Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.07.2008, Blaðsíða 54

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.07.2008, Blaðsíða 54
Classifieds Classified ads are free for individuals! If you want to place a classified ad, email Accommodation Hótel Vík Tel: 588-5588 Email: One of the best 3 star hotels in Reykjavík. Hótel Varmahlíð Tel: 003544538170 Email: A small comfortable hotel of 19 rooms with private facilities and a restaurant concentrating on local cuisine from the Skagafjörður region. Dimmuborgir Guesthouse Geiteyjarströnd 1, 660 Mývatn Tel: 4644210 Email: Located right next to the peacefull lake Mývatn, surrounded by Icelands most popular wonders of natur, the Dimmubor- gir Guesthouse offers room and nice cottages for a resonable price. Húnaver Tel: 4527110 Email: Húnaver is a nice campingplace 25km away from Blönduós. We have a big campingplace with washingfacilities and electricity for caravans. We also offer sleepingbag accomodation for up to 40 people. There is also a playground and a footballfield in Húnaver. We also have a little pettingzoo here, and its possible to try the horses on a field for some rounds. Prices: Camping per night for 1 person 400 ISK, Electricity 200 ISK, Kitchen use inside 300 ISK, Sleepingback accomoda- tion 1000 ISK, Pettingzoo 300 ISK. Gesthús Dúna Suðurhlíð 35, 105 Reykjavík Tel: 5882100 / Fax: 5882102, B&B ROOMS FROM 5.000.- SLEEPNG BAG ACCOMMODATION For sale: Italian Leather Sofa 3x2x1 with Center and coffee table 7 months old Washing Machine, Microwave Daihatsu Sirion 4WD Audi A8 Computers, Printers and office tables All things are in top condition, if interested Please call 8476602. Car for sale. VW Polo 2000, 1.4L Manual.152,000 Km.Well maintained. New time belt, new sparks, Summer and Winter tyres. Price: 470,000 ISK / negotiable. Please call 8240310 or E-mail sverrir@ The monastic shop “Klausturvörur” is a store specializing in cosmetics, delicates- sen and artifacts made by nuns and monks in monasteries across Europe. Herb teas, honeys, jams, chocolade, creams, perfumes, shampoo, soaps - unique in Iceland! Garðastræti 17 101 Reykjavík tel. 551 5445 Opening hours: monday-friday 12-7, saturday 12-6 Job needed: Photographer with experience. Family pictures, individual photo shoots, children photography, weddings, other memorial moments and low price. Please check my pictures on lukaszsalata. Contact at chrumm@interia. pl or by phone: 6174321 My name is tory and i am a 30 year old Australian who loves Iceland, (almost more than the font helvetica.) i am looking to work in Iceland for the summer. i work in the festival + music realm, but before that I have worked in publishing and arts. i love to bake and sew, and make homemade cordial. Please let me know if you would like to adopt me for the summer - tory- Do you need to keep you memory intact in a professionally way and format? Your weeding, party, business speech or meet- ing can be professionally recorded on DVD. Cameraman with 7 years experience in european television I offer my services for companies or individual who want movies on high standards. With friendly prices. Contact at Education: PRIVATE ITALIAN LANGUAGE LESSONS Do you want to learn quickly Italian before you go to your summer vacation? My teaching method is based on everyday conversation with add of grammer. I am free to meet at your preferred place - home, work, caffe - any time! Just register on or call Paola 857 4143! Qualified English teacher (native British speaker) available for private lessons. Masters Degree Applied Linguistics and TESOL qualified (University of Cambridge). Call Russell 849 7337 or e mail: russellal- for further details Personals: Looking for a penfriend, preferably an Ice- landic woman between the age of 45 and 60. I live in north Queensland, Australia, and I am a family person. I would prefer the old fashioned method of correspond- ence. My address: 18 Cedarbrook Ter- race, IDALIA, TOWNSVILLE 4811, North Queensland,Australia. Thanks. Denise Moore Other: I am a native British speaker and qualified PA with more than 10 years experience across a variety of business sectors, working at senior manager and director level. I am currently learning Icelandic and would be willing to consider working in exchange for help building my verbal and written skills. Please contact Linda Barton at email: More than ten thousand fingers have played beautiful music on this piano, since it arrived in Eyrarbakki village in 1871. It was brought across the Atlantic on a large merchantman, then hauled into a small fishing boat and rowed ashore, where four strong men carried it into the village in a terrible rainstorm. But you can touch it now in the Húsið museum in Eyrarbakki. TEN THOUSAND FINGERS Open May 15th - Sept. 15th: 11 - 18. Other times by arrangement. | B14 | The Reykjavík Grapevine | Issue 09 2008 Info / Classifieds Practical Info Services Post Office Post offices are located around the city as well as in the countryside. The downtown post office is at Pósthússtræti 3-5. For a full list and info on opening hours visit www.pos- Stamps are also sold in bookstores, gas stations, some grocery stores and tourist shops. Embassies and Consulates United States, Laufásvegur 21, Tel: 562 9100 United Kingdom, Laufásvegur 31, Tel: 550 5100 Russia, Garðastræti 33, Tel: 551 5156 China, Víðimelur 29, Tel: 552 6751 For a full list visit Ministry for Foreign Affairs: missions/ Internet Access Most coffeehouses have wireless Internet access. Computers with Internet connections are available at: Ráðhúskaffi City Hall, Tjarnargata 11 BSÍ Bus Terminal, Vatnsmýrarvegur 10 Ground Zero, Vallarstræti 10 The Reykjavík City Library, Tryggvagata 15 The National and University Library, Arngrímsgata 3 Tourist Information Centre, Aðalstræti 2 Icelandic Travel Market, Bankastræti 2 Laundry Service HI Hostel, Sundlaugarvegur 34, Tel: 553 8110, Úðafoss, Vitastígur 13, Tel: 551 2301, Cultural Centres and Tourist Offices The Intercultural Centre The Intercultural Centre throws occasional cultural events and conferences but its main purpose is to be an information and counsel- ling centre and serve as an advocate for the rights of immigrants in Iceland. Hverfisgata 18, Tel: 530 9300 The Icelandic Tourist Board Lækjargata 3, Tel: 535 5500, All information needed before travelling in Iceland. Nordic House Sturlugata 5, Tel: 551 7030, The Nordic cultural centre organises various cultural events, conferences and exhibitions. All major tourist spots in Reykjavík also offer brochures, maps and information for travel- lers. Transportation Rent a Bike Borgarhjól, Hverfisgata 50, Tel: 551 5653, HI Hostel, Sundlaugarvegur 34, Tel: 553 8110, Tourist Information Centre, Aðalstræti 2, Tel: 590 1550, Car Rentals Átak Car Rental, Smiðjuvegur 1, Tel: 554 6040 ALP, Dugguvogur 10, Tel: 562 6060 Avis, Knarravogi 2, Tel: 591 4000 Eurocar, Hjallahraun 9, Tel: 565 3800 A.G Car Rental, Tangarhöfði 8-12. Tel: 587 5544 Atlas Car Rental, Dalshraun 9, Tel: 565 3800 Berg Car Rental, Tangarhöfða 8, Tel: 577 6050 Hertz, Flugvallavegur, Tel: 522 4400 Useful Information Where to Learn Icelandic as a Foreign Language Icelandic on the Internet, Mímir Continuing Education, Skeifán 8, Tel: 580 1800, Námsflokkar Reykjavíkur, Fríkirkjuvegur 1, Tel: 551 2992 Fjölmenning, Laugavegur 59, Tel: 511 1319, www.fjolmen- The Icelandic College of Engineering and Technology, Höfðabakki 9, Tel: 577 1400, Iðnskólinn í Reykjavík, Skólavörðuholti, Tel: 552 6240, The University of Iceland – Department of Continuing Education, Dun- hagi 7, Tel: 525 4924, Language School Lingva, The University of Iceland, at Sturlugata. Tel.: 561 0351, Religious Movements The national church in Iceland is the Evangel- ical Lutheran Church. Masses are generally held on Sundays at 11:00. Service in English is at Hallgrímskirkja every last Saturday each month, starting at 14:00. The Roman Catholic Church also has masses in English and Pol- ish. Other religious movements in Reykjavík are for example: The Muslim Association of Iceland, Ármúli 38 Ásatrú Association, Grandagarði 8 Bahá’í, Álfabakka 12 The Church of Evangelism, Hlíðasmári 9 The Icelandic Buddhist Movement, Víghólastígur 21 Reykjavík Free Lutheran Church, Fríkirkjuvegur 5 Pentecostal Assembly, Hátún 2 Roman Catholic Church, Hávallagata 14 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Ásabraut 2 Jehovah’s Witnesses, Sogavegur 71 Seventh-Day Adventists, Suðurhlíð 36 Zen Buddhism in Iceland, Reykjavíkurvegur 31 Independent Church, Háteigsvegur 101 The Russian Orthodox Church in Iceland, Sólvallagata 10 The Cross, Hlíðasmári 5-7 Trade Unions The Icelandic Federation of Labour, Sætún 1, Tel: 535 5600, The Federation of State and Municipal employees, Grettisgata 89, Tel: 525 8300, The Association of Academics, Borgartún 6, Tel: 581 2090, Efling, Sætún 1, Tel: 510 7500, The Commercial Workers’ Union, Kringlan 7, Tel: 510 1700, Union of Public Servants, Grettisgata 89, Tel: 525 8340, Useful Websites The official tourist website of Reykjavík Information about the gay scene in Iceland The Multicultural Centre Hostel International in Iceland Public employment services The yellow pages Rent a flat Icelandic telephone directory Where to Get … Work and residence permit: The Directorate of Immigration, Skógarhlíð 6, Tel: 510 5400, Insurance and benefits: The State Social Se- curity Institute, Laugavegur 114-116, Tel: 560 4400, Icelandic citizenship: Unless you come from a Nordic country, foreign citizens have to have had an unrestricted residence permit in Ice- land for at least seven years in order to get an Icelandic citizenship although some excep- tions exist to that general rule. Applications are at the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiasti- cal Affairs, Skuggasund, Tel: 545 9000, Unemployment benefits: Directorate of Labour, Public Employment Service, Tryggva- gata 17, Tel: 515 4800, Icelandic social security number (kennitala): National Register, Borgartún 24, Tel: 569 2900, Driver’s license: Applications at police sta- tions.(Those who have a foreign license don’t need an Icelandic one for the first six months.) Tax card: Tax office, Laugavegur 166, Tel: 563 1100, Social Service: Information and service is pro- vided by district service centres in Reykjavík. To locate the service centre in your neigh- bourhood see:
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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