Búskapur hins opinbera 1990-1998 - 01.11.1999, Blaðsíða 10
Table 4.11 General govemment gross capital formation 1989-1998 at current
prices and its proportional division............................... 62
Table 4.12 Central govemment capital transfers 1989-1998 at current prices
and their proportional division.................................... 63
Tables 5.1-5.6 Totai expenditures classified by function and type............... 65
Table 5.1 General govemment total expenditures 1990-1998...................67-68
Table 5.2 Central govemment total expenditures 1990-1998 ..................69-70
Table 5.3 Local govemment total aexpenditures 1990-1998 .................. 71-72
Tables 6.1-6.3 General government expenditures on education, health and
social security and welfare..................................................... 73
Tableó.l Govemment expenditures on education 1980-1998...................... 75
Table 6.2 Govemment expenditures on health 1980-1998......................... 76
Table 6.3 Govemment expenditures on social security and welfare 1980-1998.... 77
Tables 7.1-7.2 General government debt and claims .............................. 79
Table 7.1 General govemment debt and claims 1980-1998........................ 81
Table 7.2 Central govemment debt and claims 1990-1998........................ 82
Tables 8.1-8.2 The public finances in OECD countries, international comparison... 83
Table 8.1 The fmancial balances and general govemment net debt 1990-1997...... 85
Table 8.2 General govemment current revenues and total expenditures 1960-1997
as a percentage of GDP............................................. 86
Tables 9.1-9.7 Public fmances 1945-1998......................................... 87
Table 9.1 General govemment receipts and outlays as a percentage of Gross
Domestic Product 1945-1998 ........................................ 88
Table 9.2 General govemment receipts.......................................... 89
Table 9.3 General govemment outlays 1945-1998 ................................ 90
Table 9.4 General govemment gross savings and surplus 1945-1998, percentage
of revenue......................................................... 91
Table 9.5 Percentage breakdown of revenues and outlays of general govemment,
central govemment, local govemments and social security 1945-1998 . 92
Table 9.6 General govemment outlays as a percentage of Gross Domestic
Product 1945-1998, classified by function.......................... 93
Table 9.7 General govemment main aggregates 1945-1990 ........................94-97
Table 10.1 Development ofmain economy aggregates 1980-1998...................... 98
11. Appendices.................................................................. 99
Appendix 1. English translation of the main concepts used..................... 101
Appendix 2. Publications from National Economic Institute..................... 105
Appendix 3. The different accounting methods used in National Account
and State Account explained..................................... 109
Appendix 4. The corrections made for years 1990-1998 explained ............... 111