Lögberg-Heimskringla - 10.10.1963, Síða 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 10.10.1963, Síða 2
2 LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 10. OKTÓBER 1963 "Krisljanson Influence" Framhald frá bls. 1. taken away from our chil- dren.” The parents themselves had only grades three and four education. They operated the Lakeside trading store and summer cottages and were able to send their sons to uni- versity during the depression. Baldur was majoring in eco- nomics at the University of Manitoba. At that time the dominating principle was that supply and demand would solve all . problems. Baldur recalls the unemployed lining up for soup rations on Water St. Asked queslions Baldur questioned his Uni- versity instructor about the theories on unemployment. “Ah, a soap box orator!” responded the instructor. Baldur was so furious that he resolved to learn more about economics than his pro- fessors. He won a fellowship, later too his Ph.D. in agricul- tural economics at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, rated the top school in land economics. Then he held research posi- tions with American universi- ties, taught at Canadian and American universities, return- ed to Canada as an economist with the federal government, went fo Iran as an economist with a Harvard advisory group, returned to Canada as special projects and planning officer for the department of agriculture, and finally be- came assistant deputy federal minister of agriculture. He has contributed to many jour- nals and publications. Not static His peripatetic career re- flects one of his dominant characteristics. He is not sta- tic. He is known as an idea man, has always been a bit of a maverick. He tends to chal- lenge the status quo and at times has jarred civil serv- ants with his radical line of thought. Some accuse him of overstating a case to arouse provocative discussion. Says an associate in Otta- wa: “He’s a unique blend of realism and idealism. When you talk to him about a prob- lem you get a new insight.” Dr. Kristjanson has a facil- ity for establishing confidence in people and getting his ideas across in crisp and concise form. He can reduce a mass of verbiage to its essence. Air of respose He is a mild looking indi- vidual who smokes a curved pipe and has an air of great repose. He appears dispas- sionate and so he is in dealing with a situation. While professor at the North Dakota Agricultural College, he was asked by an interested citizen to assist in settling a long and costly bus strike. In character with his deep sense of public responsi- bility, he plunged in .to help. Academic eyebrows were raised at the spectacle of an agricultural economist negoti- ating in a labor dispute. As president of the Fargo chapter of the American As- sociation of University Profes- sors he fought vigorously against the peremptory firing of several professors, a move which brought a request for his resignation and his even- tual dismissal. For a principle The case become an issue in the legislature, and was fought three times before the courts, with funds contributed by farmers. The fight lasted two years but in the end the decision was that the profes- sors were not entitled to ten- ure. In this instance, Dr. Krist- janson’s philosophy of crea- tive bargaining failed. His philosophy recommends that when two parties are in dispute, a solution may be found by enlarging the area under discussion. His own mind is continually active in exploring his favor- ite areas. His hobby is read- ing, mainly philosophy and economics — especially in underdeveloped countries. His other hobby is what he calls “family life.” He tries to spend as much time in pur- suits with his family. Poini of view Why did he return here to take the job af executive di- rector of the Manitoba Econ- omic Consultative Board? “It gave me the opportunity to work on ideas on economic development which I’ve been working on. But most of all it was the fact that Premier Roblin and I see eye to eye on the growing importance of the work provinces have to do toward national unity. “You cannot successfully plan a provincial economy without careful co-ordination with other provinces and the federal government.” Dr. Kristjanson would rather not use the term “problem” when questioned about the issues to be faced in boosting Manitoba’s econ- omy. Says he: “It is a matter of looking at different points of view and how they can be reconciled.” Sept. 28, 1963. The Tribune Fréttir frá íslandi Framhald frá bls. 1. • versta veðri. Einnig voru Grímsnesingar að smala Lyngdalsheiði í versta veðri og Gnúpverjar að komast með sitt safn niður að afrétt- argirðingu. Annars var fé víða farið að sækja mjög heim fyrir óveðrinu. Norðanlands hættu sumir við að fara í göngur í gær, en búast má við að þeir sem eru í margra daga göngum, svo sem Skagfirðing- ar, éigi í erfiðleikum. Mgbl. 25. sept. ☆ Slæddu lundurduflasvæði Floti Barry Anderson, kapt- eins, 4 tundurduflaslæðarar og birgðarskip, héldu til Bret- lands frá Seyðisfirði sl. sunnu- dagskvöld. Slæddu skipin tundurduflasvæðið á Seyðis- firði á laugardag og sunnu- dag, en fundu engin dufl þar. Skipin slæddu um miðja síðustu viku á Eyjafirði og fundu þar 4 tundurdufl, sem voru á um 25-faðma dýpi. Var eitt duflið sprengt, en hinum sökkt. Liggja þau nú á botni og mun sjórinn með tíman- um éta þau sundur. Engin hætta stafar af duflunum þar sem þau eru. Mgbl. 25. sept. ☆ Brelar heiðra Eirík skipherra Eiríki Kristóferssyni skip- herra, var veitt í gærmorgun, samkvæmt tilskipun Elísabet- ar II, drottningar, hæsta orða, sem Bretar veita erlendum mönnum. Hann var gerður að Commander of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Orðuna afhenti sendiherra Breta í Reykjavík, Evelyn Basil-Boothby. Athöfnin fór fram kl. 11 við hátíðlega athöfn í brezka sendiherrabústaðnum v i ð Laufásveg. Var þar margt gesta. Brezki sendiherrann flutti stutta ræðu og sagði m.a., að hann teldi sér mikinn heiður að því að fullnægja tilskipun drottningar og ekki sízt þar sem viðstaddir væru tveir háttsettir foringjar úr brezka sjóhernum, og bað hann gesti að lyfta glösum og drekka heillaskál Eiríks Kristófers- sonar. Sagði Basil-Boothby, að Eiríkur hefði ætíð verið stétt sinni til mikils sóma og hefði þar aldrei blettur fallið á. Hann hefði ætíð talið sitt fremsta hlutverk að bjarga mannslífum, þar á meðal brezkra, og það hlutverk hefði hann rækt með svo mik- illi mannúð, að hann hefði á- unnið sér aðdáun og þakklæti bæði vina og óvina. Sendiherrann afhenti Eiríki orðuna, sem er mjög fögur á að líta. Bað hann menn síðan að lyfta glösum til heilla Eiríki Kristóferssyni. Fjórir íslendingar hafa áð- ur hlotið orðu þá, sem Eiríki var veitt í gær. Þeir eru Ás- geir Sigurðsson, fyrrum aðal- ræðismaður, Lárus Fjeldsted, hrl., Hallgrímur Hallgrímsson, ræðismaður og Sigurður B. Sigurðsson, ræðismaður. Orðan er sú hæsta, sem Bretar veita erlendum mönn- um og hefur aðeins einn mað- ur, erlendur, hlotið hærri brezka orðu, en það er Eisen- hower, hershöfðingi. Skrautritað heiðursskjal fylgir orðunni, undirritað af Elísabetu drottningu og Philip prins. Nöfn orðuhafa eru geymd í sérstöku herbergi í Westminster Abbey og sá heiður fylgir einnig, að hafa heimild til að heimsækja drottningu þegar tækifæri gefst. Mgbl. 22. sept. Framhald á bls. 3. the spotlight's on Scandinavia . . . the inspiration behind the lyrical and fluid lines of today's foremost designs. Today ond oll next week we invite you to take o short trip to Scondinavio on our Seventh Floor. Visit The Design Studio, The Spinning Wheel, The Smorgosbord (here you con enjoy o cup of lcelondic coffee) ond The Viking Den. See displays of superb furniture and furnishings dromotic ond beautiful in sculptured woods ond original fabrics! "Scondinavia on Show" . , . on EATON'S Seventh Floor, now!



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