Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.12.2003, Blaðsíða 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.12.2003, Blaðsíða 7
Lögberg-Heimskringla • 5 Desember 2003 • page 7 Jól hjá Jóni og Úlú á íslandi og í Kanada Christmas at Jón and Úlú’s in Iceland and in Canada Jón Örn Jónsson Regina, SK Since coming to Saskatoon, SK in 1970 Úlú and I have maintained, as much as possi- ble, and celebrated the Christmas customs and tradi- tions we were brought up with in Iceland. The big event was Aðfangadcigur - Christmas Eve - when we had the mouthwater- ing ptarmigan supper with caramelized potatoes, red cab- bage, green peas and gravy to die for. In both our homes the Christmas tree was decorated on the evening of the 23rd, Þorláksmessu, and the presents placed under it. Following supper, and after the dishes had been done, we Every kind of flag ímaginabla.. VISIT OUH SHOWROOM FOR YOUR ► ICSLANDIC FLAG ta- FLAGS OF ALL NAÍIONS ► PROVINCIAL AND STATE FLAGS ► PINS, CRESTS. DECALS ft- FLAGPOLES & ACCESSORIES ► CUSTOM-SEWN OR PRINTED FLAGS / 8ANNERS 1195 Pembina Highway Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T2A5 Tel: (204) 452-2689 Fax: (204)452-2701 ToUFme 1-800-260-3713 ™FLansHap Merry Christmas from ^ I* I % % A II lí S 'K • PIZZA • PASTA • RIBS •SALADS • APPETIZERS All-you-can-eat buffet every Thursday Licenced Dining Room Take-Out & Delivery 642-5555 Open 7 days a week Reservatiom Accepted 70 First Avenue, Gimli joined hands and walked around the tree singing Heims um ból, 1 Betlehem er barn oss fætt, Göngum við í kringum einiber- jarunn and others, until our childish patience ran out and we could no longer wait to open the presents. In those long ago days, when there was only radio and not many toys, the most common and welcome presents were books, books and more books. It was not uncommon for us to receive thirteen, four- teen books. To this day Úlú and I enjoy getting at least one book to peruse over the holidays. So we went to bed on Christmas Eve with a stack of books and stacks of baking and glasses of milk and read away into the wee hours of the morn- ing. When we eventually tum- bled out of bed, we continued reading - remember there was no TV - until the Christmas Day supper of hangikjöt and laufabrauð, potatoes, peas, car- rots and white sauce (uppstú- /jafningur). The second day of Christmas was a day for visiting with friends and relatives and the supper was leftovers and fiskibollur (fish balls) in tomato sauce served in puff pastries (tartalettur). We are not sure if contem- porary Icelanders still observe the delightful custom of putting children’s’ slippers in the win- dowsill during December until Christmas Eve for Gluggagœir, Windowpeeker, tenth of the thirteen Icelandic jólasveinar, to put some goodies in their slippers. Of course we had to be very good for Gluggagœir to come to our window, so during December Icelandic children Liv e w ell zvith PHARMASAVE Pharmacists: Ernest Stefanson Garry Fedorchuk 4^ Full Service Pharmacy Free Instore Blood Pressure Testing Patient Counselling Gimli, MB (204) 642-5504 jhymSTAURANT !cI<abod 'i LOUNGE CASUAL DINING Open 11:30 am Daily Lunch and Dintter Specials • Facilities FULLY LICENSED • Steak * Seafood * Rlbs • Pizza • Pasia • Chicken • Veal • Kid’s Menu We deliver all our menu Items 3354 Portage Ave. For Dellvery or Take oul for group parties (up to 60) • Dlne In • Take Out • Home Delívery • Outtíaor Patio ichabod’s Lounge 889-7887 VlTVBigStreenTV BereLsTadun HOUSING CO-OP The Fiiiest in the West Enil for Seniors i Plus! One and Two bedroom apartments Weekly Activities: Crafts, Bingo, Whist, Exercise Classes and Vans lo take you shopping at Safeway, Polo Park Monthly Activities: Church service, Birthday Parties ln-House Store and Hair Salon Phone: 772-7164 Betelstaður 1061 Sargent at Erin, Winnipeg R3E 3M6 were the best-behaved children in the world. When we moved to Saskatoon, we didn’t know a soul, but were welcomed and adopted into Leo and Jean Kristjanson’s family, and during our four years there we celebrat- ed Christmases together, Christmas Eve at our house and Christmas Day at their house. While in Saskatoon we maintained the slipper-in-the- window custom for our son Haukur Hávar for two reasons. He still believed in Santa Claus and we had windowsills in the old house we lived in. When we moved to Regina in 1974, he was ten and not quite sure that there was a Santa and there were no windowsills, so that was the end of the slipper-in- the-window custom. During our first week in Regina we met Hafsteinn and Lillian Bjamason, the parents of the current L-H editor extraordi- naire. They instantly became our beloved friends and family, and with them began the Regina laufabrauð-makmg tradition in 1975. Laufabrauð originates in northern Iceland and laufab- rawd-making was a tradition in Jón’s home. His parents, being from Akureyri and Siglufjörður, invited friends and family to laufabrauð-mokÁng the first Sunday in December. On the first Sunday in December in 1975 at our home we introduced between thirty and forty people to laufabrauð- making, and in 2003 we are stijl at it, though with a different and a smaller cast of characters, and this time we are introducing Jónína and Tom Adamcewich to the fun and Fellowship of the laufabrauð. Please see Jól hjá Jóni og Úlú á Islandi og í Kanada on Page 8 Gamfdinte+ttd. . . . rco*op\ Riverton Co-op Association Ltd. 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