Lögberg-Heimskringla - 30.03.1979, Page 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 30.03.1979, Page 7
Lögberg-Hei mskringla, föstudagur 30. mars, 1979 7 OBITUARY - KRISTJANINA (Ena) HAFLIDASON STEFANSSON Kristjanina (Ena) Haflida- son Stefansson passed away on October 26, 1978, folow- ing surgery at Swedish Hos- pital in Seattle, Washington. Her services were held at Wiggens Mortuary on Octo- ber 28, 1978 with the Rev. Robert Gordon officiating. She was born on Big Is- land, Manitoba, on October 1, 1894. Her parents were Kristjan Haflidason and Kristjana Sigurdsdóttir Haf- iidason, both of whom were originally from Mýrasysla, Iceland. Ena left Big Island as a young girl and lived in Van- ICELANDIC LESSONS HELPS The third (and final) part of the Icelandic lesson helps prepared by Guðbjartur Gunnarsson, ánd sppnsored by the Icelandic National League, has now been finish ed and is'titled “Introduct- ion to Iceland, Book Three.” The price is $5.00 for each copy. The second part of the les- sons (Introduction to Ice- landic, Book Two, in five sections) is also available at a price of $12.00 each. • Both of these may be ord- ered from: Mrs. H. F. Danielson, 869 Garfjeld Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G2M6. couver, B.C. for a short time. She then came to Se- attle, where she met Sigurd- ur J. Stefansson, and marri- ed him in 1917. They had six children: two sons, Karl L. Stefansson, San Antonio, Texas; John Stefan son (deceased); four daught- ers, Thorey Miller (deseas- ed), Mrs. James Wells (Glor ia), Edmonds, Washington; Mrs. Edward Weigelt (Bar- bara) Edmonds, Washington; and Lilyan Jackson (deceas- ed); 13 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Also bereaved is a sister Miss Loa Davidson of Winni peg and many nieces and nephews throughout Can- ada. Two other sisters Gunna Grimolfson and Jo- hanna Snydal predeceased her. Ena was an active member of Eining Ladies Society in Seattle for many years and was also a member of The Icelandic Club. LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA SUPPORT FUND Mr. Robert J. Speckman Salem, Oregon $5.00 Rev. K. Simundson, Seattle, Washington 10.00 Miss Sigurbjórg Stefansson, Gimli, Manitoba 10.00 Mrs. S. Eyjolfsson, Seattle, Washington 10.00 In memory of Mrs. Rose Lough Inga Amason, Winnipeg, Man. $15.00 In memory of Mrs. Thora Johannesson Inga Arnason, Winnipeg, Man. 15.00 In memory of Mr. Herman Johnson Inga Arnason, Winnipeg, Man. Greatfully acknowledged, on behalf of Lögberg-Heimskringla 15.00 Crordoxi A. Gislason, Treas., She was a constant sourCe of strength to her family all her life. As pastor Gordon said of her when she nursed her daughter, “the care she gave to Lilyan during the days of her illness came al- ways with the confidence and faith that in Christ all things are secure.” She was a beautiful moth- er who endowed us with love and warmth and a joy for living. The memories of this love that came from our life together will remain as a constant memorial to her. Styðjið Þjóðræknisfélagið BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS Þjóðræknisfélag fslendinga í Vesturheimi FORSETI: STEFAN J. STEFANSON ,37 Macklin Ave. Winnipeg, Maniioba R2V 2M4 Siyrkið félagið og deildir þess, með því að gerasi meðlimir. Ársfi.iald:’ EINSTAKLINGAR $3.00 — HJÓN $5.00 Sendið ársgjöld til gjaldkera ykkar eigin deilda, eða til Lilja Arnason, 1057 Dominion St., Winnipeg, Mamtoba RICHARDSON AND COMPANY BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW 274 Garry Sireeí, Winnipég’, Man. R3C 1H5 — Phone 957-1670 Mr. S. GLENN SIGURDSON attends in GIMLI and RIVERTON on the lst and 3rd FRIDAYS of each month. Offices are in the Gimli Credit Union Bldg, Centre St., at 3rd Ave., between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. with Mr. Sigurdson and his legal assistant in attendance. (Ph. 642-7955). Jn Riverton, Mr. Sigurdson attends in the Riverton Village Office between tne hours of 1:00 P.M. and 3:00 P.M. Asgeirson Paints & Wallpapers Ltd. 696 Sargent Avenué Winnipeg, Man. R3E 0A9 PAINTS Benjamin Moore Sherwin Williams C.I.L. HARDWARE GLASS and GLAZING WOOD and ALUMINUM WALLPAPER 783-5967 Phones: 783-432? THOMAS A. GOODMAN, B.A. LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public 337 Main Street, Stonewall, Manitoba ROC 2Z0 P.O. Box 96, Ph. 476-2344 09 deildir þess In memory of Emil Fjeldsted Mr. and Mrs. O Narfason Gimli, Manitoba Miss S. Narfason Gimli, Manitoba Mr. and Mrs. P. Isfeld Winnipeg Beach, Man. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Mackinzie Dundas, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilkinson Winnipeg, Manitoba Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Harris Winnipeg, Manitoba. 60.00 In memory of our sister and aunt, Anna Gislina Johnson From the Thompson and Johnson families, c/o Mr. Lynn H. Johnson Newton, N.J. 100.00 MESSUBOÐ Fyrsta Lúterska kirkja A. S. BARDAL LTD. FUNERAL home 843 Sherbrook Streef Selur líkkistur og annast um útfarir. Allur útbúrjaður sá bezti. Síofnað 1894 Ph. 774-7474 Minnist mETEL í erfðaskróm yðar WE FOAM B JOHN V. ARVIDSON PASTOR Sunday Schoof 9.45 Services Sundoy 9,45 and 11.00 Tallin & Kristjansson Barristers and Solicitocs 300- 232 Porlage Avenue WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3C 0B1 YOl) PHONE UNI-FOAM INSULATION Now is the time to insulate your home or business. The Right Combination * Cellulose fibre for your attic * Foam-in-place insulation for your walls C.M.H.C. APPRÖVED MATERIAL PUUY BONDED AND INSURED UNDER THE OOVERNMENT INSULATION PROORAM FOR A FREE ESTIMATE PH. 256-0275 Divinsky Cameron & Cook Chaitered Accountanls 608 Somerset Place, 294 Portage Ave., Winnipeg Manitoba R3C 0B9 Teleohone (204) 943-0526 Ch.rbroiUd Sloalu and Lobster RESTAURANT AND PIZZA HOUSE Fully Licenced Resteurent Dine In — Pick-Up — Home Delívery 3354 Portage Avenue Phone 8884361 St. James>Assiniboia Gamble and Garnegie Barrister and Solicitors 77-4th Avenue, Gimli Man. (Viking Travel Building) Office Hours: Every day, Thurs. to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For an Appointment phone 642-5271 GORDON R. CARNEGIE HADLEY J. EYRIKSON Barrister and Solicitor 298 ^St. Anne’s Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 4Z5 Business phonc: 256-8616 S. A. Thorarinson BARRISTER and SOLICITOR 708 SPMERSET PLACE 294 PORTAGE AVE. R3C 0B9 Off. 942-7051 Res. 489-6488 GOOÐMAN and KOJIMA ELECTRIG ELECTRICAL CoNTKACTORS 640 McGee Street Winnipeg, Man. R3E 1W8 Phone 774-5549 ARTHUR GOODMAN M. KOJIMA Evenings and Holidays ALBERT W. EYOLFSON, LL.B. Barrister and Solicitor Associated with the firm of CHRISTIE, DE GRAVES, MACKAY 400-433 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Man., R3B3A5 Ph. Business (204) 947-6801 Ph. Residence (204) 888-2598



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