Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.07.2008, Blaðsíða 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.07.2008, Blaðsíða 36
36 | REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 09—2008 DESTINATIONS By SigurÐur kJartan kriStinSSon — pHoto By Skari The Emigration Settlement Hofsós Because of reasons related to both the arduous climate and backbreaking economy, a lot of Icelanders emigrated to North America in the latter part of the 19th Century. This museum is dedicated to these travels and explains why, where and how it took place. Distance from Reykjavik: 326km The Salt Cod Settlement Grindavík The Icelandic fish is glorified world- wide but since the early 19th Century the main fish export from Iceland has been salted cod. The exhibition is alleg- edly “interesting” for foreign travellers and ideal for students who have eco- nomic ambitions. The main purposes of the settlement are described in their manifesto as an uplift for the Grindavík community and a long wanted town trophy which can make the inhabitants proud. Distance from Reykjavik: 55km Library of Water Stykkishólmur Last summer the celebrated New York artist Roni Horn opened a permanent installation in the Library of Water, a modern museum in Stykkishólmur. Roni had for some time been photo- graphing Icelandic nature and the installation is somewhat of a combina- tion of her previous works. Distance from Reykjavik: 172km The House of Edinburgh Ísafjörður At the dawn of the 19th Century all commerce in Ísafjörður was oper- ated through the Houses of Edinburgh, originally established by Scots and which later fell into the hands of Ice- landers. The museum is dedicated to the beginning of what turned out to be the lifeline of this small community. Distance from Reykjavik: 456km The Icelandic History of Music Bíldudalur This remote town in Northern Iceland may not have much to offer at first, but surprisingly has the only established music museum in Iceland. If you’re passing by you might as well as check out Iceland’s music history – dating from the settlement when Icelanders used uncanny string instruments to cre- ate music all the way to modern days of pop music. Distance from Reykjavik: 384km. Phone: +354 456 2186 Museum of Skógar Skógar Skógar is one of Iceland’s finest spots where you can witness some of the country’s jewels, such as Skógarfoss waterfall. The museum operated in the setting lets you sneak a peek into life as it was before, where you can find the local church, the school, the farm- house, the storehouse, as well as the newest establishment of the museum: the hydro-electric plant. Distance from Reykjavik: 154km The Ghost Centre Stokkseyri The Ghost Centre is a museum that fea- tures all of Iceland’s famous ghosts so visitors beware, you’re in for a scare. Upon arrival you can take the classic ghost tour, where you’ll learn about the country’s most infamous ghosts and the storyline of several Icelandic ghost myths are presented. If you get bored with all the information you can always just have a murky beer at the ghost bar. Distance from Reykjavik: 59km The Viking Museum Njarðvík The great warriors of the North have a significant background. It’s an ideal end or beginning to your trip to Iceland to stop at the Viking Museum, only a small detour from the airport in Keflvík, and get to know the red haired beasts a little better. Distance from Reykjavik: 47km The Art Museum in the Westman Islands The seductive archipelago of the West- man Islands, a little south of Iceland, has for a long time been the tourist’s most treasured oasis in Iceland. The extreme calm that encircles the old fishing quarters is an attractive destina- tion for many reasons, amongst others such as the adventurous puffing hunt- ing. You can also find the excellent Art Museum which possesses a large col- lection of Kjarval paintings, Iceland’s dearest painter. Distance from Reykja- vik: 51km Museum Round Trip A selection of museums outside Reykjavík library of water in stykkisHÓlmur NATURE IS THE ADVENTURE! | Meet us at Laugarvegi 11 Booking hot-line: +354-562-7000 SNORKELING FROM 7.990 ISK
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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