Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.03.1999, Side 6

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.03.1999, Side 6
6 * Lögberg-Heimskringla « Friday 26 March 1999 From Iceland to the New World—today Vidar Waage Reykjavik, Iceland Afew years ago when I read about my great- grandmother, Ingveldur Ámadóttir, Sigurðs- son, I decided to take this trip to Canada. She moved to Canada in 1897, fifty-five years old at the time. In 1891 she lost her husband and had lived with her brother at Stóri-Kroppur in Borgaríjörður, and supported herself with little means. Her eldest son, Jón, moved to Canada in 1896 and he received his mother and siblings when they arrived in Winnipeg. With Ingveldur went three of her children, but my grandmother, Ólöf, remained in Iceland. On June 12, 1897 they took off from Stóri- Kroppur. Ólöf and Eggert, her fiancé at the time, trav- elled with them to Reykjavík and were married at the Reykjavík cathedral, before the family left to Canada. They first travelled by ship to Scotland and continued on with another ship to Halifax. From there they trav- elled to Winnipeg using the transportation which was avaijable at that time. My trip began from Stóri-Kroppur on June 12, 1997.1 was one day short of fifty-five years. A hundred years ago there were no cars available for travelling. There were only horses and people had to transport all their luggage on them. There were no roads, only slow-to-travel trails. Rivers had no bridges for crossing. The first leg of the trip one hundred years ago was a two-day joumey on horseback, and the last was a trip by boat across the Faxaflói to Reykjavík. I travelled this distance in two hours. I drove on a paved road in my pickup tmck. I crossed Faxaflói gulf by a ferry as they had done long ago. A few days later I took a plane to Halifax. At first I had planned to travel by train from Halifax to Winnipeg, but it became clear that taking a bus would be more suitable, which was both cheaper and took less time. I left from Halifax on Wednesday June 25. The bus continued night and day and I arrived in Winnipeg in the evening on Friday June 27. I had to change buses three times during the trip. After sleeping off the tiredness from the trip from Viðar Waage with Paula and Ken Olafson. Halifax, I rented a car in Winnipeg and continued my joumey, tracing my great-grandmother’s route. Ásgeir Sigurðsson, my cousin and Ingveldur’s grandson, had told me that Ingveldur had lived north of Winnipeg, called Argyle district today, for the first two years after moving to Canada. I found this place easily and it was as if an invisible hand directed me there. Argyle is a small country village. I had a short stop there. A caim had been erected there in memory of the settlers with Icelandic names on it. I found nothing concrete there from the days of my great- grandmother, but I had a very strong and painful feel- ing from a time long passed. Ásgeir, who remembered Jtis grandmother well, told me that here our people had to endure a very difificult life. I continued on to Lundar. It was a strange feeling to enter a restaurant and see the people there.I felt that I was back home in Iceland. The people had the same demeanour as at home. As I sat looking at the people, I must have looked like some kind of a strange creature. But so be it. You know the rest of the story in Lundar. I remember this short stay with thanksgiving to both of you. When I left from you [the Olafsons] and contin- ued to Swan-River, it was late in the day. I drove through a very sparsely populated area north of Lake Manitoba and found a very good motel in a small vil- lage west of there. I continued on to Elfros where I stayed with my cousin Hughe and his mother Alice. Please see lceland on page 10 Riverton Co-op Association Ltd. GROCERIES - MEATS - PRODUCE FISHING & HUNTING SUPPLIES - APPUANCES - HARDWARE 378-2251 Serving the community since 1925 Riverton, Manitoba OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. - 8 P.M., MONDAY - SATURDAY 10Á.M. — 6 P.M., SUNDAY Welcome to all the participants and visitors to Gimli during the 1999 Pan Am Games ic« <ft(An VJuttr PHONE 204/642-5995 BOX 1578, 46 CENTRE STREET • QIMLI, MB ROC 1B0



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