Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.10.2009, Blaðsíða 13

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.10.2009, Blaðsíða 13
Music, Art, Films and Events Listings + Eating, Drinking and Shopping + Map Your essential guide to life, travel and entertainment in iceland. Issue 16 2009 Soren Dahlgaard will have an performance at the Sequences Festival on Saturday 7th November, 21.30 in the Nordic House Real-time Art Festival SEQUENCES SEquEncES 2009 iS juSt ArounD thE cornEr, So prE-pArE yourSELF For AwESoME cutting-EDgE viSuAL Art ALL ovEr rEykjAvík. thiS AnnuAL inDEpEnDEnt Art FEStivAL FocuSES on tiME-bASED ArtS in pubLic SpAcES with SpEciAL EMphASiS on pErForMAncES, Sonic workS AnD viDEo Art to crEAtE A croSS-pLAtForM For thESE Art ForMS. SE- quEncES tAkES pLAcE in vAriouS vEnuES in town AnD it invoLvES both icELAnDic AnD intErnAtionAL ArtiStS. So gEt out thErE, cELEbrAtE AnD chEck out thE LAtESt DEvELopMEntS in thE FiELD oF contEMporAry viSuAL Art. LP FRIDAy 30tH OCtObER 18.00: Opening of (made up and let down) at Lost Horse Gallery by artists Anita Wernstrom (SE), Line Ellegaard (DK), Malin Stahl (SE), Pernille Leggat Ramfelt (NO) & Sofia Dahlgren (SE). 18.00- 18.45: Imagined Death. Perfor- mance by Anita Wernstrom (SE) At dusk: ‘day for night’, Pernille Leggat Ramfelt (NO). 20.00: SEQUENCES 2009 - open- ing reception at Reykjavik Art Museum Hafnarhus. 20.30: Performance by SEQUENCES 2009 honorary artist Magnús Pálsson (IS) at Reykjavik Art Museum Hafnarhus. 21.30: Performance by Sigurður Gudjóns- son (IS) at House of Ideas. 22.00- 00.00: Performance party at House of Ideas: American Meat LLC (US), This dumb region of the heart by Páll Haukur Björnsson (IS) and performance by Spartacus Chetwynd (UK) and Maurice Blok (FI). SAtURDAy 31St OCtObER 14.00: Performance piece Air by Prinz Gholam (DE) at Reykjavik Maritime Museum. 15.00: Performance by Spartacus Chet- wynd (UK) at House of Ideas. 16.00: Video Screening Event at Reg- nboginn Cinema. Includes work by the Icelandic Love Corporation (IS), Curver (IS) and An Exquisite Corpse in Nikisialka by 16 Icelandic & Polish artists. 17.00: Opening Office, Parfyme (DK) at Hverfisgata 37. 18.00: PPPTPC – Center for Publicity by Berglind Jóna (IS) & Etienne de France (FR) at Lækjargata – Mæðragarður. At dusk: ‘day for night’, Pernille Leggat Ramfelt (NO) at Lost Horse Gallery. 19.00- 19.30: ・S・C・O・U・R・G・E・. Perfor- mance by Melkorka Huldudóttir at Dwarf Gallery. 20.00: Opening of næstum því ekki neitt and performance by Halldór Úlfarsson at Islensk Grafík Gallery. 21.00: Video projection by Andrew Bur- gess at Concert & Conference Centre. 22.00: Room 408, an interactive live performance by Room 408- Hrafnhildur Hagalín & Steinunn Knútsdóttir (IS) at House of Ideas. SUNDAy 1St NOvEmbER 14.00: ‘I-Projector’. Performance by Line Ellegaard (DK) at Lost Horse Gallery. 14.30: American Meat LLC (US) at Reyk- javik Harbour, Miðbakki. 15.00: Artist talk with Egill Sæbjörnsson (IS) at Reykjavik Art Museum Hafnarhus. 16.30: Performance by Sequences 2009 honorary artist Magnús Pálsson (IS) at Reykjavik Art Museum Hafnarhus. At dusk: ‘day for night’, Pernille Leggat Ramfelt (NO) at Lost Horse Gallery. 19.00- 19.30: ・S・C・O・U・R・G・E・. Perfor- mance by Melkorka Huldudóttir at Dwarf Gallery. 20.00: Entertainment Island II, Oblivia (FI) at Iðnó Theatre. 21.00: Ingibjörg Magnadóttir (IS) at Iðnó Theatre. mONDAy 2ND NOvEmbER Sequences 2009- Lecture Series at the Nordic House. See: 18.00: Low by Björk Viggósdóttir (IS) in collaboration with Sigríður Soffía Níelsdót- tir (IS) at National Gallery of Iceland. 20.00- 22.00: Evening programme at Lost Horse Gallery. At dusk: ‘day for night’, Pernille Leggat Ramfelt (NO). 20.00: ‘I-Projector’. Performance by Line Ellegaard (DK). 21.00: Imagined Death. Performance by Anita Wernstrom (SE). tUESDAy 3RD NOvEmbER Sequences 2009- Lecture Series at the Nordic House. See: WEDNESDAy 4tH NOvEmbER Sequences 2009- Lecture Series @ the Nordic House. See: At dusk: ‘day for night’, Pernille Leggat Ramfelt (NO) at Lost Horse Gallery. 18.00-22.00: Open studios at SIM Selja- vegur. This dumb region of the heart by Páll Haukur Björnsson (IS). 20.00: Performance by Maurice Blok (FI). tHURSDAy 5tH NOvEmbER 15.00: Imagined Death. Performance by Anita Wernstrom (SE) at Lost Horse Gallery. 17.00: Video Screening Event at Regn- boginn Cinema. Includes work by the Icelandic Love Corporation (IS), Curver (IS) and An Exquisite Corpse in Nikisialka by 16 Icelandic & Polish artists. At dusk: ‘day for night’, Pernille Leggat Ramfelt (NO) at Lost Horse Gallery. 20.00: The Mind, Performance by Egill Sæbjörnsson (IS) in collaboration with Marcia Moraes at Reykjavik Art Museum Hafnarhus. FRIDAy 6tH NOvEmbER 16.00: For Hairdressing Night by Rita Canarezza & Pier Paolo Coro (IT/RSM). A meeting with Svanbjörg Hróbjartsdóttir, home/hairdresser, Laugarnesvegur 96, 101 Reykjavik. 17.00: Entertainment Island II by Oblivia (FI) at Iðnó Theatre. 18.00: Ingibjörg Magnadóttir (IS) at Iðnó Theatre. 20.00-23.00: Evening programme at Lost Horse Gallery. At dusk: ‘day for night’, Pernille Leggat Ramfelt (NO). Comodin Silverhammar Curates, perfor- mances with students from the Iceland Academy of the Arts. 21.00 - 23.00: Hairdressing Night by Rita Canarezza & Pier Paolo Coro (IT/RSM) at various venues. SAtURDAy 7tH NOvEmbER 15.00: PPPTPC – Center for Publicity by Berglind Jóna (IS) & Etienne de France (FR) at Lækjargata – Mæðragarður. American Meat LLC (US). 16.00 - 18.00: Open Masterclass with Ásmundur Ásmundsson (IS) and Snorri Ásmundsson (IS) at MR – Lækjargata. 17.00: THE ONE LETTER DELIVERY SHOW, Parfyme (DK) at Hverfisgata 37. At dusk: ‘day for night’, Pernille Leggat Ramfelt (NO) at Lost Horse Gallery. 20.00: Closing Party @ the Nordic House This dumb region of the heart by Páll Haukur Björnsson (IS) 20.30: performance by Maurice Blok (FI). 21.00: performance by Spartacus Chet- wynd (UK) 21.30: Portrait painting by Dough Warrior, Soren Dahlgaard (DK) ONgOINg PROjECtS: Icelandic Love Corporation, Black Swans at Kling & Bang gallery (17. Oct. - 15. Nov. 2009). Open: Thursday-Sunday 14.00-18.00. Egill Sæbjörnsson, Spirit of Place and Nar- rative at Reykjavik Art Museum – Hafnar- hus (29 Oct. 2009 – 3. Jan 2010). Open: every day from 10.00 – 17.00, Thursday 10.00 – 22.00. Halldór Úlfarsson at Islensk Grafík Gallery (31. Oct – 7. Nov 2009). (made up and let down) at Lost Horse Gallery (30. Oct – 7. Nov 2009). Parfyme, THE ONE LETTER DELIVERY SHOW, at Hverfisgata 37 (31. Oct – 7. Nov 2009). Páll Haukur Björnsson, This dumb region of the heart. Pick up at House of Ideas Friday 30th October 22.00; at SIM Selja- vegur Wednesday 4th November 18.00; at the Nordic House Saturday 7th November 20.00. Ásmundur Ásmundsson and Snorri Ás- mundsson, Masterclass, at MR (30. Oct – 7. Nov 2009). Open: Saturday 7th Nov. 16.00. PPPTPC – Center for Publicity by Berglind Jóna (IS) & Etienne de France (FR) at Lækjargata – Mæðragarður. Open from 14- 18 and online at: http://pptpc.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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