

Stúdentablaðið - 01.09.1983, Blaðsíða 14

Stúdentablaðið - 01.09.1983, Blaðsíða 14
14 STUDENTABLAÐIÐ But you needn’t be dismayed. When an Icelander hits his friends, he is only meeting them (að hitta, to meet); when he smacks his food, he is only tasting it (að smakka, to taste); when the children beat nap- kins, they are only trading them (að býtta, to barter or swap); and for an Icelander to hate his name is only for him to be called by it (að heita, to be named). This little lesson is a reminder of the importance of getting the right information, especially as a newcomer to a strange land. For- tunately, there are a number of good services available to you in this regard. One source of information which you will find useful is the news- paper you hold in your hands, Stúdcntahlaðið. which is published by and for students at the Uni- versity of Iceland. More exactly, Stúdentablaðið is put out by the University Studenl Council (Stúdentaráð Háskóla ís- lands, abbreviated SHÍ; see further information below); it appears eight times peryear. All registered students receive the paper auto- matically. The subscription price is included in the University’s registration fee. Stúdentablaðið attempts to call attention to all issues and events of special importance to students in the University, and to discuss more general matters affecting education and culture. Pertinent contri- butions from any student are wel- comed by the editors. This year, Stúdcntablaðið has planned a series of articles in Eng- lish for the benefit of new foreign students. But, of course, most things which appear in the paper are in Icelandic, and it may be a few months before you find that you can read them easily. News from Iccland is a monthly newspaper published in English. And although it is not intended especially for students, you are nevertheless likely to find it informative and useful.Toquoteits own advertising: News from Ice- Iand .. . reports on the main events in the country, interpreting economical and industrial deve- lopments, with special emphasison fishing. Politics, culture, communi- cations, and ... tourism are also featured.“ This paper is available in the student bookstore, Bóksala stúdenta. which is located in the Student Union (Félagsstofnun stúdenta. see map). The price per copy is presently 22 kr. — or, you may want to subscribe (News from Iceland, Höfðabakki 9, P.O. Box 93, Reykjavík; telephone number 84966). The University Student Council (SHÍ), which was established in 1920, isabody which represents the interests of university students in Iceland, foreign students included. It consists of 30 elected student members, four of whom also sit as representatives in the University Council (Háskólaráð). Student Council elections are held each spring, and all students formally registered in the University of Iceland are entitled to vote and to seek a place on the Councih In addition to representing student interests and publishing Stúdentablaðið, SHI provides cer- tain special services for university students, such as an information service through which studentscan investigate their rights in various matters, and an employment coun- selling service. The offices of SHÍ are located on the second floor of the Student Union, and are open weekdays from I0 to 5; the tele- phone number is 15959. Beginning in mid-Oetober, SHÍ will be sponsoring a series of eve- ning get-togeters for foreign students, in order to help to familiarize them with the workings of the Student Council and of the University of Iceland in general. Foreign students will also be offer- ed an introduction to key features of Icelandic culture and society, past and present. These get-to- gethers will be advertised in the entrance hall of the Student Union and elsewhere; those who are interested should keep an eye out for the notices. Also available for information and assistance is the University’s Student Advisor (Námsráðgjafi), Ásta K. Ragnarsdóttir. Her office is located on the top (third) floor of the University Main Building (Aðalbygging, see map); turn right at the top of the niiddle staircase, and it’s the second door on your right. Her office hours are on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 to 1 o’clock, and on Thursdays and Fridays front 3 to 5 (telephone 25088, exlension 143). The Student Advisorcan provide information about the organization of the various programs of study within the University, and is avail- able to help students who are hav- ing difficulties, however closely or remotely these difficulties may be related lo their studies. This autumn, the Student Ad- visor has advertised for Icelandic contact people: Icelanders who are interested in meeting and assisting foreign students on an individual basis (particularly in the beginning when help is most needed). Any foreign student who would like to have such an Icelandic contact is encouraged to get in touch either with the Student Advisor or with the offices of the Student Council (SHÍ). Would you like to find out more about Reykjavík? One good way to do this is to take a guided bus tour around town. Your guide will show you the main districts (especially the city center), point out the principal sights, and introduce you to the town’s most important buildings. The University is sponsoring such a tour specifically for new foreign students, to be held near the end of September. You can participate for only 100 kr. If you are interested, please contact the Student Advisor. As you see, there are various sources of information and as sistance which are availble to you as a newcomer to Iceland and its university, and which can help to make your stay here a pleasant and rewarding one —don’t hesitate to use them. Soon you will know e- nough lcelandic to take part in the more important parts of daily life, such as complaining about the weather. In the meanwhile — go out and hit a few Icelanders. Velkomin til íslands! Mikael M. Karlsson, dósent, tók saman New foreign students: Has an Icelander hit you today? From what you hear during your first days in Iceland, the Icelanders may sound like difficult-even violent- people. You will soon learn that they hit their friends and smack their food; that their children beat paper napkins (and even postage stamps!); and that every Icelander hates his name. Raunvísindastofnun I Smyrilsvegur 22 I , Verkfræðahús VR-I |)/erkfra^^^g VR-II 2 I Gamla ði Loftskeytastoöin Hjónagarðar ARAGATA I 9 ■■ Arnagarödr Iþróttahús HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS Main University Campus Lögberg Nýi Garöur / Norrænahúsið Frá námsráðgjafa: Kæru námsmenn! Við Háskóla íslands eru erlendir stúdentar um það bil eitt hundrað og á hverju hausti hefja um 50 erlendir einstaklingar nám. Meirihluti þeirra innritast í íslensku fyrir erlenda stúdenta, en jafnframt tekur læknadeild árlega á móti sex læknanemum frá Norðurlöndum. Síðastliðinn vetur var gerð könnun á vegum háskólans á að- stöðu .þessara nemenda. Niður- staða könnunarinnar bendir til að ýmsu sé ábótavant og byrjunar- örðugleikar eru algengir. Islenskir stúdentar sem stundað hafa nám erlendis kannast vissulega við þau vandamál sem upp koma í ókunnu landi, á framandi tungumáli, með öðrum orðum við það að vera út- lendingur. Víða erlendis hafa verið gerðar ráðstafanir varðandi sér- staka þjónustu þessum nemendum til handa og er þar að sjálfsögðu margtsem viðgetum tekið okkur til fyrirmyndar. Er nú í ráði að koma til móts við erlendu stúdentana með ýmsu móti. Háskólinn mun um rnánaða- mótin september/október efna til kynnisferðar um borgina, því að í ljós hefur komið að margir erlendir stúdentar hafa ekki kynnsí borg- inni á meðan á dyol þeirra hefur staðið, og því farið á mis við það sem hún hefur uppá að bjóða. Stúdentaráð hefur samþykkt að efna til kynningarkvölda frá og með miðjum október, þar sem leit- ast verður við að kynna starfsemi þess og háskólans almennt. Jafn- framt verður leitast við að kynna hinum erlendu stúdentum strauma og stefnur í íslensku þjóðlífi. Eins hefur sú hugmynd komið fram að útvega hinum erlendu stúdentum islenska tengla (contact people), sem gætu reynst þeirn hjálplegir á ýmsa lund, þá sérstak- lega í byrjun. Slíkt aðlögunartíma- bil getur skipt sköpum og einfaldir hlutir valdið ótrúlegri fyrirhöfn og erfiðleikum. Jafnframt má benda á að margir þessara erlendu stúdenta komast aldrei í kynni við íslend- inga og umgangast því aðeins inn- byrðis. Því skora ég á íslenska náms- menn að bregðast nú vel við og gefa kost á sér sem tenglar. Þetta þarf ekki að vera tímafrekt og krefjandi starf, heldur byggist hugmyndin meir á því að veita gestum þessum stuðning fyrsta spölinn. Þeir sem viljann hafa eru beðnir að gefa sig fram á skrifstofu Stúdentaráðs eða hjá námsráð- gjafa. Með bestu kveðjum, Ásta Kr. Ragnarsdóttir



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