Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.07.2008, Blaðsíða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.07.2008, Blaðsíða 8
8 | REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 09—2008 OPINION By oddur SturluSon — illuStration By BoBBy BreiÐHolt This is most obviously exemplified by the curious mix of grandiosity and meekness (an oxymoron if there was one) of native Icelanders who find it nothing short of scandalous that their small, un- armed country doesn't have as much political pull as some of their larger, more powerful neighbours. At the same time they are proud of having almost won a football match against the World Champi- ons... a decade ago. But as Homo sapiens always do, Icelanders found a way to cope. Instead of giving up and fac- ing the fact that a small, isolated country may not be comparable to huge, multi-cultural ones, these proud islanders invented something brilliant in its simplicity and devastating in its effectiveness: something which serves to both prove this coun- try’s superiority and kindle fears of its imminent degeneration – The Per Capita Record. The Per Capita Record is quite simply when Iceland does something noticeable, compared to how small it is; for example, we don't have nearly as many cars as the UK, but compared to the pop- ulation we have a lot more. Used most often to ex- cuse the mediocre standing of our sports teams, you'll often hear Icelanders state that our sports teams are actually very good... compared to how few we are. But since receiving the rather embar- rassing news that Icelandic woman are no longer considered the most beautiful in the world and in fact don't even come close, Iceland has been in need of a good dose of patriotism. So, without further ado, here is the list of Iceland's proudest accomplishments. Morality Capital of the World Although widely thought of as being a rather alco- holically inclined nation it turns out that Iceland was in 27th place out of 30 surveyed countries for per capita alcohol consumption. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Quentin Tarantino! Another misconception is that all Icelanders get divorced, but according to the statistics only 30 of every 100 marriages ends in divorce, which is pretty respect- able compared to Belgium’s 60 out of every 100 marriages. Iceland also has the third lowest in- fant mortality rate in the entire world, the highest amount of water availability and the lowest per- ceivable amount of government corruption. In Ice- land, the government doesn't lie about its shady dealings; it just refuses to comment on them. In your face, Democracy! Great Artists, Crappy Terrorists Icelanders read the most books per capita and have more artists as part of the workforce than anywhere else. Perhaps this explains the fact that in a survey released about a year ago only 3% of the country described themselves as unhappy or maybe it's because Iceland has the highest rate of suicide caused by depressive episodes. Is every- one who isn't happy already dead? The war on ter- ror has proven itself worthwhile in Iceland where no one has ever died in a terrorist attack. Taken back to school bin Laden! The Perfect Woman We have the 5th highest rate of female parliamen- tarians with 34.9% of the parliament being women and had the honour of having the first female president. Unfortunately for the fairer sex, Iceland also has the highest incidence of breast cancer in women, or 39.4 afflicted for every 100.000. On a side note, in this reporter’s opinion, Icelandic women are not only still the most beautiful, they are also the best fighters in the world. I dare you to piss off an Icelandic woman between midnight and 5 AM on a Saturday night. I double dare you. Global Warming? Sounds good The clean and unpolluted island paradise has the most tractors per 100 hectares of arable land and in fact has more than three times more than the next country, Japan. At the same time, however, Iceland has the second least amount of arable land of all countries that practice agriculture, which leaves us with practically no land and a hell of a lot of tractors. It's not just tractors though; Iceland has the second highest amount of cars per capita too, right after the USA, and is in 8th place for oil usage, with each person using more than half a barrel a day. Whatcha gonna do about it Saving Iceland? Socialist Paradise Iceland is also the third most taxed country in the world. But of course, how else could we afford to pay nurses, teachers and police officers such fan- tastic wages? Oh, wait, we don't! In fact, Icelandic teachers’ wages are only slightly higher than in Mexico and substantially lower than in Italy, de- spite both countries paying a lot less in taxes. International Politics and College Hierarchy The goal of this article is not to mock or degrade Iceland. By all standards, per capita or otherwise, this quaint little island is a respectable place to live but it's not the same island it was two decades ago. Like a hot firstyear girl flirting with seniors at the dance, we're at the pivotal point where we can either go home with the captain of the football team who'll use us and dump us (and be “that” girl for the rest of our college years). Or we can remember the nerdy kid who's always been there for us and be the cool chick in the coming of age comedy/drama, which is the world of internation- al politics. Let's not be Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls, let's be Ellen Page in Juno. INfO * A survey preformed approximately a year ago showed Iceland as the happiest country in the world. A newer survey, however, has placed Denmark in first place, and Iceland as about as happy as Columbia and Puerto Rico. What traumatic event could have lowered Iceland's spirits so dramatical ly? Two words. Merzedes Club. * Despite our reputation, Iceland is not one of the top alcohol consumers in the world. * Iceland has the most tractors per 100 hectares of arable land and the second most cars per capita in the world. * Iceland has the highest rate of suicide as a consequence of depression. * Nobody in Iceland has ever been killed in a terrorist attack. Living in an environment as hos- tile and unpredictable as Iceland can have severe effects on one’s mental stability. When a society goes through environmental hard- ship, long periods of darkness and centuries of seclusion it's bound to lead to some kind of eccentricity. iceland iS alSo tHe tHird MoSt taxed country in tHe World. But oF courSe, HoW elSe could We aFFord to pay nurSeS, teacHerS and police oFFicerS SucH Fan- taStic WageS? oH, Wait, We don't! Iceland: Home of the Per Capita Record Also: home to the most expensive Big Mac in the world. OPINION If you have recently moved to Iceland (as I have), or are considering the move, here are some thoughts and suggestions to consider (most of which I am still trying to implement myself): Firstly, be kind to yourself and be patient. Mov- ing to a new country is a big change and even big- ger challenge. Leaving behind your home, family, friends, job, and familiar surroundings is tough. You come to Iceland…a new country, different culture, difficult language, unfamiliar surround- ings, with a limited support network, probably un- employed and trying to survive in this incredibly expensive country, whilst battling the unpredict- able weather conditions. It’s tough! With all this to juggle, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to get a job within “x” number of weeks or any other expectations like that. Most importantly, try to learn Icelandic – this will be your key to integrating, and will definitely help you secure a good job. I am a qualified Psy- chologist back in my home country of Australia, but because I only speak pinulitla islensku, I am finding it difficult to obtain a professional, well- paying job here in Iceland. At least initially, non-Icelandic speaking foreigners may need to consider working in kindergartens, aged care fa- cilities, restaurants, bars or cafés. However, if you have a high degree of expertise in things such as computer programming, engineering or other sci- ence-based occupations, this will increase your chances of obtaining work with a good income. I also suggest diving head first into Icelandic life. Get to know the locals… Go to the heated swimming pools… Undertake a sport or hobby… Join a hiking group… Go to the bars and cafés… Whatever… but do something. Loneliness and de- pression can become your closest companions, especially when you feel isolated, vulnerable and out of your comfort zone – so take charge! Stay strong mentally and always keep an open mind. You are in Iceland for a reason or purpose, but expect the unexpected (this is the land of fire and ice, after all). You may hit a few speed bumps along your journey but remember… it’s not what happens to you, it’s how you perceive it. All the frustration and challenges are laying the founda- tion for newfound learning, understanding and growth. As my good friend Anthony Robbins says, “What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability, it is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.” The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If you don't, life controls you. Some final thoughts… Maintain a sense of humour… Don’t take things too personally… and stay in touch with family and friends back home. Enjoy your stay! Tips from the Aussie now calling Iceland “home” By iriS goeManS
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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