Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.07.2008, Blaðsíða 34

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.07.2008, Blaðsíða 34
34 | REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 09—2008 Borgartun 10-12 105 Reykjavík Tel: 411 11 11 Housing benefits are intended for residents of Reykjavik as a financial aid to those who rent in the general market. Application service is provided at the city’s 6 service centers and it’s also possible to apply electronically through Applicants shall have reach 18 years of age, hold a legal residence in Reykjavik and be able to show a signed rental contract that has been registered at the district magistrade. For further information contact you nearest service center, either directly or through tel: 4 11 11 11 • Vesturgarður, service centre for the residents of Vesturbaer district, Hjardarhagi 45-47, tel. 411-1700 • Hlíðar, service centre for the residents of the city centre and the district of Hlidar, Skulagata 21, tel. 411-1600 • Laugardalur and Háaleiti, service centre for the residents of the districts of Laugardalur and Haaleiti, Sidumuli 39, tel. 411-1500 • Breidholt, service centre for the residents of Breidholt, Alfabakka 12, tel. 411-1300 • Árbær and Grafarholt, service centre for the residents of the districts of Arbaer and Grafarholt, Baejarhals 1, tel. 411-1200 • Miðgarður, service centre for the residents of Grafarvogur and Kjalarnes, Langarima 21, tel. 411-1400 HOUSING BENEFITS RENT BENEFITS DESTINATIONS By SigurÐur kJartan kriStinSSon — pHoto By tHoMaS HuMery Summer festivals in the countryside In the summertime the countryside seems to morph into a cultural utopia, at least when you look upon the limited cultural activities in these rural areas during the winter. The actual reason for this happening is somewhat of a mystery but nevertheless it is indeed factual. Some of them have great PR, but many of them don’t. And so we decided to make a smart index of the vast selection to make your travelling decisions a little easier. Eistnaflug (e. Flight of the Testes) in Neskaupstaður July 10–13 Distance from Reykjavík: 715 km This metal festival in the East fjords has gained more and more popularity over the last few years. It started out as a paro- dy to the family festival Neistaflug (Flight of the Sparks) in the same squadron town in the East fjords, and partially still is. In its earlier years the line-up only included a few metal garage bands and the camp- site was mostly inhabited with underage, murky groupies, dreaming of their cherry finally being popped by one of the rug- ged metal heads, but today Icelandic rock idols such as HAM will make an appear- ance. Even the morbid black metal leg- ends in Mayhem begged to be included, but that unfortunately didn’t work out. So whether you love the barbarous sounds of metal or simply wish to have a dash of cul- tural shock, Grapevine recommends this roughest country festival of the East. Tickets and more info at www.eistnaflug. The Icelandic Jockey Tournament in Hella July 4–6 Distance from Reykjavík: 93 km The Icelandic horse riding culture has been immensely important to natives over the ages and at this every-other-year tournament all the jockeys unite in a big celebration. The sport of horse-riding has changed from being the only travelling option for Icelanders into being this lux- ury sport which it is still today. Therefore the bulk of Icelandic celebrities and ty- coons tend this tournament, which has a reputation of being the booziest of all Ice- landic country festivals. Some say it really doesn’t matter if you’re into horses at all, you should simply attend if you long for a nutty and extremely long-lasting party. For more info see: LungA Art Festival in Seyðisfjörður July 14–20 Distance from Reykjavík: 681 km The young artists of Iceland chronically seem to be coming more and more cre- ative and prolific and this Art Festival in Seyðisfjörður is both dedicated to and operated by those promising youngsters. The festival is partitioned into three parts. Firstly the workshops during the day, where experienced artists mentor the younger ones where hopefully their tal- ents bloom; secondly, the various turn-ups during the latter part of the day which can vary from lectures from Icelandic Acad- emy of Arts students to performances by the Icelandic Accordion Association. Last but not least, it is the harvest festival and the prime concert where the Kimi artists Borko, Morðingjar, Reykjavík! and Benni Hemm Hemm entertain the crowd. More info at Irish Days in Akranes July 4–6 Distance from Reykjavík: 49 km Everyone has heard the myth that Ice- landers are in fact descendents from Ire- land and not Norway, and this energetic festival in Akranes is a refuge for all the followers of that theory. Irish folk-music is played the entire weekend, and all of the Icelandic supplies of Guinness beer in the whole country are unavoidably emptied, followed by an election of the most Irish Icelander. For more info see: Bræðslan in Borgarfjörður Eystri July 28 Distance from Reykjavík: 724 km A very extraordinary music festival in this remote area has a certain charm and has attracted musicians such as Belle & Sebas- tian. This year the festival doesn’t boast of any international music high-flyers, but nevertheless the line-up of Icelandic per- formers is bullet-proof. Rockstar: Superno- va idol Magni Ásgeirsson will be there as well as mellow and enigmatic rising star Lay Low. Tickets and more info at Folk Music Festival in Siglufjörður July 2-6 Distance from Reykjavík: 386 km This music festival attracts several mu- sic devotees but as the name suggests a wide variety of folk music is presented. But don’t assume too early, the line-up doesn’t only include Icelandic folk music but also Scandinavian and even Balkan. The artists are also from miscellaneous nationalities but you can find the fetching Icelandic singer Ragnheiður Gröndal as well as Susanne Lundeng, a famous Nor- wegian violin player. For more info see: lunGa festival in seyÐisfJÖrÐur
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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