Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 09.04.1999, Síða 23

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 09.04.1999, Síða 23
Ben Stiller There’s Something About Mary Elizabeth Hurley Maria Bello Austin Powers Payback Forsýnd í kvöld kl. 11.10 í Kringlubíói. Hlustaöu á X-ið eða smelltu þér inn á afmælisleik Vísis.is og þú gæílteunnið miða. BYGGÐ Á SAMNEFNDRI SJÁLFSÆVISÖGU JERRY STAHL PERMANENT MIDNIGHT www.visir.is ARTISAN ENTERTAINMENT Presents A JANE HAMSHER - DON MURPHY Production A DAVID VELOZnim BEN STILLER ELIZABETH HURLEY "PERMANENT MIDNIGHT" MARIA BELLO OWENWILSON CHERYL LADD PETER GREENE JANEANE GAROFALO casting by RONNIE YESKEL, c.s.a. Music Composed by DANIEL LICHT Costumes Designed by LOUISE MINGENBACH.nd LORIESKOWITZ Production Designe, JERRY FLEMING Editnd by STEVEN WEISBERG and CARA SILVERMAN Director of Photography ROBERT YEOMAN &> Produco, ROBERT LEVEEN Based upon the Book byJERRY STAHL Produced byJANE HAMSHER DONMURPHY Written for the Screen and Directed by DAVID VELOZ © 1998 Artisan Pictures Inc. All Rigbts Reserved. /DP/ggi^T lA RT1 S ANl KRINGLUBI S4Mm 9. aprfl 1999 f Ókus


Dagblaðið Vísir - DV

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