

Læknablaðið - 01.03.1958, Blaðsíða 3

Læknablaðið - 01.03.1958, Blaðsíða 3
læknablaðið ANNOUNCING a non-mercurial, oral diuretic that provides more k ...andmore á '&significant..# I advantagesf 3 than any \ 8 other agent \ CHLOrRIDE • PrieUeally no disturbance of eleclrolyte balance ■ ••dium and chloride excreted In proper proportions ■ P°lM3ium and bicarbonate excreted in such small •'nounts that hypokalemia and acidosis are less •ikely than with any otlier diuretic ■ oral convemence with no sacrifice of effectiveness ■ acquired refractoriness has not been observed (Chlorothiazide) ■ increasing dosage increases diuretic response; more flexibility than any other diuretic 9 no evidence of toxicity or contraindic§tions ■ action compiete within 6 to 12 hours; patients can enjoy an uninterrupted nlght's sleep ■ more often indicated in both initial and mainte- nance therapy than any. other diuretie OHMB INTCRNATIONAL. v»nu* of th* Amarkoao. N*w VorH S3. N. V..U.9.A.



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