Jazzblaðið - 01.03.1950, Page 11

Jazzblaðið - 01.03.1950, Page 11
Beztu jazzplöturnar 1949 J afnvel þó að ekki sé hægt aö fá jjrammó- fónplötu hci- í vevzlununum mun Jazz- hlaðið birta hér nöfn beztu jazzplatna, sem gefnar voru lit í Bandaríkjunum á síðast- liðnu ári. Michael Levin, meðritstjóri tón- iistarblaðsins Down Beat hefur valið plöt- urnar. Nafn viðkomandi plötufyrirtækja er í sviga á eftir plötunafni. L i 11 a r hljómsveit'ir. Errol Garner: Where or When (Mercury). Lover Man (Appollo). Undecided (Regent). Way You Look Tonight (Atiantic). Love for Sale (Dial). Frankie and Johnny (Dial). Geurf/e Shoarimj: East of tlie Sun (MGM). Septcmber in the Rain (MGM). Consternation (London). Lennie Tristano: Marionette (Capitol). Sul)consious Lee (New Jazz). Lce Konitz: Tautology (New Jazz). Marshmellow (New Jazz). Nat Cole: Piano Selection (Capitol). Trio Volume J (Capitol). Flip Phillipii: This Can’t Be Lovc (Mcrcury), Slicboblou Trió: What is This Thing (Down Beat). Milcs Davís: Move (Capitol). Boplicity (Cajiitol). Howard McGee og Fats Navarro: Double Talk (Blue Note). Boperation (Blue Note). t Geort/ie Auld: Darn That Dream (Discovery). They Didn’t Believe Me (Discovery). Charlie Ventura: Body and Soul (Victor). F. Y. I. (National). Buddy DeFrancö: Extrovert (Capitol). Jimmy McPartland.. In a Mist (Unison). Eddie Condon: Seems Like Old Times (Decca). Kai Winding: Bop City (Roost). Stan Getz: Marcia (New Jazz). Doc Evahs: Dixieland Jazz (Art-Floral). Sidney Bechet: Sclections (Blue Note). Illinois Jaquet: Black Velvet (Victor). Arnold Haber: One in Three (Miltone). Bobby Hackett: Selections (Brunswick). SazslUiS 11



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