Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.12.2003, Blaðsíða 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.12.2003, Blaðsíða 8
page 8 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • 5 December 2003 Continued from Page 7 Jól hjá Jóni og Úlú á íslandi og í Kanada Christmas at Jón and Úlú’s in Iceland and in Canada Enjoying the laufrabrauð of their labour, from Ieft: Kristinn, Haukur, Sandra, Jordan, Jón and Lillian They will join the regular stalwarts, Kristinn and Lillian Thorarinson from Saskatoon, Stella Stephanson from Elfros and our son Haukur Hávar and family Sandra and Jordan. Following the making of the dough, the rolling, the dec- orating and the frying, the par- ticipants celebrate Littlu-Jól, sitting down to a meal of lau- fabrauð, hangikjtít from Iceland and Gimli, with the white sauce, potatoes, green peas, carrots and wild rice, served with white wine, red wine and malt og appelsín that is a mix of dark beer and orange crush served ice cold, a custom from Úlú’s and Jón’s childhood Christmases. From 1977 until they returned to Iceland in 2002 we shared and celebrated Christmases with Baldvin and Margrét Júlíusson and their children Svava, Oddný and Baddi and later on their grand- children. We alternated Christmas Eves and Christmas Days at our respective homes. And, though we did not have room to walk around the tree, we joined hands and sang Christmas songs after the dish- es were done and prior to the gift opening. The Christmas Day meal was always hangikjtít and laufabrauð, and the Christmas Eve dinner a flambéed saddle or leg of lamb. In both the Júlíussons and Jónssons homes in Iceland, ptarmigan was the traditional Christmas Eve fare, but ptarmigan was not available in Saskatchewan, so we made do with lamb. Until that memo- rable 1982 Christmas Eve when we feasted on ptarmigan, courtesy of a seventy-some- year-old vestur-íslendingur, John Lindal of Lynn Lake, MB. Baldvin and Jón certainly thought they had entered gas- tronomic heaven and gorged themselves as if this would be their last meal. It took them three quarters of an hour to walk their gluttony off and be ready for gift opening. John again supplied us with ptarmi- gan for Christmas 1983. That time Baldvin and Jón showed more couth and restraint. John would not take any payment for the birds, but we were able to show a small token of our appreciation by sending him an Icelandic sweater and blan- ket. Thanks to Úlú our home is extensively, tastefully and fes- tively decorated, with some decorations dating back to our childhoods. There are many and varied mobiles fluttering in ceilings in all rooms and candles galore. Among our Christmas tree decorations are gingerbread people and hous- es, home-made hand-woven multicoloured paper bags filled with candy and our Christmas tree lights are elec- tric candles, reminding us of the real lit candles of our childhoods. Við óskum öllum gleðilegra jóla og gott ogfarslœlt nýtt ár. Krave’s Candy Co. 45 Durjnd Kí«d Wpg, MK R2J JTl PilDSf,: (204) 654-1361 Tou FrEE: t (800) 357-080? Larry Finnson Chris Emery Heimur Travel heimur Publications mmmmmmmmgmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm www.heimur. is/world www.icelandreview.com Heimur publishes over 900,000 coDÍes of travel WOULD YOU LIKE TO... I and learn something new? Experience something completely different? Meet new people and make friends? Stay with lcelandic relatives? Learn about lcelandic culture and langua< Travel around lceland's most exotic spots' If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, prepare yourself for the biggest adventure of your life - THE SNORRI PROGRAM! Anyone of lcetandic descent between the ages of 18 and 25+ living in North America can apply for this exciting adventure. The Snorri Program is a unique opportunity foryoung peopte to discover the country, culture, nature and language of their ancestors, and to create or strengthen bonds with relatives living in tceland. The program is six weeks long, running from mid-June to the end of July. FOR MORE INF0RMATI0N, AN APPLICAT10N F0RM AND INFORMATION ON GRANTS, PLEASE WRITE TO US AT info@snorri.is OR VISIT 0UR WEBSITE AT www.snorri.is 15 applicants will be selected for the 2004 program Deadline: January 12,2004 If you are over 30 years old read about The Snorrj Plus Program at www.snorri.is THE SN0RRI PR0GRAM IS A C00PERATIVE ASSIGNMENT BETWEENTHE N0RDIC ASS0CIATI0N AND INL ICELAND. IT HAS BEEN RUNNING SINCE 1999 AND ALL 75 PARTICIPANTS HIGHLY REC0MMENDTHE PR0GRAM. THE G0VERNMENT OFICELAND, ICELANDAIR AND VARIOUS MUNICIPALITIES AND COMPANIES SPONSORTHE PROGRAM. LUNDAR PHARMACY Keith and Davilyn Eyoifson Prescriptions, Drugs, Cosmetics, Giftwares, Stationery, Confectionery PHONE 204/762-5431 - LUNDAR, MANITOBA Complimcnls of. . . Stefanson & Lee CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bicnt Stelanson, C.A. Ken Lec, C.A. Phil Romaniuk. C.A. (10")“ 642-5577 Open P' 8 3 '- Thursday ol every month 775-8975 200B Polo Park Shopping Centre, 1485 Portage Ave.. Winnipeg. R3G0W4 (204) STEVENSON’S FOODS • GROCERIES • FRESH MEATS • PRODUCE • • IN-STORE BAKERY • LOTTERY CENTRE • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 56 MAIN STREET LUNDAR, MANITOBA OFOODRIRE (204) 7&2-5714 M£AT DEPARTMENT 762-LEAN Serving the Community Since 1957 RIVERTON CREDIT UNION LTD. BOX 428 RIVERTON, MB ROC 2R0 TEL: 204.378.5121 Ron Seimens, GENERAL MANAGER Making laufabrauð, from left: Kristinn, Lillian, Haukur, Jordan <m ih nnw riii* xm m«* wwm m n rimr .NiirmirN & rim 1 rin 'ni'HfeinNi



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