Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.10.1990, Síða 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.10.1990, Síða 1
Inside this week lcelandic Language Classes........ Icelandic Community .............. The Master Carpenter.............. Answering a Need.................. 102. Árgangur 102nd Year . page2 .....3 .....4 ...6 & 7 Föstudagur 26. október 1990 Friday, 26 October 1990 I r~ 03; X5-33X5 3 z-io» CJ-CX=<-I 3=:—'i? CjX? ca ■cijjrn C3 ■a i-H ■7Z U3 o o 57 —I 1—1 70 lcelandic News lcelandic tenor: Recently, Kristján Jóhannsson signed a contract with the Vienna Operá. He will bethe first lcelander to perform there in leading roles. Jóhannsson had his grand debut in Carnegie Hall where he sang the role of Hagenbach in La Wally by Catalani, conducted by one of the most distinguished music directors of New York, Eve Queler. Kristján Jóhannsson was born into a musical Akureyri family. His father was a well-known singer in his younger days, and tenor Magnús Jónsson, who performed all around the world in the late fifties and early sixtíes, is his cousin. Jóhannsson’s mother, Fanney Oddgeirsdóttir, is convinced that thís talent is heredt- tary and will continue to be the family’s trademark. Courtesy oflceland fíavíew. Japan: lceland Fair organized: Some 210,000 guests are ex- pected to visit the six-day lceland Fair ’90 exhibition in Tokyo in No- vember. The idea of organizing the exhibition was inspired by President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir’s scheduled visit to Japan in November to attend the coronation of Emperor Akihito. Japan'sffth largestdaily newspa- per, Sport-Nippon, and thé Japa- nese conglomerate Sugar Island Group organize the fair, which will be housed in the Tokyu Bunka Kaikan cultural centre in Tokyo. Sport-Nippon and the Sugar Is- land Group intend to establish an import subsidiary to specialize in lcelandic products. The two hope merchandise will suffice to meet the costs involved in the fair’s organi- zation, which is expected to total over USDI million. Icelandic parties will provide mer- chandise for display, and products such as fish, clothing, vodka, and Water will be sold in the cultural centre. A range of other material to promote lceland and its products will also be on display, and Miss World ’88 Linda Pétursdóttir is scheduled to attend a show of lce- landic fashion. l Courtesy of News From lceland Haraldur Bessason receives honorary degree Haraldur Bessason, president of the University of Akureyri in Iceland, and former head of the department of Ice- landic at the University of Manitoba, received an honorary degree when the University of Manitoba held its annual fall convocation on October 18. Dr. Bessason is a graduate of the University of Iceland. Before comingto the University of Manitoba in 1956 he was deputy director of the Icelandic State Broadcasting Service for a brief period. During his 31 years at the U of M, Dr. Bessason emerged as a leading Icelandic scholar, publishing essays, articles and reviews on topics such as Scandinavian mythology, the saga lit- erature, and Icelandic-Canadian lit- erature. His scholarly work was par- alleled by his active participation in the Icelandic community where, among other things, he served as editor of Lögberg-Heimskringla, presided over the Icelandic festival, and held execu- tive offices in the Icelandic National League. The University of Manitoba recognized his activities with its outreach award while he was still a staíf member, and other honors have come from the City of Winnipeg and from Iceland. Dr. Bessason, his wife Margrét Björgvinsdóttir and their daughter Sigrún Stella travelled from Iceland to attend the convocation. Many mem- bers of the Icelandic community, Dr. Bessason’s former students, íriends and family came to be present at this spe- cial occasion. One of Dr. Bessason’s former students told Lögberg- Heimskringla that he felt lucky to have taken courses at the Icelandic depart- ment while Dr. Bessason was its head — that Dr. Bessason had been without doubt one of the University’s best pro- fessors; his lectures had been insight- ful yetfull of humour and ease. He had expected his students to do a vast amount of reading and be creative in their interpretation of the literature. Lieutenant Governor Dr. George Johnson at a reception held in Dr. Bessason’s honour at Government House spoke on behalf of all of Dr. Bessason’s friends when he said, “One always feels a lot better after speaking with Haraldur.” Hé then went on to relate two anecdotes about his visit with Dr. Bessason in Iceland this past summer. When their honours Dr. George and Doris Johnson flew from Reykjavík to Akureyri, Dr. Bessason went with them. Once in Akureyri, Haraldur asked them to wait just a minute while he exited the plane, because he was the one who was supposed to be the first to greet them and welcome them to Akureyri. With these words Haraldur left and tookhis place at the front of the line of dignitaries who were there to welcome the couple. Accordingto Dr. Johnson, Haraldur’s legendaiy genealogical expertise does not only apply to Icelandic people but to sheep as well. Haraldur had taken George and Doris for a drive to show them the countryside. Their son Jon Johnson had been travelling in a car right behind them. Sheep kept crossing the road so Jon honked his horn at them. Haraldur stopped his car and went out. He then proceeded to ad- dress the sheep by name and apolo- gized on behalf of Jon explaining that our cousins in Canada were not familiar with sheep. He then suggested to Jon he not honk his hom at sheep again. After these two delightful anecdotes, his honour proposed a toast to Dr. Bessason. Lieutenant Governor Dr. George Johnson, Doris Johnson, Dr. Haraldur Bessason, Margrét Björgvinsdóttlr and Sigrún Stella at the reception at Government House.



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