Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.12.2003, Blaðsíða 9

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.12.2003, Blaðsíða 9
Lögberg-Heimskringla • 5 Desember 2003 • page 9 The White Strand A review by W. D. (Bill) Valgardson rhe White Strand by Ellinor Thun Ueland and illustrat- ed by Warren Oddsson is a beautiful book. It is more than a book, it is a work of art. It brings together not only poetry that harks back to the Eddas but incorporates illustrations and design that are fully integrated. There are two versions of The White Strand. There is the collectors’ first edition. It is hand numbered and signed by the poet. From the Elephant Hyde end papers to the heavily grained, leather-like cover, evei-y detail has been worked out. The $100.00 cost seems quite reasonable for seldom do you see a book created with such care. This is truly a collec- tor’s book and one I’d handle only after I’d carefully washed my hands. It even makes me want to put on white gloves before tuming the pages. The second version is the soft cover edition. This is the edition I’d buy for reading and sharing with friends and family. At $49.95 it is a bargain for it has been hand assembled and perfect bound. The front has foil embossed symbols and runic letters. Inside it contains the same poetry and illustrations as the collector’s edition. These are poems of the old times, written by E.Thun Ueland. Her middle name is a version of the name of the Norse god Thor. Her family is connected to Iceland because during the rule of Harald Hairfair, two of three brothers in her family migrated to Iceland during the days of the settle- ment. It is no wonder then, that her poetic concems are the con- cems of the Norse and her sub- ject matter is Norse. There are poems with titles like “Awakening - Greenland”, “The Ravens of Hafrsíjord”, “Leif Eiriksson’s Cape”, and “Ragnarok”. For those not familiar with Norse history and mythology, there is a helpful glossary at the back. The White Strand Receives Award rhe White Strand was awarded with an “Honourable Mention”, at the International Gallery of Superb Printing Awards, 2003 held in Europe. The competition is devoted to the principles of honouring excellence in the graphic arts by Celebrating Craft, Applauding Art and Showcasing Science. Greg Olynyk of Lansdowne Press advised Robert Asgeirsson, President of Pennan Digital, Inc., pub- lisher of The White Strand, that Also available at: H.P.Tergesens & NIHM in Glmli A special gift for that special Norse soul in your iife The White Strand is a poetic homage to the ancient Norse. “Between the elegant covers of this book are superb gems of poetry and art... Beautifully done!..." Frances Hanson, BC. Order todayl isit www.pennan.ca or phone 604-536-9377 Books shipped free from publisher "Expedited Mail" $100 cdn. Hard Cover, 49.95 cdn. Soft Cover + gst Call for courier rates “More than 3,100 entries from around the world were scruti- nized by world-class judges with entries coming from as far as Australia, Italy, Germany, Britain, China, Holland, Korea and Mexico to narne a few.” And he added “Congratul- ations!” Indeed. Congratul- ations. Further detailed informa- tion about the book’s covers, content, images, author and artist can be found on the Pennan Digital Inc. web site at: www.pennan.ca In “Battle at Svolder” she begins “The Noms were spin- ning black that day/As Odin’s ravens flew about”. In “Leif Eiriksson’s Cape” she says “The Earl of the Isle saw a ship sailing in,/A longship with Norsemen on board,/Blown off its course by a mighty wind, On its way to Breidatjord.” So start many of the poems, right in the rniddle of the action. The rhyming form is old fashioned Thor's Meats and Groceries Fresh Meats Wholesale and Retail Custom Cutting and Wrapping Gleðileg jól! 401 Main Street Selkirk, MB Tel: 204-482-4424 Fax: 204-785-4966 but appropriate to the subject matter and captures a feeling for the ancient poems. The illustrations, which I cannot praise too highly, are done in stipple art drawing. When I first saw the illustra- tions, I decided right then that I wanted the same artist to illus- trate a book of folk tales for me. It was with a shock that I read that he had died in August of 2001. He was born in New Westminster, B.C. His father is Arthur Oddsson and is of Icelandic descent. His mother is June Matthiasen who is of Norwegian descent. A great deal of care has gone into this book and it con- tains more than just what first appears on the page. A careful reading will reveal at least one of these secrets. I congratulate Robert Asgeirsson for bravely taking on such a challenging project as editor and publisher. Publishing poetry in Canada is an act of bravery but here, for a special- ized and knowledgeable audi- ence, is a book to keep and cherish. KAKEN JOHANNSSON Handmade Batik Cadds CUSHIONSAND Wall Hanchnos Batik CLA/sses ICELANPIC Mcmrs 162 Upton ötreet Wlnnlpeg, MB Phone 775-7096 Fax 774-9453 Upton5t5tudloíHneteoape.net LF5 mmm :: ^ “Nutritionals You Can Tmst” USANA Palmetto Plus Provides immedisle and long- term prostate support for men. Contains saw palmetto plus lycopene and soy isoflavones. 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