Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 29.01.1999, Blaðsíða 17

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 29.01.1999, Blaðsíða 17
þriðjudagur 2. febrúar 1999 11.30 Skjáleikurinn. 16.45 Leiðarijós. Bandarískur myndaflokkur. 17.30 Fréttir. 17.35 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. SJÓNVARPIÐ 1800 Gaui garðvörður (1:4) (Percy the Park Keeper). Breskur bamamyndaflokkur um vörð í friðlandi villtra dýra. Hann er vinur þeirra og þau hænast að honum. 18.30 Þrír vinir (4:8) (Three Forever). Leikinn myndaflokkur um þrjá krakka sem kynnast á munaðarleysingjahæli og tengj- ast sterkum böndum. 19.00 Nornin unga (18:26) (Sabrina the Teenage Witch II). Bandarískur myndaflokkur um brögð ungnornarinnar Sa- brinu. 19.27 Kolkrabbinn. Fjölbreyttur dægurmálaþáttur þar sem fjall- að er um mannltf heima og erlendis, tónlist, myndlist, kvik- myndir og íþróttir. 20.00 Fréttir, íþróttir og veður. 20.40 Deiglan. Umræðuþáttur á vegum fréttastofu. 21.20 lllþýði (5:6) (Touching Evil). Breskur sakamálaflokkur um sveit lögreglumanna sem er sérþjálfuð til að taka á skipu- lagðri glæpastarfsemi og eltast við síbrotamenn. Aðalhlut- verk: Robson Green, Nicola Walker og Michael Feast. 22.20 Titringur. Umsjón: Súsanna Svavarsdóttir og Þórhallur Gunnarsson. 23.00 Ellefufréttir og íþróttir. 23.20 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. 23.30 Skjáleikurinn. 13.00 Chicago-sjúkrahúsið (19:26) (e) (Chicago Hope). 13.45 60 mínútur 14.30 Fyrstur með fréttirnar (6:23) (Early Edition). 15.15 Ástir og átök (1:25) (Mad About You). 15.35 Bræðrabönd (17:22) (e) (Brotherly Love). 16.00 ÍSælulandi. 16.25 Bangsímon. 16.50 Kóngulóarmaðurinn. 17.10 Simpson-fjölskyldan. 17.35 Glæstar vonir. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 Sjónvarpskringlan. 18.30 Nágrannar. 19.00 19>20. 19.30 Fréttir. 20.05 Ekkert bull (10:13) (Straight Up). 20.35 Hver lífsins þraut (7:8). Fjallað er um MS-sjúkdóminn og umfangsmiklar rannsóknir á honum sem gætu haft mikla þýðingu fyrir MS-sjúklinga víða um heim. Umsjónarmenn: Kart Garðarsson og Kristján Már Unnarsson. Stöð 2 1998. 21.10 Handlaginn heimilisfaðir (8:25) (Home Improvement). 21.35 Þorpslöggan (14:17) (Heartbeat). 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 Gerð myndarinnar Stepmom (Making of Stepmom). 23.15 A-ýri THX 1138 (e). Spennandi framtíðarmynd með Ro- bert Duvall og Donald Pleasence í aðalhlutverkum. Mynd- in gerist í tölvustýrðri neðanjarðan/eröld á 25. öldinni þar sem heilaþvegnir einstaklingar starfa í andlegu tómarúmi. Fólkið er krúnurakað, klæðist hvítum samfestingum og allt kynlíf erbannað, enda bömin getin í tilraunaglösum. 1971. Aðalhlutverk: Roberl Duvall, Donald Pleasence og Maggie McOmie. Leikstjóri: George Lucas. 00.40 Dagskrárlok. Skjáleikur. 18.00 Dýrlingurinn (The Saint). Breskur myndaflokkur um Simon Templar og ævintýri hans. 18.45 Sjónvarpskringlan. 19.00 Dekurdýr (e) (Dekurdýr). 19.40 Enski boltinn Bein útsending frá leik Tottenham Hotspur og Wimbledon í 4. umferð ensku bikarkeppninnar. 21.40 Dauðamaður (Morituri). Þjóðverjinn Robert Crain býr á Indlandi og starfar þar á vegum bresku stjómarinnar. Þegar seinni heimsstyrjöldin brýst út verður hann að taka afstöðu. Crain, sem er mikilt friðarsinni, tekur málstað Breta og samþykkir að aðstoða þá við að knésetja landa sfna. Hann fer til Japans og um borð í flutningaskip sem sigla á til Þýskalands. Crain er ætlað að sjá til þess að skip- inu verði ekki sökkt, hertaki Bretar það. Leikstjóri: Bem- hard Wicki. Aðalhlutverk: Marlon Brando, Yul Brynner, Trevor Howard og Janet Margolin.1965. 23.40 Óráðnar gátur (e) (Unsolved Mysteries). 00.30 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. a 06.00 *"★ ■ Geimkarfa (Space Jam). 1996. 08.00 Elska þig, elska þig ekki (I Love You, Km I Love You Not). 1996. wlf IV 10.00 Geislaborgin (Radiant City). 1996. 12.00 Geimkarfa. 14.00 Elska þig, elska þig ekki. 16.00 Geislaborgin. 18.00 ★★* Engillinn (Angel Baby). 1995. Bönnuð börnum. 20.00 Málið gegn Larry Flint (e) (The People vs. Larry Flynt). 1996. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 22.05 ★★ 1 Voðaverk (Turbulence). 1997. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 00.00 Engillinn. 02.00 Málið gegn Larry Fllnt (e). 04.05 Voðaverk. Dagskrá auglýst síðar VH-1 6.00 Power Breakfast 8.00 Pop-up Video 9.00 VH1 Upbeat 12.00 Ten of the Best 13.00 Greatest Hits Of... 13.30 Pop-up Video 14.00 Jukebox 17.00 five @ five 17.30 Pop-up Video 18.00 Happy Hour 19.00 VH1 Hits 21.00 Bob Mills' Big 80s 22.00 Storytellers 23.00 VH1 Spice 0.00 Storytellers 1.00MoreMusic 1.30 Greatest Hits Of... 2.00 VH1 LateShift (THE TRAVEL CHANNEL) 12.00 The Great Escape 12.30 Earthwalkers 13.00 Travel Live 13.30 Far Flung Royd 14.00 The Ravours of Italy 14.30 Adventure Travels 15.00 On Top of the World 16.00 Go Portugal 16.30 A Fork in the Road 17.00 Reel World 17.30 Oceania 18.00 Far Flung Royd 18J0 On Tour 19.00 The Great Escape 19.30 Earthwalkers 20.00 Holiday Maker! 20.15 Holiday Maker! 20.30 Go Portugal 21.00 On Top of the World 22.00 Adventure Travels 22.30 A Fork in the Road 23.00 On Tour 23.30 Oceania 0.00 Closedown NBC Super Channel 5.00 Market Watch 5.30 Europe Today 8.00 Market Watch 13.00 US CNBC Squawk Box 15.00 US Market Watch 17.00 Europe Tonight 18.00 US Power Lunch 19.00 US Street Signs 21.00 US Market Wrap 22.30 Europe Tonight 23.30 NBC Nightly News 0.00 CNBC AsiaSquawkBox UOUSMarketWrap 2.00TradingDay 4.00USBusinessCentre 4.30 Lunch Money Eurosport 7.30 Bobsleigh: World Cup in St-Moritz, Switzerland 8.00 Ski Jumping: World Cup in Willingen, Germany 9.00 Xtrem Sports: Winter X Games in Crested Butte, Colorado, USA 10.00 Alpine Skiing: World Championships in Vail Valley, USA 11.00 Football: Eurogoals 12.30 Car on lce: Andros Trophy in Serre Chevalier, France 13.00 Cycling: Tour Down Under in Adelaide, Australia 14.00 Bobsleigh: Wortd Cup in St-Moritz. Switzertand 15.00 Ski Jumping: World Cup in Willingen, Germany 16.00 Alpine Skiing: Workf Championships in Vail Valley, USA 17.00 Xtrem Sports: Wmter X Games in Crested Butte, Colorado, USA 18.00 Football: Eurogoals 19.30 Alpine Skiing: Wortd Championships in Vail Valley, USA 20.30 Boxing: Tuesday Live Boxing 23.00 Golf: US PGA Tour • Phoenix Open in Scottsdale, Arizona 0.00 Xtrem Sports: Winter X Games in Crested Butte, Colorado. USA 0.30 Close HALLMARK 6.50 Follow the River 8i0 Glory Boys 10.05 Money, Power and Murder 11.40 Tidal Wave: No Escape 13.15 Diamonds are a Thiefs Best Friend 14.50 Go Toward the Light 16.20 The Christmas Stallion 18.00 Getting Married in Buffalo Jump 19.40 Road to Saddle River 21.30 Veronica Clare: Slow Vtolence 23.00 Diamonds are a Thief's Best Friend 0.35 Ladies in Waiting 1.35 Go Toward the Light 3.05 The Christmas Stallion 4.45 Getting Married in Buffalo Jump Cartoon Network 5.00 Omer and the Starchild 5.30 Blinky Bill 6.00 The Tidings 6.3QTabaluga 7JX)The Powerpuff Girls 7.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 8.00 Sylvester and Tweety 8.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 9.00 Rintstone Kids 9.30 The Tidings 10.00 The Magic Roundabout 10.15 Thomas the Tank Engine 10J0 The Fruitties 11.00 Tabaluga 11.30 Yo! Yogi 12.00 Tom and Jerry 12.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 12.30 Road Runner 12.45 Sytvester and Tweety 13.00 Popeye 13J0 The Fkntstones 14.00 The Jetsons 14.30 Droopy 15.00 Taz-Mania 15J0 Scooby and Scrappy Doo 16.00 The Powerpuff Girls 16.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 17.001 am Weasel 17.30 Cow and Chicken 18.00 Animaniacs 18.30 The Fkntstones 19.00 Tom and Jerry 19.30 Looney Tunes 20.00 Cartoon Cartoons 20.30 Cult Toons 21.00 2 Stupid Dogs 21.30 Johnny Bravo 22.00 The Powerpuff Girls 22J0 Dexter's Laboratory 23.00 Cow and Chicken 23 J01 am Weasel 0.00 Scooby Doo 0.30TopCat 1.00The Real Adventures ofJonnyQuest UOSwatKats 2.00lvanhoe 2.30 Omer and the Starchild 3.00 Blinky Bill 3.30 The Fruitties 4.00 Ivanhoe 430 Tabaluga BBC Prime 5.00 Leaming for School: Numbertime 6.25 Prime Weather 6.30 Playdays 6.50 Growing Up Wild 7.15 Get Your Own Back 7.40 Ready, Steady, Cook 8.10 Style Challenge 8.35 Change That 9.00 KHroy 9.45 Classic EastEnders 10.15 Holiday Reps 11.00 Italian Regional Cookery 11.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 12.00 Can't Cook, Won't Cook 12.30 Change That 12.55 Prime Weather 13.00 Animal Hospital Revisited 13.30 Classic EastEnders 14.00 Kilroy 14.45 Style Challenge 15.10 Prime Weather 15.15 Playdays 15.35 Growing Up Wild 16.05 Get Your Own Back 16.30 Animal Hospital Revisited 17.00 BBC World News 1735 Prime Weather 1730 Ready, Steady, Cook 18.00 Classic EastEnders 1830 Home Front 19.00 ‘Allo, ‘Allo! 1930 Chef 20.00 Chandler and Co 21.00 BBC World News 2135 Prime Weather 2130 Gardens by Design 22.00 Soho Stories 22.40 The Sky at Night 23.00 Casualty 23.50 Prime Weather 0.00 Leaming for Reasure 0.30 Leaming English: Follow Through 1.00 Leaming Languages 2.00 Leaming for Business 3.00 Leaming from the OU 330 Leaming from the OU 4.00 Leaming from the OU 4.30 Leaming from the OU NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 11.00 Victoria's Secrets 1130 Animal Minds 12.00 Orphans in Paradise 13.00 The Eclrpse Chasers 14.00 Lost Worlds: Dinosaur Fever 14.30 Lost Worlds: Colossal Claw 15.00 Lost Worlds: Mystery Tomb of Abusir 15.30 Lost Worlds: Mystery of the Inca Mummy 16.00 On the Edge: the Last Wild River RkJe 17.00 Orphans in Paradise 18.00 Lost Wortds: Dinosaur Fever 18.30 Lost Worlds: Colossal Claw 19.00 Season of the Salmon 19.30 Circus of Dreams 20.00 Orphans in Paradise 21.00 Natural Born Killers: Eagles - Shadows on the Wing 22.00 The Chemistry of War 23.00 Cats 0.00 The Shark Files: Quest for the Basking Shark 1.00 Natural Bom Killers: Eagles - Shadows on the Wmg 2.00 The Chemistry of War 3.00 Cats 4.00 The Shark Files: Quest for the Basking Shark 5.00 Close Diseovery 8.00 Rex Hunt’s Rshing Adventures 830 The Diceman 9.00 Bush Tucker Man 9.30 Walkeris World 10.00 Divine Magic 11.00 Battle for the Skies 12.00 State of Alert 1230 Wortd of Adventures 13.00 Chariie Bravo 13.30 Disaster 14.00 Disaster 1430 Beyond 2000 15.00 Ghosthunters 1530 Justice Rles 16.00 Rex Hunt Spedals 16.30 Walker’s World 17.00 Wheel Nuts 17.30 Histoiys Tuming Points 18.00 Animal Doctor 18.30 Adventures of the Quest 19.30 Beyond 2000 20.00 Great Escapes 20.30 Survivor 21.00 Trailblazers 22.00 Lives of Fire 23.00 Legion of the Damned 0.00 Buried Alive 1.00 History's Tuming Points 1.30 Wheel Nuts 2.00 Close MTV 5.00 Kickstart 6.00 Top Selection 7.00 Kickstart 8.00 Non Stop Hits 11.00 MTV Data 12.00 Non Stop Hits 15.00 Select MTV 17.00 The Lick 18.00 So 90’s 19.00 Top Selection 20.00MTVData21.00Amour22.00MTVID23.00Altemative Nation I.OOTheGrind 1.30 Night Videos Sky News 6.00 Sunrise 10.00 News on the Hour 1030 SKY World News 11.00 News on the Hour 12.00 SKY News Today 14.30 Your CaH 15.00 News on the Hour 1630 SKY Worid News 17.00 Uve at Five 18.00 News on the Hour 1930 Sportsline 20.00 News on the Hour2030 SKY Business Report 21.00 News on the Hour 21.30 SKY Worid News 22.00 Primetime 0.00 News on the Hour 030 CBS Evening News 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY Worid News 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 SKY Business Report 3.00 News on the Hour 330 The Book Show 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 Showbiz Weekly 5.00 News on the Hour 5.30 CBS Evening News CNN 5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Insight 6.00 CNN This Moming 6.30 Moneyline 7.Ö0 CNN This Moming 7.30 Worid Sport 8.00 CNN This Moming 830 Showbiz Today 9.00 Larry King 10.00 Worid News 10.30 World Sport 11.00 Worid News 11.15 American Edition 11.30 Biz Asia 12.00 Worid News 12.30 Fortune 13.00 Worid News 13.15 Asian Edition 13.30 Biz Asia 14.00 Worid News 14.30 Showbiz Today 15.00 Worid News 15.30 Worid Sport 16.00 Worid News 1630 Worid Beat 17.00 Larry King 18.00 Worid News 18.45 American Edition 19.00 Worid News 19.30 Worid Business Today 20.00 Worid News 20.30 Q&A 21.00 Worid News Europe 21.30 Insight 22.00 News Update/ Worid Business Today 2230 Worid Sport 23.00 CNN Worid View 2330 Moneyline Newshour 0.30 Showbiz Today 1.00 Worid News 1.15 Asian Edition 1.30 Q&A 2.00 Larry King Live 3.00Worid News 3.30 CNN Newsroom 4.00 Worid News 4.15 American Edition 4.30 Wortd Report TNT 5.00 Atlantis - The Lost Continent 6.45 Knights of the Round Table 8.45 The Courage of Lassie 10.30 A Day at the Races 12.30 San Frandsco 14.30 The Prize 17.00 Knights of the Round Table 19.00 The Reluctant Debutante 21.00 High Society 23.00 The Cindnnati Kid 1.00TheLiquidator 3.00 High Society Animal Planet 07.00 Pet Rescue 07.30 Harry's Practice 08.00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 08.30 Lassie: Open Season 09.00 Animal X 09.30 Ocean Wilds: Silver Bank 10.00 Pet Rescue 1030 Rediscovery Of The Worid: Channel Islands 11.30 It's A Vet’s Life 12.00 Australia Wild: Wombats, Bulldozers Of The Bush 12.30 Animal Doctor 13.00 Going Wild With Jeff Corwin: Venezuela 13.30 Wild At Heart: Jaguars Of The Amazon 14.00 Nature Watch With Julian Pettifer: Invaders Of The Outback 14.30 Australia Wild: Window On The Wild 15.00 Breed All About It: Beagles 1530 Human / Nature 1630 Harry's Practice 17.00 Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures: Uganda Gorillas Part One 17.30 Animal Doctor 18.00 Pet Rescue 1830 Australia Wild: A Very Particular Parrot 19.00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 19.30 Lassie: The Feud 20.00 Rediscovery Of The Wortd: Australia 21.00 Animal Doctor 21.30 Totally AustraJia: Bizarre Beasts 22.30 Emergency Vets 23.00 The Last Paradises: Gir 23.30 Animal Detectives: Monkeys 00.00 All Bird Tv 00.30 Emergency Vets 01.00 Zoo Story Computer Channel 17.00 Buyer's Guide 17.15 Masterclass 17.30 Game Over 17.45 Chips With Everyting 18.00 404 Not Found 18.30 Download 19.00 Dagskrfiriok Omega 1730 700 klúbburinn. Blandað efni frá CBN fréttastöðinni. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Bermy Hinn. 18.30 Lff í Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 Boðskapur Central Bapt- ist kirkjunnar með Ron Phillips. 1930 Frelsiskallið (A Call to Freedom) með Freddie Filmore. 20.00Kærleikurinn mikilsverði (Love Worth Finding) með Adrian Rogers. 20.30 Kvöidljós. Bein útsending Stjórnendur þáttarins: Guðlaugur Laufdal og KoF brún Jónsdóttir. 22.00 Líf í Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 22.30 Petta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. 23.00 Ltf i Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 2330 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord). Blandað efni frá TBN sjónvarpsstöðinni. Ymsir gestir. miðvikudagur 3. febrúar 1999 SJONVARPIÐ 11.30 Skjáleikurinn. 16.45 Leiðarljós (Guiding Light). 17.30 Fréttir. 17.35 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Myndasafnið. 18.30 Nýjasta tækni og vísindi. Að þessu sinni verður fjallað um nýja valsa á færibönd, ræktun jarðsvepþa til matar, nýja gerviliði í mjaðmir, neyðarbifreið á brautarteinum, ratvfsi bréfdúfna og hvemig plastmálum er breytt í blýanta. 19.00 Andmann (16:26) (Duckman). Bandarískur teiknimynda- flokkur um önd sem er einkaspæjari en verður sífellt fyrir truflunum við störf sín. 19.27 Kolkrabbinn. 20.00 Fréttir, íþróttir og veður. 20.40 Vfkingalottó. 20.45 Mósaík. Umsjón: Jónatan Garðarsson. 21.30 Laus og llðug (26:26) (Suddenly Susan III). Bandarísk gamanþáttaröð. Aðalhlutverk: Brooke Shields. 22.00 Fyrr og nú (2:22) (Any Day Now). Bandariskur mynda- flokkur um æskuvinkonur í Alabama, aðra hvita og hina svarta, og samskipti þeirra eftir langan aðskilnað. Leik- stjóri: Jeff Bleckner. Aðalhlutverk: Annie Potts og Lorraine Toussaint. 23.00 Ellefufréttir og íþróttir. 23.20 Handboltakvöld. Sýnt verður úr leikjum í 18. umferð efstu deildar karla. 23.40 Auglýsingatíml - Sjónvarpskringlan. 23.50 Skjáleikurinn. 13.00 **** Ögurstund (e) (Runn- ing on Empty). Arthur og Annie Pope kynntust á námsárum sínum á sjöunda áratugnum. Ásamt vinum sínum sprengdu þau i loft upp rannsóknar- stofu þar sem unnið var að gerð napalmsprengna en sak- laus húsvörður slasaðist ilia í tilræðinu. Þar með voru Pope-hjónin orðin eftirlýst af FBI og hafa upp frá þvi verið á eilífum flótta. Aðalhlutverk: Christine Lahti, River Phoen- ix, Judd Hirsch og Martha Plimpton. Leikstjóri: Sidney Lumet. 1988. 14.50 Ein á báti (22:22) (e) (Party of Five). 15.35 Bræðrabönd (18:22) (e) (Brotherly Love). 16.00 Brakúla grelfi. 16.25 Bangsímon. 16.45 Spegill, spegill. 17.10 Glæstar vonir. 17.35 Sjónvarpskringlan. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 Beverly Hills 90210. 19.00 19>20. 19.30 Fréttir. 20.05 Chicago-sjúkrahúsið (20:26) (Chicago Hope). 21.00 Fóstbræður (2:8). Nýr gamanþáttur með hinum einu sönnu Fóstbræðrum. Stöð 2 1999. 21.35 Nornagríman (The Scold's Bridle). Breskur sakamála- flokkur í þremur hlutum eftir sögu Minette Walters. Roskin kona finnst látin í baðkarinu heima hjá sér. Hún hefur tek- ið of stóran lyfjaskammt og skorið sig á púls. Leikstjóri: David Thacker. 1997. 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 íþróttir um allan heim. 23.40 Ogurstund (e) (Running on Empty). 1988. 01.35 Dagskrárlok. Skjáleikur. 18.00 Gillette sportpakkinn. 18.30 Sjónvarpskringlan. 18.45 Heimsbikarkeppnin í golfi (e) (World Cup of Golf 1998). Þrjátiu og tvær þjóðir reyndu með sér á Heimsbik- armótinu í golfi sem haldið var i Auckland á Nýja-Sjálandi í nóvember. Á meöal keppenda voru Fred Couples, Ernie Els, lan Woosnam, Colin Montgomerie, Bernhard Langer, Nick Price og Davis Love 19.45 Taumlaus tónllst. 20.00 Mannaveiðar (19:26) (Manhunter). Óvenjulegur mynda- flokkur sem byggður er á sannsögulegum atburðum. 21.00 Strandaglópur (Suburban Commando). Ævintýra- mynd á gamansömum nótum. Stríðshetjan Shep Ramsey er strandaglópur á jörðinni. Hann leigir hjá Wilcox-fjölskyld- unni í Reseda, sem er úthverfi í Kalifomiu, og reynir að villa á sér heimildir sem franskur ferðamaður. Leikstjóri: Burt Kennedy. Aðalhlutverk: Hulk Hogan, Christopher Lloyd, Shelley Duvall, Larry Miller og William Ball.1991. Atriði í myndinni kunna að vekja óhug ungra barna. 22.30 Lögregluforinginn Nash Bridges (9:18) (Nash Bridges). Myndaflokkur um störf iögreglumanna í San Francisco í Bandaríkjunum. Við kynnumst Nash Bridges, sem starfar í rannsóknardeildinni, en hann þykir með þeim betri í faginu. 23.20 Karlmennið (Damien’s seed). Ljósblá Playboy-mynd. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 00.50 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 06.10 ★★* Barnfóstrufélagið. (The Baby- Sitter’s Club). 1995. mÍMriflf 0800 Áfram kúreki. (Carry On Cowboy). WliLi 1966 10.00 ***■ Úrslitakvöldið. (Big Night). 1996. 12.00 * * Á > Stelpan hún Georgy. (Georgy Girt). 1966. 14.00 Afram kúreki. 16.00 Barnfóstrufélagið. 18.00 Úrslitakvöldið. 20.00 Stelpan hún Georgy. 22.00 Draugum að bráð. (Victim of the Haunt). 1996. Bönnuð börnum. 00.00 ★** Hugarflug. (Altered States). 1980. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 02.00 Draugum að bráð. 04.00 Hugarflug (e). Dagskrá auglýst síðar VH-1 6.00 Power Breakfast 8.00 Pop-up Video 9.00 VH1 Upbeat 12.00 Ten of the Best 13.00 Greatest Hits Of... 13.30 Pop-up Video 14.00 Jukebox 17.00 five @ five 1730 Pop-up Video 18.00 Happy Hour 19.00 VH1 Hits 21.00 Bob Mills’ Big 80's 22.00 Behind the Music 23.30 More Music 0.00 The Nightfly 0.30 VH1 to 1 1.00 Storytellers 2.00 Behind the Music 3.00 More Music 4.00 Pop-up Video 4.30 VH1 Late Shift TRAVEL 12.00 Dream Destinations 12.30 A-Z Med 13.00 Holiday Maker! 13.15 Holiday Maker! 13.30 The Flavours of France 14.00 The Flavours of Italy 14.30 Voyage 15.00 Mekong 16.00 Go 2 16.30 Dominika's Planet 17.00 The Great Escape 17.30 Caprice’s Travels 18.00 The Ravours of France 18.30 On Tour 19.00 Dream Destinations 19.30 A-Z Med 20.00 Travel Live 2030 Go 2 21.00 Mekong 22.00 Voyage 2230 Dominika's Planet 23.00 OnTour 23.30 Caprice'sTravels 0.00 Closedown ^ NBC Super Channel 5.00 Market Watch 5.30 Europe Today 8.00 Market Watch 13.00 US CNBC Squawk Box 15.00 US Market Watch 17.00 Europe Tonight 18.00 US Power Lunch 19.00 US Street Signs 21.00 US Market Wrap 22.30 Europe Tonight 23.30 NBC Nightly News 0.00 CNBC AsiaSquawkBox 130USMarketWrap 2.00 Trading Day 4.00 US Business Centre 4.30 Lunch Money Eurosport 7.30 Football: Eurogoals 9.00 Xtrem Sports: Winter X Games in Crested Butte, Colorado, USA 10.00 Alpine Skiing: Woríd Championships in Vail Valley, USA 11.00 Luge: Natural Track Worid Cup in Canale d'Agordo, Italy 11.30 Tennis: A look at the ATP Tour 12.00 All Sports: Asian Games in Bangkok, Thailand 13.00 Cycling: Tour Down Under in Adelaide, Australia 14.00 Golf: US PGA Tour - Phoenix Open in Scottsdale, Arizona 15.00 Luge: Worid Championships in Konigsee, Germany 16.00 Alpine Skiing: Worid Championships in Vail Valley, USA 17.00 Xtrem Sports: Winter X Games in Crested Butte, Coiorado. USA 18.00 Motorsports: Magazine 19.00 Trial: ATPI Tour in AmnÉville, near Metz, France 20.00 Tractor Pulling: Indoor Event in Zwolle, Nethertands 21.00 Darts: American Darts European Grand Prix in Rheda-Wiedenbr.ck, Germany 22.00 Martial Arts: Monks of Shaolin in the London Arena 23.00 Motorsports: Magazine 0.00 Xtrem Sports: Winter X Games in Crested Butte, Colorado, USA 030 Close HALLMARK 6.25 Road to Saddle River 8.15 Veronica Clare: Slow Violence 9.50 Reason for Living: x The Jill Jreland Story 11.25 Isabel's Choice 13.05 Laura Lansing Slept Here 14.45 Month w of Sundays 1630 Pack of Lies 18.00 Lonesome Dove 18.45 Lonesome Dove 19.30 Sacrifice for Love 20.55 Getting Out 22.25 Naked Lie 23.55 Isabel's Choice 1.35 Laura Lansing Slept Here 3.15 Month of Sundays 4.55 Pack of Lies Cartoon Network 5.00 Omer and the Starchild 5.30 Blinky Bill 6.00 The Tidings 6.30 Tabaluga 7.00 The Powerpuff Girts 730 Dexter's Laboratory 8.00 Sylvester and Tweety 8.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 9.00 Flintstone Kids 9.30 The Tidings 10.00 The Magic Roundabout 10.15 Thomas the Tank Engine 10.30 The Fmitties 11.00 Tabaluga 1130 Yo! Yogi 12.00 Tom and Jerry 12.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 12.30 Road Runner 12.45 Sylvester and Tweety 13.00 Popeye 1330 The Rintstones 14.00 The Jetsons 14.30 Droopy 15.00 Taz-Mania 15.30 Scooby and Scrappy Doo 16.00 The Powerpuff Girfs 1630 Dexter's Laboratory 17.001 am Weasel 17.30 Cow and Chicken 18.00 Animaniacs 1830 The Rintstones 19.00 Tom and Jerry 19.30 Looney Tunes 20.00 Cartoon Cartoons 20.30 Cult Toons 21.00 2 Stupid Dogs 21.30 Johnny Bravo 22.00 The Powerpuff Giris 22.30 Dexter's Laboratory 23.00 Cow and Chicken 23.30 I am Weasel 0.00 Scooby Doo 030TopCat 1.00 The Real Adventures ofJonnyQuest 1.30SwatKats 2.00lvanhoe 2.30 Omer and the Starchild 3.00 Blinky Bill 3.30 The Fruitties 4.00 Ivanhoe 4.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 5.00 Leaming for School: Numbertime 6.00 BBC World News 6.25 Prime Weather 6.30 Camberwick Green 6.45 Monty 6.50 Blue Peter 7.10 Just William 7.40 Ready, Steady, Cook 8.10 Style Challenge 8.35 Change That 9.00 Kilroy 9.45 EastEnders 10.15 TOTP 211.00 A Cook's Tour of France 11.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 12.00 Can't Cook, Won’t Cook 12.30 Change That 12.55 Prime Weather 13.00 Wildlife 13.30 EastEnders 14.00 Kilroy 14.45 Styie Challenge 15.10 Prime Weather 15.15 Camberwick Green 15.30 Monty 15.35 Blue Peter 16.00 Just William 16.30 Wildlife 17.00 BBC Worid News 1735 Prime Weather 17.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 18.00 EastEnders 18.30 Gardens by Design 19.00 ‘Allo, 'Alio! 19.30 Chef 20.00 The Buccaneers 21.00 BBC Worid News 2135 Prime Weather 21.30 Home Front 22.00 Art Detectives 23.00 Preston Front 23.40 The O Zone 0.00 Leaming for Pleasure 0.30 Leaming English: Follow Through 1.00 Leaming Languages 2.00 > Leaming for Business 3.00 Leaming from the OU 3.30 Leaming from the OU 4.00 Leaming from the OU 4.30 Leaming from the OU NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 11.00 Season of the Salmon 11.30 Circus of Dreams 12.00 Orphans in Paradise 13.00 Natural Born Killers: Eagles - Shadows on the Wing 14.00 The Chemistry of War 15.00 Cats 16.00 The Shark Files: Quest for the Basking Shark 17.00 Orphans in Paradise 18.00 The Chemistry of War 19.00 AGift for Samburu 19.30 Caesarea Maritima: Herod’s Harbour 20.00 Orphans in Paradise 21.00 Art of Tracking 22.00 Rocket Men 23.00 On the Edge: Combat Cameramen 23.30 On the Edge: Skis Against the Bomb 0.00 Extreme Earth: Bom of Rre 1.00 Art of Tracking 2.00 Rocket Men 3.00 On the Edge: Combat Cameramen 3.30 On the Edge: Skis Against the Bomb 4.00 Extreme Earth: Bom of Rre 5.00 Close Discovery 8.00 Rex Hunfs Fishing Adventures 8.30 The Diœman 9.00 Bush Tucker Man 9.30 Walker's Worid 10.00 The Spedalists 11.00 The U-Boat War 12.00 State of AJert 12.30 Worid of Adventures 13.00 Chariie Bravo 1330 Disaster 14.00 Disaster 14.30 Beyond 2000 15.00 Ghosthunters 1530 Justice Rles 16.00 Rex Hunt Speciais 16.30 Walker’s Worid 17.00 Wheel Nuts 17.30 History’s Tuming Points 18.00 Animal Doctor 18.30 Adventures of the Quest 19.30 Beyond 2000 20.00 Arthur C Clarke's Mysterious Universe 20.30 Creatures Fantastic 21.00 Life after Death: A Sceptical Enquiry 22.00 Searching for Lost Worlds 23.00 The Mosquito Story 0.00 Intrigue in Istanbul 1.00 History’s Turning ■ Points 1.30 Wheel Nuts 2.00Close MTV 5.00 Kickstart 6.00 Top Selection 7.00 Kickstart 8.00 Non Stop Hits 11.00 European Top 20 12.00 Non Stop Hits 15.00 Select MTV 17.00 Artist Cut 17.30 Bbrhythm 18.00 So 90s 19.00 Top Selection 20.00 MTV Data 21.00 Amour 22.00 MTVID 23.00 The Late Lick 0.00 TheGrind 030 Night Videos Sky News 4 6.00 Sunrise 10.00 News on the Hour 1030 SKY Worid News 11.00 News on the Hour 12.00 SKY News Today 14.30 PMQ'S 16.00 News on the Hour 16.30 SKY Worid News 17.00 Live at Five 18.00 News on the Hour 19.30 Sportsline 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Business Report 21.00 News on the Hour 21.30 SKY Worid News 22.00 Primetime 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 CBS Evening News 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY Worid News 2.00 News on the Hour 230 SKY Business Report 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 Global Village 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 Fashion TV 5.00 News on the Hour 5.30 CBS Evening News CNN 5.00CNNThisMoming 530 Insight 6.00 CNN This Morning 6.30 Moneyline 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30 Worid Sport 8.00 CNN This Moming 8.30 Showbiz Today 9.00 Larry King 10.00 Worid News 1030 Worid Sport 11.00 World News 11.15 American Edition 11.30 Biz Asia 12.00 Worid News 12.30 Business Unusual 13.00 Worid News 13.15 Asian Edition 13.30 Biz Asia 14.00 Worid News 14.30 Showbiz Today 15.00 Worid News 15.30 Worid Sport 16.00 World News 16.30 Style 17.00 Larry King 18.00 Worid News 18.45 American Edition 19.00 Worid News 19.30 Worid Business Today 20.00 Worid News 20.30 Q&A 21.00 Worid News Europe 21.30 Insight 22.00 News Update/ Worid Business Today 22.30 Worid Sport 23.00 CNN Worid View 23.30 Moneyline Newshour 030 Showbiz Today 1.00 Worfd News 1.15 Asian Edition 130 Q&A 2.00 Larry King Live 3.00World News 3.30 CNN Newsroom 4.00 Worid News 4.15AmericanEdition 4.30 Worid Report TNT « 5.00 The Good Earth 7.30 A Yank at Oxford 9.15 Babes in Arms 11.00 Her Highness and the Bellboy 13.00 Song of Love 15.00 High Soöety 17.00 A Yank at Oxford 19.00 The Hucksters 21.00 The Maltese Falcon 23.00 The Outfit 1.00 The Power 3.00 The Maltese Falcon Animal Planet 07.00 Pet Rescue 07.30 Harry's Practice 08.00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 08.30 Lassie: The Feud 09.00 Going Wild With Jeff Corwin: Venezuela 09.30 Wild At Heart: Jaguars Of The Amazon 10.00 Pet Rescue 10.30 Rediscovery Of The Worid: Bomeo 11.30 Breed All About It: Beagles 12.00 Australia VVild: Window On The Wild 12.30 Animal Doctor 13.00 Totally Australia: Bizarre Beasts 14.00 Nature Watch With Julian Pettifer: Little Lions Of The Rainforest 14.30 Australia Wild: A Very Particular Parrot 15.00 All Bird Tv 15.30 Human / Nature 16.30 Harry’s Practice 17.00 Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures: Uganda Gorillas Part Two 17.30 Animal Doctor 18.00 Pet Rescue 18.30 Australia Wild: Which Sex? 19.00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 19.30 Lassie: A Day In The Life 20.00 Rediscovery Of The Worid: The Great White Shark 21.00 Animal Doctor 21.30 Horse Tales: The Melboume Cup 22.00 Going Wild: Elephants Under Siege 22.30 Emergency Vets 23.00 Crocodile Hunter: Wildest Home Videos 00.00 Wildlife Er 00.30 Emergency Vets 01.00 Zoo Story Computer Channel 17.00 Buyer's Guide 17.15 Masterclass 17.30 Game Over 17.45 Chips With Everyting 18.00 Roadtest 18.30 Gear 19.00 Dagskrfiriok Omega 17.30 700 klúbburinn. Blandað efni frá CBN fréttastöðinni. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. 18.30 Líf í Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 Boðskapur Central Bapt- # ist kirkjunnar með Ron Phillips. 19.30 Frelsiskallið (A Call to Freedom) með Freddie Rlmcre. 20.00 Kærieikurinn mikilsverði (Love Worth Rnding) með Adrian Rogers. 20.30 Kvökfljós. Ýmsir gestir. 22.00 Líf i Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 22.30 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. 23.00 Uf í Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord). Blandað efni frá TBN sjónvarpsstöðinni. Ymsir gestir. Allt um keppnina www.corona-extra.net Corona Extra 17 29. janúar 1999 f Ókus


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