Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 16.10.1998, Blaðsíða 16

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 16.10.1998, Blaðsíða 16
sunnudagur 18. október 1998 SJÓNVARPIÐ 09.00 Morgunsjónvarp barnanna. Kynnir: Elfar Logi Hannesson. Sunnudaga- skólinn, 3. þáttur: Og það kom steypiregn. Dýrin ( Fagraskógi (23:39). Paddington (9:26). Kasper (5:13). Gleymdu leikföngin (3:13). 10.40 Hlé. 13.30 Vatn tll sklptanna. 15.00 Þr|ú-b(ó. Nornin unga (Sabrina the Teenage Witch). Bandarfsk kvikmynd um nomina Sabrinu. 16.30 Hátíflarsýning f hrlnglelkahúsi 17.30 Alvar Aalto. Finnsk heimildarmynd um einn merkasta arki- tekt aldarinnar. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttlr. 18.00 Stundln okkar. 18.30 Spaghettl-konan. 18.45 Tsltsl (3:5). 19.00 Gelmferðln (13:52). 20.00 Fréttlr, íþróttlr og veður. 20.40 Sunnudagslelkhúslð. Sögur fyrir svefninn: Silfur. Miðill kemur ( heimahús og setur upp fund fyrir aldraöa konu. Höfundur: Friðrik Ertingsson. Leikstjóri: Hjörtur Grétarsson. Aöalhlutverk: Margrét Olafsdóttir og Bergur Þór Ingólfsson. Stjóm upptöku: Björn Emilsson. 21.05 Eylíf (3:4). Grfmsey. 21.35 Helgarsportiö. 22.00 (takt vlð t(mann (1:4) (A Dance to the Music of Tlme). Nýr breskur myndaflokkur gerður eftir sögum Anthonys Powells. Leikstjóri: Alvin Rakoff. Aðalhlutverk: Simon Russell Beale, James Purefoy og Paul Rhys. 23.45 Útvarpsfréttir. 23.55 Skjálelkurlnn. 09.00 í erilborg. 09.25 Brúmmi. 09.30 Köttur út' (mýri. 09.55 Tímon, Púmba og félagar. 10.15 Andrés Önd og genglð. 10.40 Urmull. 11.05 Unglingsárin (1:13) (e). 11.30 Nancy. 11.55 Húsið á sléttunnl (22:22). 13.00 fþróttir á sunnudegi. 15.30 Perlur Austurlands (7:7) (e). Lokaþáttur myndaflokkslns um náttúruperlur Austurlands ber yfirskriftina „Vatnaheimur Héraðsins". 15.55 Lois og Clark (20:22) (e). 16.40 Lill. 18.00 Fornbókabúðin (e). 18.30 Glæstar vonlr. 19.00 19>20. 20.05 Ástir og átök (10:25) (Mad About You). 20.35 Helma (3:12). Sigmundur Ernir heimsækir leikarahjónin landsþekktu, Brynju Benediktsdóttur og Erling Gislason. 21.10 Saga hefðarkonu (The Portrait of a Lady). Isabel Archer er á undan sinni samtíö og storkar ríkjandi gildum samfélagsins. Hún fer (ferðalag um Evrópu og lendir þar I klónum á Madame Merle og Gilbert Osmond sem ákveða að hagnast á þessari ungu saklausu konu. Aðalhlutverk: John Malkovich, Nicole Kidman og Barbara Hersey. Leik- stjóri: Jane Campion.1996. 22.55 60 mínútur. 23.45 Frelslnginn (e) (Freejack). Árið 1991 lenti ökuþórinn Alex Furlong ( óhappi á kappaksturbrautinni og rankaði ekki við sér aftur fyrr en 18 árum síðarl Leikstjóri: Geoff Murphy.1992. Strangiega bönnuð börnum. 01.35 Dagskrárlok. Skjáleikur. 14.45 Enski boltinn. Bein útsending frá leik Coventry City og Sheffield Wed- nesday í ensku úrvalsdeildinni. 16.50 Ameríski fótboltinn. (NFL 1998/1999) 17.50 19. holan (19:29). Ööruvísi þáttur þar sem farið er yfir mörg af helstu atriðum hinnar göfugu golfíþróttar. 18.25 ítalskl boltinn. Bein útsending frá leik Interog Lazio í ítöl- sku 1. deíldinni. 20.15 ítölsku mörkln. 20.35 Golfmót (Bandaríkjunum (PGA US 1998). 21.30 Bréf tll þriggja kvenna (A Letter to Three Wives). Þrjár vinkonur leggja af staö í siglingu. Þeim berst bréf frá sam- eiginlegri vinkonu en í því stendur að hún sé tekin saman við eiginmann einnar þeirra. Spurningin er: eiginmann hverrar? Aðalhlutverk: Loni Anderson, Michele Lee og Stephanie Zimbalist. Leikstjóri: Larry Elikann.1985. 23.00 Evrópska smekkleysan (5:6) (Eurotrash). 23.25 Glaumgoslnn (Pick-up Artist). Llf glaumgosans ein- kennist af kæruleysi. En dag einn hittir hann fyrir ofjarl sinn. Dóttir drykkfellds fjárhættuspilara verður á vegi hans og eftir það verður líf glaumgosans ekki hið sama. Aðalhlut- verk: Dennis Hopper, Molly Ringwald og Robert Downey Jr. Leikstjóri: James Toback.1987. 00.45 Dagskrárlok og skjálelkur. Æ. 06.00 Krakkalakkar. (Kidz in the Wood). 1994. 08.00 Þumalína. (Thum- ____ belina). 1994. 10.00 HHH Geimkarfa. (Space Jam). 1996. 12.00 Angelique og V i 111II/ soldáninn. (Angelique et le Sultan). 1968. vllllll/ 14.00 Geimkarfa. 16.00 Þumalina. 18.00 WUiJI Angelique og soldáninn. 20.00 Krakka- IWW lakkar. 22.00 Elnn á mótl öllum. (Against All Odds). 1984. Bönnuð börn- um. 00.00 Demantar. (Ice). 1994. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 02.00 Elnn á mótl öllum. 04.00 Demantar. \f/ 'O BARNARÁSIN 8.30 Alllr f leik. Dýrln vaxa. 9.00 Kastali Melkorku. 9.30 Rugrats. 10.00 Nútímalíf Rlkka. 10.30 AAAhhlll Alvöru skrfm- sll. 11.00 Ævintýrl P & P 11.30 Skólinn mlnn er skemmtilegur! Ég og dýrið mltt. 12.00 Námsgagnastofnun. 12.30 Hlé. 16.00 Sklppí. 16.30 Nlkkl og gæludýrlö. 17.00 Tabalúki. 17.30 Frank- lln. 18.00 Grjónagrautur. 18.30 Róbert bangsl. 19.00 Bless og takk fyrlr (dagl Allt efni talsett eða með fslenskum texta. Hallmark 5.50 Shadow Zone: My Teacher Ate My Homework 7.20 Miles to Go 8.50 Stronger than Blood 10.25 Elvis Meets Nixon 12.10 Jungle Book 13.55 Robert Ludlum's the Apocalypse Watch 15.25 Best Friends for Life 17.00 Storm Boy 18.25 The Irish RM 19.20 The Boor 19.50 Between Two Brothers 21.30 Lonesome Dove 22.15 Etvis Meets Nixon 0.00 Jungle Book 1.45 Robert Ludlum’s the Apocalypse Watch VH-1 5.00 90s Weekend Hits 8.00 Pop-up Video 9.00 Something for the Weekend 11.00 Ten of the Best: Wet Wet Wet 12.00 Greatest Hits Of...: Simply Red 12.30 Pop up Video 13.00 The Clare Grogan Show 14.00 90s Weekend Hits 19.00 The VH1 Album Chart Show 20.00 The Kate & Jono Show 21.00 Premiere: Behind the Music: Gloria Estefan 22.00 Around and Around 23.00 Soul Vibration 1.00 VH1 Late Shift The Travel Channel 11.00 Wild Ireland 11.30 Around Britain 12.00 On Tour 12ÁJ0 The Flavours of Italy 13.00 Origins With Burt Wolf 13.30 Travelling Ute 14.00 Great Australian Train Joumeys 15.00 Transasia 16.00 Wild Ireland 16.30 Go 217.00 The Flavours of Italy 17.30 Travelling Lite 18.00 O Canada! 19.00 Around Britain 19.30 Holiday Maker 20.00 Travel Live • Stop the Week 21.00 The Flavours of France 21.30 On Tour 22.00 Secrets of India 22.30 Reel Worid 23.00 Closedown Eurosport 6.30 Football: Euro 2000 Qualifying Rounds 8.30 Cycling: Worid Championships in Valkenburg-Maastricht-Margraten, Nethertands 15.00 Tennis: ATP Toumament in Basel, Switzeriand 17.00 Equestrianism: Worid Equestrian Games in Rome, Italy 18.00 Boxing 19.00 Football: Euro 2000 Qualifying Rounds 21.00 Sumo: Grand Sumo Toumament (Basho) in Tokyo, Japan 22.00 Fencing: Worid Championships in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzeriand 23.00 Boxing 23.30 Close Cartoon Network 4.00 Omer and the Starchild 4.30 Ivanhoe 5.00 The Fmitties 5.30 Thomas the Tank Engine 5.45 The Magic Roundabout 6.00 Blinky Bill 6.30Tabaluga 7.00 Johnny Bravo 7.30 Animaniacs 8.00 Dexter's Laboratory 9.00 Cow and Chicken 9.301 am Weasel 10.00 Ðeetlejuice 10.30 Tom and Jerry 11.00 Mystery Weekender 20.00 Johnny Bravo 20.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 21.00 Cow and Chicken 21.30 Wait Tlll Your Father Gets Home 22.00 The Flintstones 22.30 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 23.00 Top Cat 23.30 Helpl It's the Hair Bear Bunch 0.00 Hortg Kong Phooey 0.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 1.00 Ivanhoe 1.30 Omer and the Starchild 2.00 Blinky Bill 2.30 The Fruitties 3.00 The Real Storyof... 3.30Tabaluga BBC Prime 4.00 Just in Time? 5.00 BBC Worid News 5.20 Prime Weather 5.30 Wham! Bam! Strawberry Jam! 5.45 The Brolíys 6.00 Melvin and Maureen 6.15Activ8 6.40 Blue Peter 7.05 The Genie From Down Under 7.30 Out of Tune 8.00 Top of the Pops 8.30 Style Challenge 9.00 Can't Cook, Won't Cook 9.30 Ballykissangel 10.20 Prime Weather 10.30 To the Manor Bom 11.00 Style Challenge 11.30 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook 12.00 Wildlife 12.30 Classic Adventure 13.00 The Limit 13.30 Porridge 14.00 Noddy 14.10 Blue Peter 14.35 The Demon Headmaster 15.00 The Genie From Down Under 15.30 Top of the Pops 216.15 Antiques Roadshow 17.00 Ballykissangel 18.00 999 19.00 Biography: Hemingway 20.00 BBC Worid News 20.25 Prime Weather 20.30 Over Here 22.05 Songs of Praise 22.40 Top of the Pops 23.05 Tracks 23.30 Muzzy Comes Back 23.55 Animated Alphabet 0.00 Japanese Language and People 1.00 The Business Hour 2.00 Body Plans 2.30 Shaping Up 3.00 Introduction to Psychology: Two Research Styles 3.30 Simple Beginnings? Discovery 7.00 Shark Week: Great White! 8.00 Shark Week: Great White! 9.00 Shark Week: Crocodile Hunter Sharks 10.00 Shark Week: In Search of the Golden Hammerhead 11.00 Shark Week: Great White! 12.00 Shark Week: Great White! 13.00 Shark Week: Crocodile Hunter: Sharks 14.00 Shark Week: In Search of the Golden Hammerhead 15.00 Shark Week: Great White! 16.00 Shark Week: Great White! 17.00 Shark Week: Crocodile Hunter Sharks 18.00 Shark Week: In Search of the Golden Hammertiead 19.00 Shark Week: The Worid of Sharks and Barracudas 20.00 Shark Week: Zambezi Shark 21.00 Shark Week: Ancient Sharks 22.00 Shark Week: Sharks - the Real Story 23.00 Shark Week: Great White! 0.00 Shark Week: Great White! 1.00Close MTV 4.00 Kickstart 8.00 European Top 20 9.00 All Stars Weekend 9.30 All About Michael Jackson 10.00 Ultrasound Janet Jackson Behind the Velvet Rope 10.30 All Stars Weekend 11.00 An Audience With Mariah Carey 12.00 All Stars Weekend 13.00 Ultrasound Inside Madonna 13.30 All Stars Weekend 15.00 Hitlist UK 16.00 News Weekend Edition 16.30 Biorythm: Madonna 17.00 So 90’s 18.00 Most Selected 19.00 MTV Data 19.30 Singled Out 20.00 MTV Live 20.30 Beavis and Butt-Head 21.00 Amour 22.00 Base 23.00 Sunday Night Music Mix 2.00 Night Videos Sky News 5.00 Sunrise 8.30 Business Week 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 The Book Show 11.00 SKY News Today 12.00 News on the Hour 12.30 Blue Chip 13.00 News on the Hour 13.30 Showbiz Weekly 14.00 News on the Hour 14.30 Week in Review 15.00 News on the Hour 16.00 Uve at Rve 17.00 News on the Hour 18.30 Sportsline 19.00 News on the Hour 19.30 The Book Show 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 Showbiz Weekly 21.00 Prime Tlme 22.30 Week in Review 23.00 News on the Hour 23.30 CBS Evening News 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 ABC Worid News Tonight 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 Business Week 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 Blue Chip 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 CBS Evening News 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 ABC Worid News Tonight CNN 4.00 Worid News 4.30 News Update/Global View 5.00 Woríd News 5.30 Worid Business This Week 6.00 Worid News 6.30 Worid Sport 7.00 Worid News 7.30 Worid Beat 8.00 World News 8.30 News Update /The artclub 9.00 Worid News 9.30 Worid Sport 10.00 Worid News 10.30 Earth Matters 11.00 Worid News 11.30 Science and Technology 12.00 News UpdateAVorid Report 12.30 Worid Report 13.00 Worid News 13.30 Inside Europe 14.00 Worid News 14.30 Worid Sport 15.00 Worid News 15.30 Showbiz This Weekend 16.00 Late Edition 16.30 Late Edition 17.00 Worid News 17.30 Business Unusual 18.00 Perspectives 19.00 Worid News 19.30 Pinnacle Europe 20.00 Worid News 20.30 Best of Insight 21.00 Worid News 21.30 Worid Sport 22.00 CNN Worid View 22.30 Style 23.00 The Worid Today 23.30 Worid Beat 0.00 Worid News 0.15 Asian Edition 0.30 Diplomatic License 1.00 The Worid Today 2.00 NewsStand/CNN and TIME 3.00 World News 3.30 Pinnacle Europe National Geographic 4.00 Asia This Week 4.30 Europe This Week 5.00 Randy Morrisson 5.30 Cottonwood Christhian Centre 6.00 Hour of Power 7.00 Asia in Crisis 7.30 Dossier Deutchland 8.00 Europe This Week 8.30 Directions 9.00 Time and Again 10.00 North to the Pole 1 11.00 Mystery of the Whale Lagoon 11.30 Rat Wars 12.00 Extreme Earth: in the Shadow of Vesuvius 13.00 Ladakh: Deserl in the Skies 14.00 Don Sergio: the Man Who Reinvented the Automobile 14.30 The Legend of the Otter Man 15.00 Predators: Abyssinian Shewolf 16.00 North to the Pole 1 17.00 Deep Right 17.30 Rre Bombers 18.00 Right Across the Worid 18.30 Rre and Thunder 19.00 The Greatest Right 20.00 Explorer. Ep 09 21.00 Secrets of the Lost Red Paint People 22.00 North to the Pole 1 23.00 Deep Right 23.30 Rre Bombers 0.00 Flight Across the Worid 0.30 Fire and Thunder 1.00 The Greatest Right 2.00 Explorer Ep 09 3.00 Secrets of the Lost Red Paint People TNT 5.45 Knights of the Round Table 8.00 Seven Women 9.30 Welcome to Hard Times 11.15 Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 13.15 Cimarron 16.00 Knlghts of the Round Table 18.00 Passage to Marseille 20.00 The Glass Slipper 22.00 Shoot the Moon 0.15 A Very Private Affair 2.00 The Glass Slipper 4.00 Battle Circus Animal Plantet 05.00 Human / Nature 06.00 Kratt's Creatures 06.30 Dogs With Dunbar Series 4 07.00 Lassie 07.30 Lassie 08.00 Animal Doctor 08.30 Animal Doctor 09.00 Herriot's World 10.00 Rediscovery Of The Worid 11.00 Reptiles Of The Uving Desert 12.00 Bom To Be Wild 13.00 Woofl A Guide To Dog Training 14.00 Dolphin Stories 15.00 Crocodile Hunter Series 1.15.30 Animal X 16.00 Lassie 16J0 Lassie 17.00The Penguins Of South Africa 17.30 Orang-Utans 18.00 Rght To Save The Glossy Black 18.30 Dragonflies 19.00 African Summer 20.00 Emergency Vets 20.30 Emergency Vets 21.00 Untamed Africa 22.00 Rediscovery Of The Worid Computer Channel 17.00 Blue Chip 18.00 StOart up 18.30 Global Village 19.00 Dagskráriok Omega 07.00 Skjákynningar. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkom- um Bennys Hinns vlða um heim, viötöl og vitnisburöir. 18.30 Lff I Oröinu - Bibl- íufræösla meö Joyce Meyer. 19.00 700 klúbburinn - Blartdaö efni frá CBN-frétta- stofunni. 19.30 Lester Sumrall. 20.00 Náö til þjóðanna (Possessing the Nations). meö Pat Francis. 20.30 Líf ( Oröinu - Biblíufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 21.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkomum Bennys Hinns víöa um heim, viötöl og vitnisburöir. 21.30 Kvöldljós. Endurlekiö efni frá Bolholti. Ýmsir gestir. 23.00 Líf í Orðinu - Bibllufræðsla meö Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofiö Drottin (Praise the Lord). Blandaö efnl frá TBN-sjónvarpsstöölnni. 01.30 Skjákynningar. mánudagur 19. október 1998 11.30 Skjálelkurinn. 15.00 Alþingi. 16.25 Helgarsportið. 16.45 Lelðarljós (Gulding Light). 17.30 Fréttir. SJONVARPIÐ 17.35 Auglýsingatíml - Sjónvarpskringlan. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttlr. 18.00 Eunbl og Khabl (15:26). 18.30 Veröld dverganna (19:26) (The New World of the Gnomes). 19.00 Ég heltl Wayne (3:26) (The Wayne Manifesto). Ástralskur myndaflokkur fyrir böm og unglinga. 19.27 Kolkrabblnn. Fjölbreyttur dægurmálaþáttur. 20.00 Fréttlr, (þróttlr og veður. 20.40 Elnyrkjar. Magnús Gunnarsson landslagsmálari. 21.10 Víf og v(n (5:6) (Les filles du maitre de chai). Franskur myndaflokkur um ástir og öriög á stórum vlnbúgarði (Bor- deaux á árunum 1929-1945. 22.00 Taggart - Berserkur (1:3) (Taggart: Berserker). Skoskur sakamálaflokkur þar sem arftakar Taggarts, lögreglufull- trúa ( Glasgow, gllma vlð erfitt mál. Seinni þættirnir tveir verða sýndir á þriðjudags- og miðvikudagskvöld. Aðalhlut- verk: James MacPherson, Blythe Duff og Colin McCredie. 23.00 Ellefufréttlr og fþróttir. 23.20 Mánudagsvlðtalið.Terry Gunnell og Gfsli Sigurðsson ræða um Eddukvæði. 23.45 Skjálelkurinn. 13.00 Hótel Rltz (e) (The Ritz). Hér segír af Geatano Proclo sem flýr undan mági sínum frá Cleveland til New York. Mágurinn er harðskeyttur glæpamaður sem vill sjá til þess að Geatano fái engan arf eftir tengdaföður sinn sem er nýlát- inn. Aðalhlutverk: Rita Moreno, Jack Weston og Jerry Still- e_r. Leikstjóri: Richard Lester.1976. 14.30 Á báöum áttum (16:17) (e) (Relativity). 15.15 Grateful Dead (1:2). Fyrri hluti tónleikamyndar með Jerry Garcia og félögum í Grateful Dead. 16.00 Köngulóarmaðurlnn. 16.25 Bangsímon. 16.50 Lukku-Lákl. 17.15 Glæstar vonlr. 17.40 Línurnar (lag. 18.00 Fréttlr. 18.05 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurlnn. 18.30 Nágrannar. 19.00 19>20. 20.05 Að hætti Slgga Hall (12:12). frar eru með skemmtilegra fólki á jarðarkringlunni og Sigurður L. Hall er f essinu slnu á eyjunni grænu. 20.40 Svartnættl (In the Bleak Midwinter). Atvinnulaus og heldur ráðvilltur leikari ákveður að setja upp leikverkið Hamlet I afskekktum enskum smábæ og fær til liðs við sig sundurieitan og skrautlegan hóp heimamanna. Ljúf gam- anmynd að hætti Breta. Aðalhlutverk: Richard Briers, Mich- ael Maloney, Mark Hadfield og Nicholas Farreil. Leikstjðri: Kenneth Branagh.1995. 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 Ensku mörkin. 23.40 Hótel Rltz (e) (The Ritz). 1976. 01.10 Dagskrárlok. Isrm 18.55 20.50 21.20 Skjáleikur 17.00 í Ijósaskiptunum (Twillght Zone). 17.30 Taumlaus tónlist. 17.45 Ensku mörkln. 18.40 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurlnn. Enskl boltlnn. Útsending frá leik Leicester City og Totten- ham Hotspur (ensku úrvalsdeildinni. Trufluð tilvera (5:33) (South Park). Teiknimyndaflokkur fyrir fulloröna um fjóra skrautlega félaga. Bönnuð bömum. Spilaborgin (House Of Cards). Arkitektinn Ruth Matt- hews hefur dvalist ( þijú ár í frumskóginum við að endur- reisa hof Mayaindíána úr rústum. Hún snýr heim aftur ásamt bömum slnum tveimur. Skömmu síðar hættir dóttir hennar skyndilega að tala. Faðir bamanna er nýlátinn og áiltur Ruth I fyrstu að þetta séu sorgarviðbrögð. En þegar þögnin heldur áfram er barnalæknirinn Jacob Beerlander kallaður til. Aðalhlutverk: Kathleen Turner, Tommy Lee Jo- nes og Park Overall. Leikstjóri: Michael Lessac.1993. Á ofsahraða (Planet Speed). Svipmyndir úr heiml aksturs- íþróttanna. Ráðgátur. (X-Files) Fótbolti um víða veröld. í Ijósasklptunum (e) (Twilight Zone). Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 23.10 23.35 00.20 00.45 01.10 06.00 Engln uppgjöf. (Never Give up: The Jimmy V. Story). 1996. 08.00 Áfram ó sjó. (Carry on Cruising).1962.10.00 Kræktu I kariinn. (Get Shorty).1995. Bönnuð börnum. 12.00 Skríðand! fjör. (Joe's Apartment)1996. 14.00 Áfram á sjó. 16.00 Skrlðandl fjör. 18.00 Saga frá Llssabon (Lisbon Story). 1994. 20.00 Kræktu ( karllnn. 22.00 Engin uppgjöf. 00.00 Hnefafylll af dollurum (Fistful of Dollars). 1964. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 02.00 Saga fró Lissabon. 04.00 Hnefafylli af dollurum. \í/ 'O BARNARÁSIN Kl. 16.00 Úr ríki náttúrunnar. 16.30 Skippí. 17.00 Róbert bangsi. 17.30 Rugrats. 18.00 Nútfmalif Rlkka. 18.30 Clarlssa. 19.00 Bless og takk fyrlr f dagl Allt efni talsett eða mefl (slenskum texta. Hallmark 5.30 Best Friends for Life 7.05 Storm Boy 8.30 The Irish RM 9.25 Between Two Brothers 11.05 Johnnie Mae Gibson: FB112.40 A Lovely Storm 13.55 Robert Ludlum's the Apocalypse Watch 15.25 The Stranger 17.00 Doombeach 18.15 You Only Uve Twice 19.50 The Five of Me 21.30 Mail-Order Bride 22.55 Johnnie Mae Gibson: FBI 0.30 A Lovely Storm 1.45 Robert Ludlum's the Apocalypse Watch 3.15 The Stranger 4.50 Doombeach VH-1 5.00 Power Breakfast 7.00 Pop-up Video 8.00 VH1 Upbeat 11.00 Ten of the Best: Mungo Jerry 12.00 Greatest Hits Of...: Ughthouse Family 12.30 Pop-up Video 13.00 Jukebox 16.00 five Q five 16.30 Pop-up Video 17.00 Happy Hour with Toyah Willcox 18.00 VH1 Hits 19.00 The VH1 Album Chart Show 20.00 Bob Mills' Big BO's 21.00 Pop up Video 21.30 Greatest Hits Of...: the Rolling Stones 22.00 Talk Music 23.00 VH1 Country 0.00 Storytellers • Garth Brooks 1.00 VH1 Late Shift The Travel Channel 11.00 On the Loose In Wildest Africa 12.00 Holiday Maker 12.30 The Food Lovers' Guide to Australia 13.00 The Ravours of France 13.30 Secrets of India 14.00 Whicker’s Worid - The Ultimate Package 15.00 Go 2 15.30 Innocent Abroad 16.00 A Fork in the Road 16.30 Cities of the Worid 17.00 The Food Lovers' Guide to Australia 17.30 On Tour 18.00 On the Loose in Wildest Africa 19.00 Holiday Maker 19.30 Go 2 20.00 Mekong 21.00 Secrets of India 21.30 Woridwide Guide 22.00 On Tour 22.30 Cities of the Worid 23.00 Closedown Eurosport 6.30 Fendng: Worid Championships in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzeriand 7.30 Equestrianism: Woríd Equestrian Games in Rome, Italy 8.30 Cyding: Worid Championships in Valkenburg-Maastricht-Margraten, Netheriands 10.00 Football: Euro 2000 Qualifying Rounds 12.00 Triathlon: European Cup 13.00 Wrestling: Worid Championships 14.00 Football: Euro 2000 Qualifying Rounds 16.00 Rally: Master Rallye 9817.00 Motorcyding: Offroad Magazine 18.00 Xtrem Sports: YOZ MAG - Youth Only Zone 19.00 Tractor Pulling: German Championships 20.00 Formula 3000: FIA Intemational Championship 20.30 Rally: FIA Worid Rally Championship - Sanremo Rally, Italy 21.00 Football: Eurogoals 22.30 Boxing 23.00 Rally: FIA Worid Rally Championship - Sanremo Rally, Itaiy 23.30 Close Cartoon Network 4.00 Omer and the Starchild 4.30 The Fruitties 5.00 Blinky Bill 5.30 Tabaluga 6.00 Johnny Bravo 6.15 Beetlejuice 6.30 Animaniacs 6.45 Dexter’s Laboratory 7.00 Cow and Chicken 7.15 Sylvester and Tweety 7.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 8.00 Cave Kids 8.30 Blinky Bill 9.00 The Magic Roundabout 9.15 Thomas the Tank Engine 9.30 The Fruitties 10.00 Tabaluga 10.30 A Pup Named Scooby Doo 11.00 Tom and Jerry 11.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 11.30 Road Runner 11.45 Sylvester and Tweety 12.00 Popeye 12.30 Droopy: Master Detective 13.00 Yogi's Gaiaxy Goof Ups 13.30 Top Cat 14.00 The Addams Family 14.30 Beetlejuice 15.00 Scooby Doo 15.30 Dexter's Laboratory 16.00 Cow and Chicken 16.30 Animaniacs 17.00 Tom and Jerry 17.30 The Rintstones 18.00 Batman 18.30 The Mask 19.00 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 19.30 Dynomutt Dog Wonder 20.00 Johnny Bravo 20.30 Dexter's Laboratory 21.00 Cow and Chicken 21.30 Walt Till Your Father Gets Home 22.00 The Rintstones 22.30 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 23.00 Top Cat 23.30 Help! It's the Hair Bear Bunch 0.00 Hong Kong Phooey 0.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 1.00 Ivanhoe 1.30 Omer and the Starchild 2.00 Blinky Biil 2.30 The Fruitties 3.00 The Real Story of... 3.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 4.00 The Geography Collection 5.00 BBC Worid News 5.25 Prime Weather 5.30 Jonny Briggs 5.45 Blue Peter 6.10 Sloggers 6.45 Ready, Steady, Cook 7.15 Style Challenge 7.40 Change That 8.05 Kilroy 8.45 Classic Adventure 9.15 Songs of Praise 10.00 Rick Stein's Fruits of the Sea 10.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 11.00 Can't Cook, Won’t Cook 11.30 Change That 11.55 Prime Weather 12.00 Wildlife 12.30 Classic Adventure 13.00 Kilroy 13.40 Styfe Challenge 14.05 Prime Weather 14.20 Jonny Briggs 14.35 Blue Peter 15.00 Sloggers 15.30 Wildlife 16.00 BBC Worid News 16.25 Prime Weather 16.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 17.00 Classic Adventure 17.30 Rick Stein’s Fruits of the Sea 18.00 Open All Hours 18.30 Waiting for God 19.00 Ballykissangel 20.00 BBC Worid News 20.25 Prime Weather 20.30 The Antiques Show 21.00 Top of the Pops 2 22.00 Portrait of a Marriage 22.55 Prime Weather 23.05 Tracks 23.30 Muzzy Comes Back 23.55 Animated Alphabet 0.00 Japanese Language and People 1.00 The Business Hour 2.00 Imagining New Worids 2.30 Independent Living 3.00 Talking About Care 3.30 Images of Disability Discovery 7.00 Rex Hunt’s Rshing Worid 7.30 Roadshow 8.00 Rrst Flights 8.30 Tlme Travellers 9.00 Wilder Discoveries: Science of Whales 10.00 Rex Hunt's Rshing Worid 10.30 Roadshow 11.00 Rrst Rights 11.30 Tlme Travellers 12.00 Zoo Story 12.30 Shark Week: Danger Beach 13.30 Ultra Science 14.00 Wilder Discoveries: Science of Whales 15.00 Rex Hunt’s Rshing Wortd 15.30 Roadshow 16.00 Rrst Rights 16.30 Time Travellers 17.00 Zoo Story 17.30 Shark Week: Danger Beach 18.30 Ultra Science 19.00 Wilder Discoveries: Science of Whales 20.00 Shark Week: Ultimate Guide 21.00 Shark Week: Ancient Sharks 22.00 Wings 23.00 Hired Guns: Bodyguards 0.00 Rrst Rlghts 0.30 Roadshow 1.00 Close MTV 4.00 Kickstart 7.00 Non Stop Hits 14.00 Select MTV 16.00 Hitlist UK 17.00 So 90's 18.00 Top Selection 19.00 MTV Data 20.00 Amour 21.00 MTVID 22.00 Superock O.OOTheGrind 0.30 Night Videos Sky News 5.00 Sunrise 9.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY Worid News 11.00 SKY News Today 13.30 Your Call 14.00 News on the Hour 15.30 SKY World News 16.00 Live at Five 17.00 News on the Hour 18.30 Sportsline 19.00 News on the Hour 19.30 SKY Business Report 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Worid News 21.00 Prime Tlme 23.00 News on the Hour 23.30 CBS Evening News 0.00 News ontheHour 0.30 ABC Worid News Tonight 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY Business Report 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 Showbiz Weekly 3.00Newson the Hour 3.30 CBS Evening News 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 ABC Worid News Tonight CNN 4.00 CNN This Moming 4.30 Best of Insight 5.00 CNN This Morning 5.30 Managing with Jan Hopkins 6.00 CNN This Moming 6.30 Worid Sport 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30 Showbiz This Weekend 8.00 News Stand/CNN and TIME 9.00 Worid News 9.30 Worid Sport 10.00 Worid News 10.30 American Edition 10.45 World Report - 'As They See It' 11.00 Worid News 11.30 Pinnacle Europe 12.00 Worid News 12.15 Asian Edition 12.30 Biz Asia 13.00 Worid News 13.30 CNN Newsroom 14.00 Worid News 14.30 Worid Sport 15.00 Worid News 15.30 The Artclub 16.00 NewsStand/CNN and TIME 17.00 Worid News 17.45 American Edition 18.00 Worid News 18.30 Worid Business Today 19.00 Wortd News 19.30 Q&A 20.00 Worid News Europe 20.30 Insight 21.00 News Update/ Worid Business Today 21.30 Worid Sport 22.00 CNN World View 22.30 Moneytine Newshour 23.30 ShowbizToday 0.00 Worid News 0.15 Asian Edition 0.30 Q&A 1.00 Larry King Live 2.00 Worid News 2.30 Showbiz Today 3.00 World News 3.15 American Edition 3.30 Worid Report National Geographic 4.00 Europe Today 7.00 European Mortey Wheel 10.00 North to the Pole 211.00 Deep Flight 11J0 Rre Bombers 12.00 Flight Across the World 12.30 Fire and Thunder 13.00 The Greatest Right 14.00 Explorer Ep 08 15.00 Secrets of the Lost Red Paint People 16.00 North to the Pole 217.00 The New Matadors 17.30 Dead on Arrival: the Wild Parrot 18.00 The Power of Water 19.00 Predators: the Eagle and the Snake 19.30 Predators: Killer Whales of the Fjord 20.00 The Art of the Warrior 21.00 Paradise Under Pressure 22.00 Opal Dreamers 22.30 Mir 18: Destination Space 23.00 The New Matadors 23.30 Dead on Arrival 0.00 The Power of Water 1.00 Predators: the Eagle and the Snake 1.30 Predators: Killer Whales of the Fjord 2.00 The Art of the Warrior 3.00 Paradise Under Pressure TNT 5.45 Bhowani Junction 7.45 Joe the Busybody 9.15 Little Women 11.30 That's Entertainment! 14.00 Bachelor in Paradise 16.00 Bhowani Junction 18.00 Take me out to the Ball Game 20.00 Hearts of the West 22.00 The Last Run 0.00 Honeymoon Machine 1.45 Hearts of the West 4.00 Conspirator Animal Plantet 05.00 Itty Bitty Kiddy Wildlife 05.30 Kratt's Creatures 06.00 Wild Sanctuaries 06.30 Two Worids 07.00 Human / Nature 08.00 Itty Bitty Kiddy Wildlife 08.30 Rediscovery Of The World 09.30 Wildlife Rescue 10.00 Zoo Story 10.30 Wildlife SOS 11.00 Wild At Heart 11.30 Wild Veterinarians 12.00 Animal Doctor 12.30 Australia Wild. Which Sex? 13.00 ESPU 13.30 Human / Nature 14.30 Zoo Story 15.00 Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures 15.30 Wildlife SOS 16.00 Absolutely Anlmals 16.30 Australia Wild 17.00 Kratt's Creatures 17.30 Lassie 18.00 Rediscovery Of The Wortd 19.00 Animal Doctor 19.30 Dolphin Stories 20.30 Emergency Vets 21.00 Flying Vet 21.30 Australia Wild 22.00 The Big Animal Show 22.30 Emergency Vets Computer Channel 17.00 Buyer's Guide 17.15 Masterclass 17.30 Game Over 17.45 Chips With Everyting 18.00 Leaming Curve 18.30 Dots and Queries 19.00 Dagskrárlok Omega 07.00 Skjákynningar. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkorrv um Bennys Hinns vlða um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburðir. 18.30 Llf I Oröinu - Bibl- (ufræösla með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 700 klúbburinn - Blandaö efni frá CBN-frétta- stofunni. 19.30 Lester Sumrall. 20.00 Náð til þjóðanna (Possessing the Nations). með Pat Francis. 20.30 Llf I Orðinu - Biblíufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 21.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkomum Bennys Hinns vlða um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburöir. 21.30 Kvöldljós. Endurteklö efni frá Bolhotti. Ýmsir gestir. 23.00 Llf I Orðinu - Bibllufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofiö Drottin (Praise the Lord). Blandaö efni frá TBN-sjónvarpsstöðinni. 01.30 Skjákynningar. f Ó k U S 16. október 1998


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