Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.10.1981, Blaðsíða 6

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.10.1981, Blaðsíða 6
potential of the elastomechanical methods in practical reservoir engineer- ing and related areas. Assuming simple relevant situations, the strength of the field signals will be estimated and com- pared to other ground surface data such as gravity and D.C. electrical signals that are also of interest in reservoir monitoring. Because of greater difficul- ty in observing surface strain, we will limit our discusion to vertical ground displacement and tilt signals. BASIC RELATIONS For the sake of brevity we will con- sider only liquid dominated reservoirs embedded in porous/permeable half- spaces that are ultrasimple in the sense that the formation can be taken to res- pond in bulk as a homogeneous and isotropic Hookean solid. Because of the two-phase situation, all elastic parameters are composite and will con- sequently have to be defined properly. Moreover, Hooke’s law must be generalized to include the effects of the pore or fracture fluid (see for example, Nur and Byerlee, 1971). In the present note, where only orders of magnitude are of interest, we will circumvent a more detailed discussion of these aspects by assuming that the saturated formation has empirically well defined effective elastic parameters. Armed with this set of quite strong but useful assumptions, we are now in the position of considering the effects listed in the introduction above. Let the (x, y) plane of our coordinate system be placed in the surface E of the half-space with the z-axis vertically down. The general field point is P = (x, y, z). We assume that the reservoir is in equilibrium at the onset of production at time t = 0. Having at a later time pro- duced a certain mass of fluid, we can assume that the subsurface temperature field has been perturbed by an amount T(P) and the subsurface fluid pressure field by p(P). Clearly, since the fluid pressure vanishes in the drained forma- tion there is a discontinuity in the pressure field at the groundwater level. Let the formation displacement vec- tor resulting from both perturbations be u(P) = (u,v, w) (P). Moreover, let A and n be the effective Lamé parameters, k the effective bulk modulus, v the tions Poisson ratio a the effective thermal ex- pansivity of the fluid/rock systems. Since the half-space is assumed to be Hookean, the elastomechanical equa- tions for the displacement are [in u—(A+//)V V-u = b , (1) where n = —_V2 is the Laplacian operator and b is the body force den- sity field resulting from the temperature and pressure perturbations. The boun- dary condition at the ground surface E is that of no stress. In the present case, b is a sum of two terms, one of ther- moelastic origin associated with the per- turbation temperature field T and a se- cond one that results from the perturba- tion p of the pore pressure. Because of the discontinuity at the groundwater surface, it is convenient to split the se- cond contribution into two parts, one associated with the perturbation pressure field in the wet formation and the other one resulting from the drain- ing of the formations by the subsidence of the groundwater level. We have thus b = —Vf, (2) where f=fx + fp + fg (3) where the f’s are scalars and the subscript T refers to temperature, p to fluid pressure, and g to groundwater level. On the basis of the theory of ther- moelasticity (Boley and Weiner, 1960) we obtain the first factor fT = akT (4) There is some uncertainty as to the proper form of fp . This factor depends quite heavily on pore/fracture geometry and connectivity. For the present pur- pose we will adapt the classical pro- cedure of Biot (1941) by assuming fp=öp (5) where 0 is a positive dimensionless fac- tor quantizing the effects of the pore pressure p on the rock matrix. Clearly, this factor is less than unity, but actual values may vary within rather wide limits. Few experimental results are available. We can only quote elastomechanical data collected by Rice and Cleary (1976) from which values of 0 =0.2 to 0.8 can be inferred. The lower values apply to samples of marble and granites whereas the higher values are obtained for sandstones. Along the same lines the third factor on the right of (3) can also be estimated on the basis of (5) where p is then the negative hydrostatic pore pressure in the drained rock above the groundwater level. Given p(P) and T(P), the problem of solving (1) for the displacement vector Tí (P) is now well defined. A simple procedure of solving (1) at the above defined conditions has been presented by Bodvarsson (1976). We will refrain from discussing details of the method and quote only the result of main interest, that is, the expression for the vertical displacement component w at the ground surface E. Let S = (x,y, o) be a field point on S and Q = (x’, y’, z’) be the source point; then w (S) = / gw(S, Q) f (Q) dvQ (6) where dvQ = dx’dy’dz’ and gw (S,P) is the appropriate Green’s function gw(S,Q) = [(1—v)/n(A + 2fi)] z’/r3SQ, r3SQ=(x-xT + (y-y’)3 + (z’)3 (8) is the distance from Q to S. The tilt vec- tor T(S) is obtained from (6) by T = - ViiW where Vh=( 3x, 3x,°)> the horizontal gradient in E. This vector can thus be expressed in the same form as (6) by T(S) = /h* (S,Q)f(Q)dvQ (9) where h = -V^g. SIMPLE SITUATIONS To present an overview of relevant field amplitudes, we will consider ground surface displacement and tilt fields generated by temperature or pressure perturbations within bounded compact source regions. Moreover, let the average depth of the source region be rather larger than its greatest linear dimension. Obviously, this situation is best portrayed by a spherically sym- metric source region of radius R placed such that the depth d of the center is a few times larger than R. In the case of the first two factors in (3) the integrals in (6) and (9) can then be quite well ap- proximated by simple expressions. With regard to the ground surface displace- ment we are most interested in the max- imum value wm that is obtained at the point 0 vertically above the center of the region. Assuming the Poisson relation A = ,/i that applies quite well to com- mon rock and taking that z’“rOQ—d, we obtain on the basis of (6) and (7) that wm = (15/36tt) AV/d2 = 0.13 AV/d2 (10) 66 — TÍMARIT VFÍ 1981


Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

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