Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.10.2009, Blaðsíða 18

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.10.2009, Blaðsíða 18
WE ALSO BUY VINYL · DVD · CD Open mon–fri: 11–21 sat: 11–18 Hverfisgata 82 · sími 551-1195 POSTERS VINYL DVD CD Good price Laugavegi 19 • Tel: 511-1180 Espresso ...and m.m. Caffé latte Cappuchino Swiss Mocca english CO FF EE SH OP Choccolate BANKASTRÆTI AUSTURSTRÆTI HAFNARSTRÆTI TRYGGVAGATA GEIRSGATA MÝRARGATANÝLENDUGATA VESTURGATA RÁNARGATA BÁRUGATA ÖLDUGATA TÚNGATA KIRKJUSTRÆTI SÓLVALLAGATA HO FS VA LL AG AT A BR Æ ÐR AB OR GA RS TÍG URFR AMN ESV EGU R ÁN AN AU ST GR AN DA GA RÐ UR FIS KIS LÓ Ð TJ A RN A RG AT A SU Ð U RG AT A A Ð A LS TR Æ TI SU Ð U RG AT A BI RK IM EL UR Æ G IS G AT A G A R Ð A ST R Æ TI GRETTISGATAFR A KK A ST ÍG U R NJA RÐ AR GA TA NJ AR ÐA RG AT A VA TN SS TÍ GU R K LA PP A R ST ÍG U R BE RG ST AÐ AR ST RÆ TI BERGSTAÐARSTRÆ TI FR ÍK IR K JU VE G U R PÓ ST H .S TR Æ TI LÆ KJ AR GA TA IN G Ó LF SS TR Æ TI ÞI N G H O LT SS TR Æ TI Ó Ð IN SG AT A ÞÓ RSG ATA BA LD UR SG ATA BR AG AG ATA VI TA ST ÍG U R BA RÓ N SS TÍ G U R SN O RR A BR AU T SN O RR A BR AU T BA RÓ NS STÍ GU R SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍGUR LA U FÁ SV EG U R LAUFÁSVEGUR SÓ LEYJA RG ATA NJÁLSGATA GAMLA HRINGBRAUT MIKLABRAUT VATNSMÝRARVEGUR HRINGBRAUT HRINGBRAUT HRINGBRAUT BERGÞÓRUGATA EIRÍKSGATA HVERFISGATA LINDARGATA SKÚLAGATA SÆBRAUT SÆBRAUT BORGART ÚN SKÚLAGATA HÁTÚN HVERFISGATA LAUGAVEGUR LAUGAVEGUR SKIPHOLT FLÓKAGATA HÁTEIGSVEGUR BÓLSTAÐARHLÍÐ BRAUTARHOLT N Ó AT Ú N LA N G A H LÍ Ð KR IN G LU M ÝR A RB R A U T R A U Ð A R Á RS TÍ G U R R A U Ð A R Á R ST ÍG U R G U N N A RS BR AU T N Ó AT Ú N SKIPHOLT The Old Harbour FAXAFLÓI Down Town West Side Up Town “Financial District” East Side Skyline Central Reykjavík BSÍ Coach Terminal Nordic House Culture Center University of Iceland University of Iceland Park Austur völlur Park Icelandic Parliament Reykjavík Domestic Airport Hlemmur Bus Terminal Sundhöllin Swimming Pool Laugardals Swimming Pool The Tower City Hall National Gallery of Iceland The Einar Jónsson Museum Hallgríms kirkja Church National Theatre The Culture House Lauga vegur Main Tourist Info Reykjavík Art Museum Maritime Museum Laugavegur Reykjavík’s main shopping and culture street, featuring a wide range of bars, bistros, cafes and restaurants. Old Harbour Area Old Harbour Depart for whale and puffin watching tours from the old harbour, a lively area, offering an assortment of restaurants and activity centres Future Concert Hall City Pond Miklatún Park Kjarvalsstaðir National Museum Hljómskáli Park ∆ Vesturbæjar Swimming Pool∆ ∆ Taxi Taxi Taxi Kringlan Shopping Center∆ Places We Like Á Næstu grösum Café HaitiPizza King Kolaportið Á næstu grösum is an all vegetarian restaurant right in the city centre that features a friendly atmosphere and fair prices. there is always at least one vegan soup on offer and the daily special portions are big and always satisfying. there is even some organic wine on offer. the first time i entered this exotic little joint, meaning to buy myself a take- away espresso, i ended up with two kilos of fresh and roasted coffee beans due to some language complications and way too much politeness. Since then i have enjoyed probably way-too- many wonderful cups of haitian coffee, but they’re always as nice, so the two kilos were definitely worth it. Skk to be honest, this isn’t the best pizza up for grabs, but it’s cheap, not pre- heated (like at various other pizza places downtown), and the guys are rather cool. their pizzas are always bulletproof, and they offer various great offers on top of it, which you should definitely check out. Skk reykjavík’s massive flea market is a wonderful place to get lost for a few hours, rummaging through stall upon stall of potential treasures. there are heaps of used clothing, knitwear and other yard-sale type goods from decades of yore, and a large food section with fish, meats and baked goods. check out the vintage post cards and prints at the table near the army surplus. cF Laugavegi 20b tryggvagötu 16hafnarstræti 18tryggvagata 19 1 98 Habibi Sægreifinn Nonnabiti Kaffitár Krua thai this small restaurant offers up a concise menu of delicious Arabic cuisine, from shawarma to kebabs and falafels. the staff is really friendly and accommodating of requests to kick up the spiciness or tone it down if the customer so desires. habibi seriously hits the spot after hours of partying (or any other time of day) so it’s convenient that the place is open until 6 a.m. Friday and Saturday. cF Down by the reykjavík harbour, Sægreifinn fish shop and restaurant is truly a unique establishment. the menu features various fish dishes (including most of the “crazy icelandic food” you’ll want to tell your friends you had) and a rich portion of the best lobster soup we’ve ever tasted. good food and welcoming service make this place a must-try. Delicious and relatively cheap considering how massive and filling their sandwiches are. the Luxury Sub, with salty pork, veggies, sauce and pineapple is a brilliant combination of flavours for late-night munchies. it’s just as satisfying and filling during more civilized hours as well. And the service is fast if you’re in a rush. cF kaffitár on bankastræti is a comfortable little café with a great selection of coffee, tea and baked goods on offer. Since kaffitár is also a big-name icelandic roasterie the caffeinated beverages on the menu are quality. the wi-fi makes this a nice place to sit and chill with your laptop as well. cF this is the best affordable thai food on offer in reykjavík. rice is always fluffy, the spicy kick is just right and the spring rolls are always crispy cylinders of deliciousness. the servings are hearty too, so you’re bound to leave satisfied. cF hafnarstræti 18 verbúð 8, geirsgata hafnarstræti 9 bankastræti 8 tryggvagötu 14 3 6 2 5 4 7 m P A 1 2 3 4 5 b D E F g H I 1 4 2 7 17 12 5 16 6 10 9 15 13 14 18 3 8
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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