Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.10.2009, Blaðsíða 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.10.2009, Blaðsíða 36
1100.- kr 18 DYNAMO FOG Wednesday 22:30 Sódóma “The only really remarkable thing about us is that we’ve all been in more popular bands than this at one stage or another, and we use an electronic drum kit.” 7) That’s kind of a loaded question, so I’m going to give the short version: ev- ery year, the scene grows more self-con- scious, more arrogant, more post, more retro, more arty, more ironic and more new-wave. KIMONO Wednesday 23:30 NASA “At Airwaves we will focus on new mate- rial off EM4DP and people can expect to be blown to smithereens. That is all.” 4) I think it was at Airwaves 3 years ago, when we had bands like Brazilian Girls over. There was something in the air, some type of uncertain lunacy... Drag- ging the bassist from Brazilian Girls out of a dumpster behind Bæjarins Bestu in the middle of the day, and later that night seeing him perform at NASA, buck-na- ked... Priceless. BÁRUJÁRN Friday 20:00 Sódóma “In general, you can expect f lag burn- ings, haddock fucking and hopefully a record soon from us.” 5) Go and watch the masses skin bank- ers and politicians alive every Saturday at Austurvöllur, three o’ clock. If there’s a huge line at the big venues and you are planning on staying there for an hour or two, at least try to carry as much alcohol on you as possible. Then you won t́ have to buy beer from the venues at ridiculous prices. Instead, use your money to buy records directly from the local bands. Better yet, not going in if there’s a long line, instead exploring smaller venues and experience smaller local bands. Then if you’re hungry, go late with a group of people and fill the super robery- market 10-11. Try to steal as much as you can, and don t́ feel sorry. DIKTA Friday 22:30 Sódóma “People can expect a powerful and lively performance from us at Airwaves, as usual.” 5) As all the concerts at Airwaves are held in small-to-medium sized venues, they can sometimes get packed. Some- times queues build up. It’s a good rule of thumb to show up early if there’s some- thing you really want to see, and not leave the venue until that act is over. Another good one is to wear warm clothes that can be easily removed and stuffed in a bag once inside. It can sometimes be extremely chilly in October in Iceland, but the venues are, understandably, often quite hot. I recommend Sushibarinn, next to Kofi Tómasar Frænda on Laugavegur. It’s a tiny place, but they make good su- shi, and you can have it brought over to Uncle Tom’s Cabin and dine there. Very cosy. EBERG Thursday 22:30 Batteríið “In general, you can expect a soft, tipsy guy who barks occasionally.” 3) Iceland Airwaves has always been about the grassroots in my eyes. I´m not there to see massive international bands. I´m there to see some local bands, and a few interesting international ones. FM BELFAST Saturday 01:10 Nasa “General nonsense, civil disobedience and dancing friends with blinking lights and loud music in 4/4.” 2) Retro Stefson, since they are awesome, Micachu and the Shapes, because I hope they are awesome, and Reykjavík! since they make awesome an understatement. 5) Plan to see bands you don’t know, that is the best way to experience this festival. Try to see some off venue gigs. Overplan- ning is forbidden: leave room for the un- expected. Go to Havarí to buy Icelandic Records and Kolaportið for all your vinyl dreams (if you’re lucky). 6) Grótta is nice and Rauðhólar are close by. AGENT FRESCO Thursday 23:20 Grand Rokk and Satur- day 23:20 Sódóma “We promise you the most energetic and musically tight concert at this Airwaves.” 3) I of course try not to think that way, focusing on what’s missing that is. We could go on and on about artists we all wanted to see, but that’s just being silly and won’t get you anywhere. I’m first and foremost grateful for being a part of this festival. I think we’re playing about five times during the festivities, so I know that it’s going to be an impulsive, hectic dance, trying to get to listen to as many acts as possible. 5) Just walk down Laugavegur and scout continuously down to where the venues are. It’s Reykjavík, it’s not that big, and it’s intensified with good unique stuff and decent record stores. GHOSTIGITAL Saturday 21:40 Batteríið “Fit and really working again. Out of breath! A bit harder, wiser and out of pocket! Dirty dancing.” 2) Micachu and the Shapes – There is hope Jungle Fiction – Young dudes Captain Fufanu – The future absolutely and eh, Ghostigital – Unavoidable. 4) There is no looking back, but every festival has had its f lavour! 5) Basically step out, turn left, if you don’t find anything, go back and take the right. You will always find something. 6) Take the Krýsuvík circle via Grinda- vik. That will make your day. ÓLAFUR ARNALDS Saturday 22:00 Iðnó “You can expect a lot of new material, as I am just finishing recording my next full length album.” 3) I think Airwaves has always been about discovering new exciting acts rather than seeing bands that are already on the top. At least for me, the most fun is to go see bands I haven’t heard much about before. The Ice- land Airwaves crew has always had a good eye for bands that will make it big just in the year after Airwaves. 5) Don’t forget about the off-venue shows! Try to find out who is playing where and go see them. Some of these shows are much more intimate and fun than the bands’ main shows. WEAPONS Saturday 20:20 Grand Rokk “What you can expect from our appearance is that we will give it our best. And I will give it my best in general. “ 4) The 2004 festival was amazing! With two of my favourite bands The Shins and the Stills playing back to back. 5) Go to Devitos Pizza at Hlemmur. It’s the best pizza place in the city. MIRI “Most of the time when you go to con- certs your mind starts to wander off some- where else midway through the first song. This will not happen at our show.” 5) Don’t get to drunk too early! It might seem like a good idea at the moment but we have missed a lot of good shows or can’t re- member them because of that! Dress prop- erly, the nights are gonna be cold! Don’t think you can run between shows every five minutes! There are always gonna be some lines. Walk around town during the days and drop into random off-venue concerts. There are literally millions of lo- cal bands playing Iceland Airwaves this year. You visitors will need to check them out. Of course we will be checking them out too, but then, we check them out all the time, as we live here and they are always play- ing (this is why many of them are so good, too, playing a lot). We thought you Airwaves new- comers might benefit from getting to know some of them, and getting their advice, so we e-mailed a bunch of them the following questions. 1) Who are you? What can we expect from your Airwaves appearance, and what can we expect of you in gen- eral? 2) What are some of the acts you’ll want to see at this festival, and why? 3) This year sees fewer ‘large’ inter- national acts on the schedule. Do you believe this changes anything for the festival in general, and its spirit? 4) Looking back, do you have a fa- vourite edition of Iceland Airwaves? And if so, why? 5) A lot of our readers are first time Airwaves-visitors. Do you have any tips for them? What to see, what to do, what to avoid, etc.? Where to buy records? Or a good place to grab a bite or get away from it all for a while? 6) Given that most Airwaves visi- tors won’t have a lot of time in their schedule to see the Icelandic coun- tryside, are there any nature-havens close by that you’d recommend? 7) Has a lot changed in the Icelandic music scene since Airwaves 2008? How about Airwaves 2004? A lot of them answered. Well, 11 of them answered. And they’re all such wordy folks that we couldn’t really fit their answers in the paper. So here’s what we’ll do: we’re pub- lishing selected answers from each outfit (usually the best ones) and you can log on to airwaves to read their full interviews. We will also have other stuff there: goodies, blogs, interviews + up to date Airwaves news. Anyway, here are some answers: Interviews | by Haukur S Magnússon YOU WANT ANSWERS? WE’VE GOT YOUR ANSWERS A bunch of local Airwaves bands answer a bunch of our questions Grapevine Airwaves Mini 2009 Go to for full versions of these interviews + extras!
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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