Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.10.2009, Blaðsíða 43

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.10.2009, Blaðsíða 43
F D For your mind, body and soul BedrooM CoMMuNItY CookBook - reCoMMeNdAtIoNs : 1 UNA SVEINBJARNADÓTTIR Tjöruhúsið, Ísafjörður The best fish restaurant I know, catch of the day is to be recommended. With Icelandic butter and other weapons, it is worth many many trips to the Westfjords, where they have the best fish and seafood in the world. 2 BEN FROST There is nothing to be recommended here because the man in the kitchen, Maggi, who incidentally is the father of Haukur of the band Reykjavík! (confused yet?...welcome to Iceland) is the best chef in Iceland. If he has made it, and it’s in front of you, you will eat it. And you will cry a little. Tjöruhúsið, Ísafjörður 3 STURLA MIO ÞÓRISSON There is this Belgian girl in the kitchen; she makes the most delicious food - holy mouthwatering crumbs! Fresh stuff in every day and the menu changes all the time. There are the set menu meals, like kjötsúpa & plokkfiskur but dude/dudette - I had some mussels there the other day... They were soooooo gooooood! I Wish I were still there eating those mussels... Which begs the question: why am I sitting here? In front of a computer screen, telling you about Boston - I should be there having my dinner... Going... Gone... bye. Hafnarstræti 15 4 VALGEIR SIGURðSSON This is a great place to got to if you are dining with a group of people with very different tastes and needs. The price ranges from cheap to medium expensive, nothing extreme, and the quality is consistently great. From juicy sandwiches and burgers, to the freshest fish and tenderest lamb. The service is also friendly, which is sadly not always the case in Iceland. You will however need to ignore the music, which is usually some awful mtzmtzmtz.... But it's never managed to spoil the food or a good time there. Laugavegur 55 For full restaurant and food listings and venue finder visit for detailed information. VEGETARIAN CUISINE Skólavörðustígur 8 b, tel. 552 2028 Open from 11:30 am–21:00 pm RESTAURANT BAR & TAKE AWAY OPIÐ TIL 22:00 sushismiðjan FYRIR2 1AF MATSEÐLI MÁNUDAGA-FIMMTUDAGA Established by Valgeir Sigurðsson in 2006, with luminaries Ben Frost and Nico Muhly, the Bedroom Community record label is currently busy preparing its cross Europe ‘Whale Watching Tour.’ In addition to the usual packing, practicing and organising, the ladies and gentlemen of the Bedroom Community are also cooking up a storm—and writing a book about it. “We do recording at the Greenhouse studio. It is a bit out there, there are no restaurants close by, and we all enjoy cooking, sitting around and having dinner,” Valgeir explains. “The kitchen sometimes becomes the creative centre. Everyone throws in ideas; everyone has sometimes made a contribution to what is for dinner.” The idea to record and collect these culinary jams in a tome is one the artists have played with for a while. “Maybe this is a start of our recipe collection, you know how each kitchen has the handwritten notebook with grandmother’s waffles with a secret ingredient that makes them special,” Valgeir tells me. Almost ready to print, the book includes recipes by the record label artists, engineers and musicians as well as guest collaborators from over the years. Accompanied by comic illustrations by artist Sam Amidon, the label-mates also offer recommendations of their favourite places to eat, drink and hang out all over the world. “Some of the recipes have an Icelandic theme to them, like the lamb, the whale and the puffin, but the book covers the whole spectrum of eating good food,” Valgeir says. “It has a bunch of influences, probably in a way that is like the music,” he says, “there’s a common ground there somewhere but no specific style, no one way of thinking”. And who is the master of the kitchen in the Bedroom Community? “That is a constant battle,” Valgeir smiles. The Whale Watching Tour 24.10- 2.11; The Bedroom Community Cook Book available on tour and in concert, as sold by the members. SAMPLE RECIPE Una Sveinbjarnardóttir Fennel Gratin from Cologne Germans sure know how to use the veggies in their repertoire. This dish is a great example. I got it at a friend of a friend’s place in Cologne, during an Ensemble Modern session in the city, playing the music of Luigi Nono. 4 Fennel bulbs 2 Carrots Spinach (if so desired, no neccessity) Balsamic vinegar Parmigiano Salt and pepper Extra virgin olive oil The veggies are steamed for ca. 10 minutes, then cut in thick slices and put in an olive-oily roasting pan. Pour over the balsamic vinegar, don’t use too much, 2 ½ tbsp is a good ausgangspunkt. Grated cheese goes on top, my friend Valerij likes to add mozzarella to the parmigiano, that would be the pianist´s variation – it is quite good actually. Salt and pepper to your taste, and place for 15 minutes in the oven. This is a great starter with ultra dry white wine or prosecco, it goes well with an Italian Gavi or a dry Riesling. The Fennel Gratin is also good as a side dish to a juicy steak or fatty fish. - SARI PELTONEN Kitchen Sessions The Bedroom Community takes over your kitchen Tel +354 577 60 50 Tel +354 577 60 50
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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