Árbók Háskóla Íslands


Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 02.02.1940, Page 35

Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 02.02.1940, Page 35
33 1931 Contagious Pneumonia in Sheep. Journ. of Comp. Path. 44, bls. 126. (Með J. Davesne) Reclierches bacteriologiques sur l’étiologie du bradsot islandais. Compt. Rend. Soc. de Bioi. 107, bls. 1271. Infektiöse Pneumonie bei Schafen. Deutsche Tierárztl. Woch. 39, bls. 789. 1932 Vaccination against Braxy. Journ. Comp. Path. 45, bls. 313. Recherclies bacteriologiques sur le bradsot du mouton islandais. Pathogénie et vaccination. Annales Inst. Pasteur 48, bls. 604. Um skort á C-fjörvi. Læknablaðið 18. Blóðrannsóknir í barnsfaðernismálum. Eimreiðin 38, bls. 25. Schick Tests in Iceland. Brit. Journ. Exp. Path. 13, bls. 360. 1935 Um næringu og næringarsjúkdóma. Fylgir Árbók Háskóla íslands 1931—32. Rvk 1935. 4to. 239 bls. (Með Júl. Sigurjónssyni) Scliick Tests in Iceland (continuation). Brit. J. Exp. Path. 15, bls. 503. 1936 Ein Fall von Periarteriitis nodosa. Acta Pathol. et Microbiol. Scand. 13, bls. 239. Braxy in Iceland. Rapport connnuniqué au 3ine Congrés International de Pathologie Comparée. Athénes 1936. Weight of Tliyroid Gtand and Atherosclerosis. Lancet, bls. 1354. (Með Guðm. Gislasyni) Nematodes in Sheep in Iceland. Experience with Carbon Tetrachloride Drenches. Journ. Comp. Patli. 49, bls. 210. 1937 Difteri-Innnunisation med renset Anatoxin. Ugeskr. f. Læger, bls. 134. 1938 Adénomatose infectieuse du poumon chez le mouton. Bull. Acad. de Méd. 119, bls. 98. (Með Guðm. Gíslasyni og E. L. Taylor) Epizootic Adenomatosis in the Lungs of Sheep. Journ. Comp. Path. 52, bls. 46. Echinococcus des Herzens. Acta Path. et Microbiol. Scand. 15, bls. 90. Epizootic Adenomatosis of the Lungs of Slieep. Its Relations to Ver- minous Pneuinonia and Jaagsiekte. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 31, 497. Ræða flutt við háskólasetningu 19. sept. 1936. Árbók Háskóla ís- lands 1936—1937, Rvk 1938, bls. 3—12. 1939 Jaagsiekte und die sogenannte Strongylus Adenomatose der Lunge des Schafes. Gibt es Jaagsiekte in Deutscliland? Deutsch. Tier. Wocli. 47, bls. 178. Ræða flutt við háskólasetningu 18. sept. 1937. Árbók Háskóla íslands 1937—1938, Rvk 1939, bls. 3—9. 3


Árbók Háskóla Íslands

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