Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2012, Síða 30

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2012, Síða 30
30 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2012 THE NUMBER 1 MUSIC STORE IN EUROPE ACCORDING TO LONELY PLANET SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍG 15, 101 REYKJAVÍK AND HARPA CONCERT HALL BEST POOL: LAUGAR- DALSLAUG Swimming is a favourite pastime in Ice- land. Most towns around the country have a swimming pool and Reykjavík has seven of them. They do in fact all have their charm, but we think it’s safe to call Laugardalslaug the best pool. Why? Because it’s huge, it has a bunch of hot tubs at varying temperatures, it has a killer waterslide and the stadium seating blocks out the cold northerly winds, which are usually accompanied by sunny rays. Not to mention, it was just remodelled this past winter. Note: we used to have two pool categories, “Best all around pool” and “Best pool for hot tubbing and loung- ing.” We’re now simply going with Best Pool. Why? Because we made Sundhöl- lin, the oldest pool in Reykjavík, a NEW institution. (2011: Neslaug 2010: Laugardalslaug 2009: Laugardalslaug) BEST ART MUSEUM: REYK- JAVÍK ART MUSEUM The Reykjavík Art Museum at Hafnar- hús has had a great year, hosting some intriguing and thought-provoking dis- plays from premier league artists as well as up-and-comers from the art- world’s underbelly. The permanent ex- hibit of Erró’s works is “mind-blowing,” and by making themselves open and available to the public by hosting vari- ous parties and events, they ensure a steady dialogue with the local commu- nity. Add to that the constant lectures and workshops on offer and you’ve got yourself a pretty vibrant art museum. Good work, Reykjavík Art Museum, keep it up! (2011: Einar Jónsson museum and sculpture garden 2010: Reykjavík Art Museum 2009: Einar Jónsson museum and sculpture garden) BEST GALLERY: I8 GALLERY While we would love being all innova- tive and awarding ‘best gallery’ to a fresh, whippersnapping up-and-comer art gallery that’s ready to take on the art world with its edgy art and happening happenings, it just so happens that i8 is still way ahead of the rest of Reykjavík’s pack. Where are all the galleries from four years ago? Someone challenge i8, please! Runner-up: Gallery Kling og Bang often hosts great shows and remains a must- visit for the curious art lover perusing downtown Reykjavík. (2011: i8 Gallery 2010: i8 Gallery 2009: Gallery Kling og Bang) BEST MUSEUM: THE NA- TIONAL MUSEUM We think The National Museum is kick- ing ass. It’s Iceland’s largest museum and it covers everything from the Sa- gas to a Gameboy from the ‘90s. Well, not really, but you get the point. “A few years ago they changed everything up and there is a beautiful opaque cube in the middle and the exhibits are beauti- fully displayed along the walls,” one of our writers reasoned. “I really appre- ciate the curating over the last three years, like the fashion exhibit Tízka, that was pretty awesome.” Runners-up: Penis Museum (It moved to Reykjavík from Húsavík this winter and it apparently has a lot of people excited), Icelandic Natural History Mu- seum (That one is sitting in cardboard boxes in a basement somewhere, but we wish someone would unpack it!). (2011: National Museum 2010: Þjóðmenningarhús) BEST PLACE TO SPEND A RAINY DAY: BÍÓ PARADÍS It was a close race between the swim- ming pool/hot tub and Bíó Paradís, but after much back and forth we decided that the movie theatre is once again the place to be on a rainy day. Why? There are lots of movies. They have a huge area with tables and couches to hang out. They have games. They have beer. They have popcorn. And they don’t just have movies. They tend to have a unique selection of films that you can’t see at the chain theatres around town. We’re also pretty happy that the art house theatre is still in business. Read more on page 44. (2011: Bíó Paradís 2010: A hot tub 2009: Borgarbókasafnið) BEST PLACE TO SPEND A SUNNY DAY: HJART- AGARðURINN Icelanders like to soak up the sun as much as possible. Coffeehouses spill out onto the streets where people hang out drinking coffee or beer. One such place is Austurvöllur. You’ll see a lot of people hanging out on the grass, but perhaps it’s become overrun? “There are too many people at Austurvöllur, too many people playing guitar and singing Bubbi songs,” someone not- ed. “Hjartagarðurinn with its shabby, Christiania-like vibe is nice. They also have DJs there and you can bring beer from a nearby establishment.” Read more about it on page 44. Runner-up: Austurvöllur (New Category: Perhaps we never thought it was sunny enough to do this one) BEST BIKING TOUR: NAU- THÓLSVÍK – FOSSVOGSDA- LUR Reykjavík is not a particularly bike- friendly city. It’s most definitely a car city. Still, there are some nice places to bike and one of these is a ride that starts at Nauthólsvík and takes you into Fossvogsdalur. There’s a bike path along the coast most of the way so you don’t have to compete with the cars or pedestrians. It’s scenic and it’s a good work out. The weather also tends to be a bit nicer in Fossvogur, perhaps be- cause it is a valley (for better directions and more information see page 18). (New category) BEST ROMANTIC WALK: GRÓTTA Grótta is a tiny island on the outskirts of Seltjarnarnes that’s only properly accessible during low tide and is the perfect place to watch sunsets dur- ing summer and aurora in winter. The island with its lighthouse positively oozes romance, and a walk there from downtown Reykjavík (around five kilo- metres each way) is very possibly the most romantic thing you can get up to in the city. This is doubly so if you use the opportunity to take a cosy foot bath in Ólöf Nordal’s sculpture ‘Kvika,’ which is located on your right side as you near the island on the path parallel to Norðurströnd. Pack a lunch and im- merse yourself in the salty sea air. (2011: Grasagarðurinn 2010: Sæbraut 2009: Öskjuhlíð) BEST PLACE TO GO FOR A JOG: æGISSÍðA Last year Laugardalur was the best place to go for a jog and it’s without a doubt still a nice place with its vari- ous paths sheltered from the wind. This year one us remarked: “I’m just amazed that you people jog.” The rest of us jog- gers or pretend-joggers are most into Ægissíða, which runs along the coast in 107 Reykjavík. It’s hard to beat run- ning by the ocean with the nice salty sea breeze. While it can get windy by the ocean, we decided that wind re- sistance is good training. It’s a beau- tiful, windy path that takes you past a famous person’s house, an old fishing station and football fields. And if you’re feeling really good, you can run all the way to Nauthólsvík and take a dip in the hot tub. Runner-up: Elliðaárdalur for the bun- nies. (2011: Laugardalur 2010: Laugardalur 2009: Elliðaárdalur) BEST PLACE TO GO FISH- ING: ELLIðAáRDALUR Elliðaárdalur valley is a beautiful haven within Reykjavík’s city limits, perfect for long walks on bright summer nights. It is also is home to Elliðaá river, where you can catch trout (from May 1 – June 15) or salmon (June 20 – August 31) in a beautiful, peaceful location acces- sible by bus or bike. Just remember to acquaint yourself with the river’s rules and acquire a permit before you start reeling ‘em in. (2011: Reykjavík harbour 2010: Reykjavík harbour 2009: Elliðaárdalur) BEST PLACE TO ENJOY A zEN MOMENT: DEEP INSIDE öSKJUHLÍð We have long found that taking long, aimless strolls through the hills and forests (!) of Öskjuhlíð is the perfect method to clear the mind and spirit. (2011: Húsdýragarðurinn 2010: Alþingi 2009: Reykjavík Botanical Gardens) BEST PLACE TO CHEER UP: THE POND While it was a refreshing swim at Nauthólsvík last year, we decided on Reykjavík’s pond “Tjörnin” this time. We thought: “What’s a good all-year- round place to cheer up? People need to be able to cheer up in the winter too.” And that ruled out swimming in Nau- thólsvík. “But the pond!” someone ex- claimed. “You can go ice skating there in the winter when it’s a real winter wonderland, and then you can always feed the ducks.” Seconding that, some- one wrote us: “Feed the ducks at the pond because they're funny and there’s BEST ART MUSEUM: REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM


Reykjavík Grapevine

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