Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2012, Blaðsíða 26

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2012, Blaðsíða 26
26 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2012 BEST PIzzA: LA LUNA TRATTORIA-PIzzERIA Family-run La Luna trattoria opened up for business on Rauðarárstígur last year and has been steadily winning fans since with its delicious wood fired pizzas that have folks gushing on the streets and on the net. “The pizzas at La Luna are the best on offer in Reyk- javík these days, whether you’re eating in or taking out. It’s a shame they don’t deliver,” remarked one reader, while another noted: “Their toppings are al- ways fresh and plentiful, they never skimp, and if you like cheese... OMG!” We gave it several tries and are happy to confirm the verdict: La Luna is the best thing going in Reykjavík pizza to- day, even though their pasta might be hit or miss (see: our restaurant review in the listings pages). Runners-up: Gamla smiðjan (“Wood fired pizza is superior, and they seem to be doing the best job of it these days”), Eldsmiðjan (“They’ve been making a comeback lately!”) (2011: Gamla Smiðjan 2010: Gamla Smiðjan 2009: Devitos Pizza) BEST ICE CREAM: YOYO First things first, we decided that we weren’t going to exclude frozen yogurt from the ice cream running, so any- thing ice cream-like counts. The last two years in a row, Ísbúðin Ísland has taken this award (keep in mind that Ísbúð vesturbæjar is an INSTITUTION, which means that it’s not in the run- ning). This year, however, there was a hot debate between Ísgerðin and YoYo. While one of our correspondents point- ed out that Ísgerðin has “really crazy flavours like Kahlúa and shit,” others pointed out that YoYo has more. Thus we award YoYo best ice cream for its great selection of flavours and top- pings. Not only that, but it’s also FUN to make your own, mixing in whatever fresh fruit and candy your heart de- sires, paying by weight. (2011: Ísbúðin Ísland 2010: Ísbúðin Ísland 2009: Ísbúð Vesturbæjar) BEST BAKERY: MOSFELLS- BAKARÍ IN REYKJAVÍK We were pretty divided on this one. It came down to Sandholt, Bernhöftsba- karí and Mosfellsbakarí. Sandholt won it the two years in a row now, and the year before that it was Mosfellsbakarí. After some deliberation we decided that this bakery should once again take the cake. In fact, one of their cakes was voted best cake in a national competi- tion this year. In operation since 1982, this bakery sure knows what it’s do- ing when it comes to fresh bread, and they are delectable pastries on par with what you’d find in Paris. (2011: Sandholt 2010: Sandholt 2009: Mosfellsbakarí) BEST THAI FOOD: BAN THAI Ban Thai keeps serving up Reykjavík’s best Thai food by far. It is so beloved that every single course off the restau- rant’s huge and varied menu seems to have a fan or two lurking around; in- deed, Ban Thai’s many advocates have grown a love for every single aspect of the place (even its weaknesses, with one reader proclaiming: “The bad ser- vice is entertaining—the food is fantas- tic”). Years of dining there allow us to damn near guarantee that everything you order at Ban Thai will be fresh made, authentic and delicious—even though it might sometimes take a few minutes to make it to your table. (2011: Ban Thai 2010: Ban Thai 2009: Ban Thai) BEST KEBAB: KEBAB GRILL This was a new category last year and it went to Habibi, which we still think is pretty good in terms of Reykjavík’s kebab places. This year, however, we’ve been graced by a new place called Ke- bab Grill, and while the service could be quicker, this is without doubt the best kebab place in Reykjavík. We’re especially pleased that you can actually get your kebab in pita bread here. The falafels aren’t bad either. (2011: Habibi) BEST COFFEEHOUSE: KAFFISMIðJAN Kaffismiðjan wins best coffeehouse for the fourth year in a row now. If Mokka Kaffi weren’t already a coffeehouse institution, it might be entering this sacred territory. Much like last year, however, Kaffismiðjan had some com- petition, in particular from Café Haiti and C Is For Cookie, so it is certainly not invincible. Why is it winning again? As one of our trusted coffee drinkers ex- plained in simple terms: “Brilliant cof- fee and atmosphere.” Their lovely pink roaster, which they put to work weekly, certainly doesn’t hurt either of these things and if they keep it up they might just be edging onto institution territory. Runners-up: Café Haiti, C Is For Cookie (2011: Kaffismiðjan, 2010: Kaffismiðjan 2009: Kaffismiðjan) BEST COFFEE-TO-GO: KAF- FIFéLAGIð We would probably enjoy lingering at Kaffifélagið if their facilities allowed for it, as the atmosphere surrounding this café on Skólavörðustígur is always cheerful and attractive. Likewise their lattés, americanos and cappucinos are made with love and pride, guarantee- ing a consistently great cup every time. A dependable and high standard of quality place Kaffifélagið at the top of Reykjavík’s coffee-to-go hierarchy for yet another year. (2011: Kaffifélagið 2010: Café Haiti 2009: Kaffifélagið) BEST NEW COFFEEHOUSE: STOFAN Stofan has been around for a little over a year now, and even though the small café’s appeal and reputation have been steadily growing within some circles it remains unknown to most of Reykja- vík’s coffee drinkers. Stofan’s biggest draw is its “relaxed and comfy atmo- sphere,” and its superb coffee and “tasty baked goods” will keep you com- ing back. (2011: C is for Cookie) BEST TEA: LITLI BÓNDABæRINN While Icelanders LOVE their coffee and tend to be coffee drinkers over tea drinkers, we decided to make this cat- egory last year because some people actually do drink the stuff. Te og Kaffi won it last year, but we think Litli Bónd- abærinn is making the best tea these days. “At Litli Bóndabærinn, the service is brilliant and they know the difference between their teas,” our resident tea drinker argued. Runner-up: Tíu Dropar (“Tíu Dropar have friendly staff and they have loose tea”). (2011: Te og kaffi) BEST SUSHI: SUzUSHII Last year suZushii in Kringlan won be- cause they were “consistent, fresh and have everything you need, even though you have to go to effing Kringlan to get it.” This year someone argued: “Su- Zushii is just the best, best tasting su- shi. I know for a fact that it's the only sushi place the Japanese embassy will use when they hold a function.” If it’s the only sushi that the Japanese Em- bassy uses, we think they must be do- ing something right. Runner-up: Sushi Train. It can be fun to sit around a conveyor belt and it’s also a great option if you’re not super hungry. (2011: SuZushii 2010: Sushibarinn 2009: Sushismiðjan) BEST VEGETARIAN: GLÓ Being a vegetarian in Iceland is kind of like being a tea drinker in Iceland. People typically eat meat and drink coffee here. That said, there are some vegetarian restaurants around, and one of those, Gló (though not strictly vegetarian), is pretty hot these days. The chef at this raw food joint Solla Eiríksdóttir received some international recognition in the raw food world this past winter, and she’s opened a sec- ond restaurant in Kópavogur. People were pretty much in agreement that Gló takes best vegetarian again. “They know what they’re doing” and the res- taurant is “in a league of its own,” as a couple of people noted. Note that Á Næstu Grösum, the winner in 2010 and 2009, no longer exists. Runners-up: Grænn Kostur and Krydd- legin Hjörtu. The latter is not strictly vegetarian, but you can get good veg- etarian food there. (2011: Gló 2010: Á Næstu Grösum 2009: Á Næstu Grösum) BEST HANGOVER MEAL: VITABAR As one mail-in noted: “Getting past the smell of stale beer at Vitabar is an essential first step in parting with any well-earned hangover. Stuffing your face with their greasy burgers and fries is the second. If you’re still hung over after that ritual, you can always get started on a new hangover and wash everything down with a cold beer.” Runners-up: Past years’ winners, the trucks at Grái kötturinn and Prikið, still possess a great allure for those nurs- ing hangovers in downtown Reykjavík, while Noodle Station, Vegamót and even KFC have their fans. (2011: The Truck at Grái Kötturinn 2010: The Truck at Prikið 2009: The Truck at Grái Kötturinn) BEST SOUP: HöFNIN This year the most heart-felt appeal was for the seafood soup at Höfnin down by the harbour. “They serve the lobster, shrimp and the fish in a huge bowl and they pour the soup over it. It’s reasonably priced for a huge dish. You’ll leave really full. Not to mention, Höfnin has a beautiful view over the marina,” one of our correspondents said, adding (pleading) “PLEASE consider this.” Runners-up: Noodle Station (“It’s cheap and delicious and smells so good whenever you walk by”), Kryddlegin Hjörtu (“Namm”). (2011: Kryddlegin Hjörtu 2010: Most soups at Súpubarinn 2009: Lobster soup at Sægrei- finn) BEST PLACE FOR A FANCY MEAL: GRILLMARKET For a city its size, Reykjavík hosts a remarkable number of above average fine-dining establishments where one can splurge and spend ones way to glorious, decadent oblivion. Farm-to- table themed luxury steakhouse Grill- market is one such place, and accord- ing to many of our correspondents it is the current best bet for fancy dining in a nice (if slightly overwrought environ- ment). “Having already won the hearts of Reykjavík foodies through her work at Fish Market, master chef Hrefna Rósa Sætran has outdone herself with Grillmarket—they do an amazing job ev- ery time I go there, whether I’m dining deep-fried harðfiskur, calamari, lamb or one of the BIG STEAKS from Háls in Hvalfjörður. I’ve recommend it to all my friends, and once they visit they, in turn, recommend it to theirs” Runners-up: Constant favourite Dill still have their die-hard fans, even though they seem to be losing their appeal a little (“it’s too pricey”), while Gal- lery Restaurant at Hótel Holt (“classy, tasty and relatively affordable”), Fish Company (“dependably delicious”) and newcomer Rub23 (“lavish”) were all mentioned quite often. (2011: Dill 2010: Dill 2009: Gallery Restaurant at Hótel Holt) BEST PLACE TO GO FOR A DATE: SUSHI SAMBA Departing from our theme of recom- mending cosy Italian restaurants as suitable destinations for a romantic BEST PIZZA: LA LUNA TRATTORIA-PIZZERIA BEST ‘SPECIALTY BURGER’: VITABAR’S ‘FORGET-ME-NOT’
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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