

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1968, Side 61

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1968, Side 61
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 31 OfíMfíEGGJfí TfíL NING í SfíUR ÚR 'GM FR'fl MORPÚL F55 TÖÐUM '/,7R/N /<764 - /<7<56. SUMMARY 1) Nematodes in sheep and cattle in Iceland are described. 2) It is concluded as very probable that some species of nematodes causing losses in domestic animals in other countries are not found in Iceland. No preventive measures against introduction of new species of nematodes have been enforced when importing animals, although introduction of new species could be very harmful to the Icelandic agriculture. 3) Ostertagia circumcincta is described, as well as its live cycle, infestation of lambs during summer and formation of antibodies in the lambs during autumn. 4) The results of nematode egg counts in faeces of ewes and lambs and how such counts can give an indication of the amount of nematodes in the animals, is described as well as the development of worms according to seasons, and the effect of anthelmintics. 5) The formation of antibodies against nematodes and the effects of proper nutrition is discussed also various drowbacks of the use of anthelmintics. Heimildir 1) Threlkeld, W. L. (1934): The life-history of Ostertagia circum- cincta. Tech. Bull Va agric. Exp. Sta., No 52.



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