmetto Street, S.F. We are informed that this address is to be more or less permanent this time! We were treated to a pot luck (Rib Roast!) Dinner with trimmings, a real housewarming dinner in- deed. We too were warmed by this impromptu Reception, need- less to say. Many thanks. 4 BORN TO: — 1. Mr. and Mrs. David Clark of Castro Valley on March 5th, a daughter, SIGRID. Mrs. Clark is the former Stella Halldors- dóttir of Reykjavík. 2. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Irwin of Blaine, Washington, on March 6th, a son, CHARLES WILL- IAM. Mrs. Irwin and her Moth- er, Mrs. Wells of Blaine were guests at our May Picnic last year. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Ingvar M. Thordarson of Oakland on March 17th, a daughter, ANNA JONITA. Mrs. Thordarson is the former Kristín Eyjólfsdóttir of Reykjavík. — Best wishes and CONGRATULATIONS to these NEW parents. 4 On March 12th, we were among the Guests of Honor at a Banqute held at the Bohemian Club, S.F. by the Danish Club on the occasion of the 50th Birth- day of the Danish King. (We were reminded of a Reception we sponsored for the King, then the Crown Prince, in 1930 ín Kobe, Japan whehn our Father and Mother were visiting with us)-----Attending such events is one of the pleasant duties of the Icelandic Honorary Vice Consulate of this area. — Next week, on the 23rd, we are to represent Iceland again at the University’s CHARTER DAY Exercises when the Governor General of Canada is to be the main speaker. This event is to be followed by a Faculty Lunch- eon to which the members of the Consular Corps of S.F. are invited. 4 The YWCA óf San Francisco is plannning a “World Fellow- ship” evening at the Fairmont Hotel on April 29th. The Con- sular Corps of S.F. has been in- vited to cooperate in a program of “Fashions Around the World”. We have asked Gwen Davis and Margrethe Thorlaksson to be our Committee for this occasion. 4 We are in receipt of a goodly number of letters of apprecia- tion which really makes the time and effort in connection with this Newsletter worth while. Many thanks. We have also been thrilled by the numb- er who have volunteered to help us with the routine work of mailing, etc., from time to time. This month the envelopes were addressed by Mrs. Barney Her- mann (Esther) of Richmond. Many thanks. We are still hop- ing that somebody has an ELITE typewriter which they will let us have at a bargain! Mrs. Jack MacLeod cut the stencils this month on a borrowed typewrit- er. Many thanks. The Pacific Coast Scandinav- ian, a monthly published in S.F. has changed its name to AMER- ICAN SCANDINAVIAN under the Editorship of Walter Bergen, originally from Minn. He w^nts news about Icelanders in the Bay Area. You may have noticed that he carried notes from our Christmas Letter in the January issue. If you are interested in a subscription write to him at 435 Duboce Avenue, S.F. and send him some news items too. —We are also quoted in Lögberg and The Parish Messenger. 4 For some time now we have missed the presence of Mrs. Lise Abraham at our monthly Picnics. She is convalescing at home attended by her sister, Mrs. Katherine Mathias from New York State, and wishes us to convey to you all her best regards. She has just received the good news that her son, Rob- ert, of Reykjavík, together with his wife, Guðríður Magnúsdóttir, expect to visit here in June or July. Robert is a Musician and Director of Musical Programs of the National Broadcasting Sta- tion of Iceland. 4 As our next letter will not arrive in your hands until after Easter, we shall take this oppor- tunity to wish you all a very happy and meaningful EASTER. Very sincerely, Rev. and Mrs. S. O. Thorlaksson HOUSEHOLDERS ATTENTION! We can supply your fuel needs with all the standard brands of coal and coke such as Saunders Creek, Foothills, Drumheller, Black Nugget, Briquettes, Saskatchewan Lignite, Zenith and Winneco Coke. Stoker Coals in Various Mixtures Our Specialty MCfURDY CUPPLY fO. LTD. BUILDERS' O SUPPUES AND C0AI Erin and Sargent Phone 37251 Utanferð íslenzkra íþróttamanna og heimsóknir erlendra undirbúnar Fimleikaflokkur KR til Danmerkur í apríl. Ármanns á Lingiaden í ágúst. Utanríkismál íslenzkra íþróttamanna eru nú þegar komin á fastan grundvöll og eru Islendingar nú orðnir virkir þátttakendur í alþjóðasamstarfi íþróttamanna. Slík samvinna er fyrst og fremst gagnkvæmar heimsóknir og aukin kynni íþróttamanna um heim allan. Að því er Benedikt G. Wage, forseti Í.S.Í. hefur skýrt blað- inu frá, eru Islendingar nú meðlimir í mörgum alþjóða íþróttasam- böndum, og áhugi er mikill meðal íþróttamanna okkar á utanförum og heimsóknum erlendra íþrótta- flokka hingað til lands. Gjald- eyrismálin eru hér eðlilega Þrándur í Götu, en íþróttamenn hafa hug á að greiða kostnað er- lendra flokka hér á landi og láta þá svo greiða kostnað íslendinga heima hjá sér, svo að lítinn gjald- eyri þurfi til ferðanna. Islendingar eru nú meðlimir í knattspyrnusambandinu FIFA, sundsambandinu FINA og frjáls íþróttasambandinu IAF, nor- ræna fimleikasambandinu o.fl. Af utanförum íslenzkra íþrótta flokka í ár eru aðeins tvær fast- ákveðnar, að því er forseti QSI skýrði frá, för fimleikaflokks KR til Danmerkur í boði danska fimleikasambandsins og í tilefni af 50 ára afmæli þess í apríl, og för kvennaflokks Ármanns á sænsku íþróttahátíðina Lingiad- en í ágúst. Auk þess geta utanfarir vel orðið fleiri. Er hálft í hvoru von- azt eftir boði frá Noregi um flokka til landskeppni í knatt- spyrnu og sundi, en norskir folkkar hafa þegar komið hing- að til slíkrar keppni. Þá verður norræna meistaramótið í frjáls íþróttum haldið í Stokkhólmi í sumar, og verða vonandi íslend- ingar þar. Enn fremur munu ensk íþróttafélög hafa í hyggju að bjóða íslenzkum frjálsíþrótta- mönnum til Englands. Loks má geta þess, að Isfirðingar hafa mikinn áhuga á að fara til Fær- eyja og keppa við Færeyinga í knattspyrnu og frjálsum íþrótt- um. Um þetta segir færeyskt íþróttablað: “Vit vilja sjálvandi siga, at grannar okkara fyrir vestan eru vælkomnir hingar, og vit vilja fegnir kappast við teir.” Um heimsóknir erlendra í- þróttamanna hingað er enn ó- ráðið. Bailey er þegar kominn og skíðakennarinn Wikström. Skíðasamband íslands mun nú vera að undirbúa komu enskra skíðamanna til að keppa hér, en ekki er vitað, hverjir veljast til þeirrar ferðar. Þá standa vonir til, að flokkur amerískra frjáls- íþróttamanna komi hér við og keppi, þegar keppni Bandaríkj- anna og Noðurlandanna lýkur. Alþbl. 12. febr. This year it will pay you In proflts to sow only reqristered or certiíied seed because Registered or certified seed ls pure as to variety . . . it's well cleaned . .. it has guaranteed germlnation and is economical. You can obtain full Information regarding the most suitable variety and your neccrest source of supply from: 1. Your nearest Registered or Certified Seed Grower. 2. Your Grain Elevator Operator. 3. Your Agrlcultural Representative. 4. Agricultural Extenslon Service. •RESEARCH 206 GRAIN EXCMANOE BLDG •ECONOMICS/ WINNIPEG Sponsored^^r Brewlng oWMaltlng Industrles ^Canoda M021I SHEA'S WINNIPEG BREWERY Plrm to enter National Barley Contest in 1949. Someone will win a grand total of $1,000.00, it might be you. There are seventeen substantial cash prizes open to Manitoba Barley Growers. HOW TO QUALIFY Select al least 40 acres of the best land on your farm, plant it with pure seed of Montcalm, O.A.C. 21. or Mensury (Ott. 60).



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