

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1968, Side 14

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1968, Side 14
What is SURGICEL*? SURGICEL is a haemostatic gauze made from oxidised regenerated cellulose. In the presence of blood, SURGICEL swells and turns into a gelatinous mass, forming an aggregate in the mouth of blood vessels and so assisting the normal process of clotting. Where is SURGICEL used? One of tbe most dramatic fields of usefulness for oxidised regenerated cellulose is found in Cardio-vascular Surgery. To arrest haemo- rrhage in surgery; wounds of the liver, spieen and kidney; Haemophiliac conditions and other blood clotting defects. The Advantages of SURGICEL rapid, reliable action—controls capillary bleed- ing. Effective in minimal amounts. easy to handle—no preparation required before use; easily sutures in place; conforms to con- tours of the viscera. SURGICEL does not ad- here to gloves or instruments. complete absorption—trials show thatthere is no gross evidence of SURGICEL 44 days after use and only minimal tissue reactión. SURGI- CEL causes no toxicity, intoleranceór sensitivity reactions; it does not deteriorate on storage. Presentation SURGICEL is supplied sterile in Cartons of 3 vials available in the following sizes: strips of 2" x 14"; 4" x 8"; 2" x 3". For Dental Surgery— cartons of 12 sterile vials j' x 2". •trade mark ETH ICON. LTD. Heildverzlunin AUSTURBAKKI HF. Suðurveri við Stigahlfð, sími 38944



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