Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.12.2003, Blaðsíða 15

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.12.2003, Blaðsíða 15
Lögberg-Heimskringla • 5 Desember 2003 • page 15 Calendar of Events Saturday, 6 December Winnipeg, MB: The First Lutheran Church Women invite you to their annual Christmas Tea from 1 - 3 pm. 580 Victor St. Sales of lifrarpylsa, home baking, crafts, books, white elephant and touch and take tables, and a silent auction. Handicap access. BC: ICC of BC. Annual icelandic Bake & Craft Sale at lceland House, 10 am - 1 pm. Traditional baking, lifrarpylsa, mysuostur, rúllupylsa, pickled herring, harð- fiskur, hangikjöt will be featured. For pre-orders, call Naomi at 604- 465-9154 by Nov. 29. Choose special gifts from many tables and enjoy a molasopi at the Hard Fisk Cafe. Sunday, 7 December BC: ICC of BC. Children’s Christmas Party at Confederation Centre, 4585 Albert St. Burnaby, 2-4 pm. This traditional event features a visit from Santa and singing around the tree with lcelandic action songs and famil- iar carols. Submit names to Jana at 604-590-3898 or ohelgason@ shaw.ca by November 28. Toronto, ON: Christmas Fair 2:30 pm. Grace Church on-the- Hill, 300 Lonsdale Road. Something for everyone... gift ideas, crafts, stocking stuffers, games, craft activities, a special presentation by the Elfinfolk Theatre Groupe on the Jólasveinar. Bring a plate of goodies. More info. Leah 905- 820-2611. Monday, 8 December Wynyard, SK: Christmas party at the Wynyard Drop In with Kim Moore from the Shanty Inn pro- viding a buffet dinner. Thursday, 11 December Fargo, ND: F-M lcelandic Club Christmas gathering. Ramada Plaza Suites. Friday, 12 December Winnipeg, MB: Scandinavian Canadian Choir Christmas Concert ‘Sing We Now of Christmas’ featuring the Fun Folk & Young Folk Dancers. Scandinavian Centre, 764 Erin St. Dinner @ 6 pm. Concert to fol- low; Tickets $20. Call Ted Bettess 896-1695 or Scandinavian Centre @774-8047. Sunday, 14 December Palo Alto, CA: lcelandic Assoc. of Northern California Children’s Jólaball. 2-4 pm. at Lucie Stern Community Centre. 1305 Middlefield Rd. Sunday, 4 January Winnipeg, MB: lcelandic Canadian Frón hosts the Sunday Brunch at the Scandinavian Centre 11 am - 2 pm; 764 Erin St. $ 10. Tel 774-8047. Thursday, 29 January 2004 Winnipeg, MB: Lestrarfélag reads Waiting for the South Wind by Valgardur Egilsson. 7 pm. Icelandic Collection Board Room, U of M. Thursday, 26 February 2004 Winnipeg, MB: Lestrarfélag reads Men at Axlir by Dominic Cooper. 7 pm. Icelandic Collection Board Room, U of M. Saturday, 29 Febraary 2004 Montreal, QC: lcelandic Canadian Club of Quebec. Porrablót. Mark your calendars. Invite your friends. Let’s make it the best one yet! Saturday, 6 March San Francisco, CA: lcelandic Assoc. of Northern California Þorrablót at the Municipal Service Building in South San Francisco. Advanced tickets only. Thursday, 25 March 2004 Winnipeg, MB: Lestrarfélag reads Eccentric Islands by Bill Holm. 7 pm. Icelandic Collection Board Room, U of M. Saturday, 27 March 2004 Foam Lake, SK: Vatnabyggð lcelandic Club of SK Þorrablót at Foam Lake Community Hall. 23 - 25 April 2004 Hecla island, MB: INL of NA Convention 2004. Rooms can be booked directly through Gull Harbour Resort and Conference Centre at 1-800-267-6700 under the lcelandic National League. Convention Convener Maxine Ingalls - jingalls@mts.net or 204- 482-9822. Thursday, 29 April 2004 Winnipeg, MB: Lestrarfélag reads True Confessions of a Heartless Girl by Martha Brooks. 7 pm. Betelstaður. Thursday, 27 May 2004 Winnipeg, MB: Lestrarfélag reads Falcons Gold by Kathy Arnason. 7 pm.. Betelstaður. ONGOING Montreal, QC: lcelandic Canadian Club of Quebec. Icelandic Lessons with Anna. Each Thurs. 7-8:30 pm, Greene Avenue Center, 1290 Greene Avenue, $8.50+ $1 (room rental). annalu75@hot mail.com. Arborg, MB: Conversational lcelandic Classes starting Wed. 22 October at Arborg Collegiate. 7:30 -9 pm. Contact Einar and Rosalind Vigfusson. 204-376- 2769. Winnipeg, MB: lcelandic lan- guage classes every Thurs. 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Scandinavian Centre, 764 Erin Street. Introductory and intermediate level classes. Call Gunnvör for details, evenings at 204-256- 2143. Foam Lake, SK: lcelandic lan- guage lessons, Sunday evening, 7:30, Elfros Library, winter ses- sion now beginning. One-time payment of $5 to cover photo- copying, then $2 each time you attend. Gunni Goodman instruct- ing. For more information, call Stella, 306-328-2077. Winnipeg, MB: Framfari conversa- tional lcelandic classes every Monday, begin at 6:45 pm. For more information call Arný at 783- 2885 or email: arnyh@shaw.ca. Winnipeg, MB: First Tuesday of every month, Framfari meeting 7- 9 pm at the Boardroom, lcelandic Collection, Elizabeth Dafoe Library, U of M. Everyone wel- come. For more info see: www.samkoma.com/framfari. Montreal, PQ: ICC-Quebec intro- ductory level lcelandic language lessons. Teacher Anna Ludviksdóttir, every Wed. 7-8:30 pm. Upstairs at the Greene Avenue Centre, 1090 Greene in Westmount. Contact Wendy at wer0802@hot mail.com, or Susan at noricher @total.net. or 514-931-0771. Winnipeg, MB: 1st Fri. ea. month. Icelandic Canadian Frón invites you to practice your lcelandic language skills and enjoy the Smorgasbord at 6 pm. Scandinavian Cultural Centre, 764 Erin St. Fluency not a requirement, only willingness to try. Please note that entries to the Calendar of EVents must be typed out as they are to appear. Send by e-mail: logberg@mts.net, fax 204-284-3870, or mail, include date, place, time and other particulars. Deadline: Tuesday of the previous week (a week and a half before appearance). For more listings, visit our website at www.logberg.com The L-H on Christmas Break The last issue, number 44, of the newspaper for 2003 will come out on December I9th. In 2004 the first issue will appear on January I6th. This issue will begin the new L-H as a bi-weekly. For the period December 12th to January 5th, the L-H staff will be on Christmas break. ■ - - - Lögberg Heimskringla---- Subscribe Now! The perfect investment in your lcelandic heritage—your weekly newspaper—44 issues a year! We now accept payment by: VISA • MASTERCARD • AMERICAN EXPRESS Want to see what we’re all about? Subscribe for 11 weeks at 1/4 the cost! □ New DGift DRenew □ Manitoba $51.30/year (incl. PST) □ 11 weeks/$12.83 □ Elsewhere in Canada $48.15/year □ 11 weeks/$12.03 (The above prices include GST) Name______________________ Address_________________ City/town_________________________ Phone_____________________________ □ USA, lceland, other $54 (USD)/year OR $81 (CAD)/year* □ 11 Weeks/$13.50 USD or $20.50 CAD □ Donation in addition to subscription (Canada Charitable Reg. 10337 3635 RR Remit in Canadian or US funds) _Prov/State_____ _Post/Zip Code_ Mail cheque or money order to: Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. 206-900 St. James St„ Winnipeg, MB. R3G 3J7 Phone: (204) 284-5686 Fax: (204) 284-3870 Phone or mail in credit card details: □ MC OVISA QAMEX Expiration Date L Phone number Card Number * Please note that subscribers abroad using credit card payment wiil be charged in Canadian currency ($81) although an equiva- lent sum in their own currency will appear on their credit card bill. For example, a USA subscriber will be billed approximately $54 USD by VISA although this may fluctuate when the exchange is calculated on our $81 CAD charge. r ARBORG PHARMACY Pharmacist: V. T. Eyolfson % Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. 6 p.m. ^ Box 640, Arborg, MB ROC 0A0 Ph: 376-5153 J ÍCELANDAIR Airfares avaiiable to icelandair's - destinations from cities across Canada. .Keflavik, lceland • London, England •Glasgow, Scotland .Copenhagen, Denmark •Stockholm, Sweden .Oslo, Norway .Amsterdam, Holland .Paris, France • Frankfurt, Germany lcelandair has been the "coolest" airline crossing the Atlantic since 1948 and serves lceland, Scandinavia, the UK and Europe from its US gateways of Boston, Baltimore, New York, Minneapolis and Orlando. ÍLM .. m J^Great.. Canadian Travelmpany 158 Fort Street • Winnipeg, MB R3C IC9 Tel (204) 949-0199 • Fax (204) 949-0188 www.greatcanadiantravel.com www.iceland-experience.com (204) 949-0199 Email: sales@gctc-mst.com Visit us on the web at http://www.logberg.com



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