Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.10.2009, Blaðsíða 49

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.10.2009, Blaðsíða 49
Designer Sruli Recht and writer/il- lustrator Megan Herbert recently opened a cool new store, Vopnabúrið (‘The Armoury’) down by the Reykja- vík harbour. There, they spend their days working on their respective cre- ations amidst selling Sruli’s “arsenal of non-products and the illustrated topo-graphic narratives of Megan Her- bert,” as their website states. Which, after paying the Armoury a visit, we discovered amounts to an ambitious line of clothing, shoes, and fashion ac- cessories, as well as hand-printed gift- wrapping paper, artworks and decora- tive objects. The store itself is a beautiful, unique affair that highlights the cou- ple’s apparent love for mangling, re- contextualizing and generally trans- forming story-laden objects to their own, utilitarian end. The effect is that of a sci-fi f lick set in a post-apocalyp- tic future, furnished with materials hoarded from the nuclear rubble. It’s all very cool looking. “It is semantic play – an armoury is a place wherein one stocks up on sup- plies. And it’s a reference to the dark subtext that seems to be in the work offered here,” the couple tells me over coffee and muffins when asked about the store’s name. My eyes keep wan- dering off to the sides; there is a lot of nifty looking stuff around. I ask them what brought them to Iceland [Sruli is Israel-born and Megan is a native of Australia] and how being here fits into the context of what they want to do. Says Sruli: “Right now, in terms of business, surprisingly the answer is probably that it makes sense. Despite the current economic situation, this is a relatively central country with a high standard of living. And cultural morality is uniquely polarised – heri- tage and family values are high on the chain, yet against a contemporary global backdrop, there are some star- tling examples of f lexible morality here, which allow producers to push boundaries.” Megan was living in London and on the verge of moving back to Austra- lia to resume her career as a television scriptwriter when Sruli invited her to make a life with him in the wild north. “Maybe it’s the risk-taker in me, or the romantic, but I found that the utterly irrational impulse to set up camp in a place far from all of my comfort zones refused to abate,” she says. What is it you want to do? And are you interested in fitting into whatever it is that's going on in Iceland now? Meg: “I want to use my abilities as a writer and an illustrator to tell people stories. The purpose of my stories, both visual and literary, is to shift per- spective, build empathy, and provoke thought. While many of my current projects have an Icelandic audience in mind, I am really trying to reach any- one anywhere with an ability to under- stand narrative. It is a universal lan- guage after all. That said, I do think that post-kreppa Iceland provides the ideal creative conditions for me. Like a hyperactive toddler who’s broken all his expensive toys in a fit of orgiastic play, Iceland is now looking around and working out what can be done with the cardboard box it all came in. Imagination is the new currency here. And that holds a huge appeal for me. Sruli: “I make things… products. I don’t think you would find a cre- ative who says that what they do is not linked to their environment. In saying that, I don’t make things to conform… or to arouse debate. I make things I need and that other people need. In terms of Iceland, it fits into what is happening here because for the first time the Icelandic consumer is land- locked – too financially restricted to travel casually abroad and unable to afford to buy things once there. So now the focus is turned inward and the situation for Icelandic busi- ness, from design to fresh produce, has improved. The consumer market is only able to shop here now, giving the Icelandic design community, from students through to established pro- ducers and designers, a strong sense of optimism.” So despite the sombre economic landscape and the implied menace of the name, the future at Vopnabúrið looks golden indeed. 23 the reykjavík grapevine Issue 16 — 2009 shopping | Fashion Always best price online. Various online-offers to all Air Iceland's destinations. / tel. +354 570 3030 Contact Air Iceland or travel agent for reservation. ÍS L E N S K A S IA .I S F L U 4 75 69 1 0/ 20 09 KEFLAVÍK BORGARNES STYKKISHÓLMUR SNÆFELLSJÖKULL DRANGAJÖKULL FLATEY NESKAUPSTAÐUR BLÖNDUÓS SIGLUFJÖRÐUR BOLUNGARVÍK HRÍSEY NARSARSSUAQ Greenland FAROE ISLANDS REYKJAVÍK AKUREYRI EGILSSTAÐIR VESTMANNAEYJAR ÍSAFJÖRÐUR VOPNAFJÖRÐUR ÞÓRSHÖFN HÚSAVÍK GRÍMSEY KULUSUK Greenland Blue Lagoon AKRANES Geysir Gullfoss Jökullónið Kárahnjúkar Krafla Hallormstaður NUUK Greenland ILULISSAT Greenland CONSTABLE POINT Greenland hauKur s Magnússon Julia staples Load Up On Guns, Bring Your Friends Meg and Sruli welcome you to The Armoury Viking hotel Viking restaurants Viking live entertainment Viking Souveniers For booking and further information: Tel.: (+354) 565-1213 - Strandgata 55 Hafnarfjordur Licensing and registration of travel- related services The Icelandic Tourist Board issues licences to tour operators and travel agents, as well as issuing registration to booking services and information centres. Tour operators and travel agents are required to use a special logo approved by the Icelandic Tourist Board on all their advertisements and on their Internet website. Booking services and information centres are entitled to use a Tourist Board logo on all their material. The logos below are recognised by the Icelandic Tourist Board. List of licenced Tour Operators and Travel Agencies on:
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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